*****December 2015 Mummies*****

Hi everyone - I thought I should check in as I have been very quiet.

The past few weeks for me have been hellish to say the least. Morning sickness is becoming a very very big issue for me and today I have started getting agonising pains that shoot into my back from my bum. Sorry to be so grumpy but I feel like s***

I had an early scan due to some very slight bleeding but bubba is all in the correct place, however was measuring small at just about 6 weeks instead of 7.

Hope everyone else is feeling good - I just want to get to the stage where I can enjoy this pregnancy which seems to be neverending!

Again sorry for the Rant!
Wishinghoping mines at 12 but they say the whole appointment will take at least 2 hours so not sure when I'll be scanned.4 more sleeps tho! I'm just dying for a bit of reassurance so I can start relaxing and enjoying being pregnant. Altho I think from reading most of us are the same worrying about everything lol.
Oh monkey1988 that's awful,sorry u feel so horrible,hopefully the symptoms will start reducing soon and u can relax xx
Hi everyone - I thought I should check in as I have been very quiet.

The past few weeks for me have been hellish to say the least. Morning sickness is becoming a very very big issue for me and today I have started getting agonising pains that shoot into my back from my bum. Sorry to be so grumpy but I feel like s***

I had an early scan due to some very slight bleeding but bubba is all in the correct place, however was measuring small at just about 6 weeks instead of 7.

Hope everyone else is feeling good - I just want to get to the stage where I can enjoy this pregnancy which seems to be neverending!

Again sorry for the Rant!

Sorry to hear you're feeling so rough Monkey. Have you been to the Drs about the sickness?

I've been getting pains from back to bum or vice versa I can't quite tell I just know my bum hurts! I also cease up if I've been still for too long (feeling like I'm about 90!).

I'm slowly starting to feel better, just need a big boost of energy.

I can't wait for my scan and tri2, feels like tri1 has gone on for 9mths on its own!!

Becky I have a pain in my lower back/bum as well, like a sharp twinge when I walk or get up from sofa or bed. What is it? x
Yes mine is top of right bum cheek too!!!! Ahhh crazy, could it be some sort of stretching pain?
Sounds like the right sort of thing. It's not agonising but makes me walk a bit funny!
Mines is left bum cheek going around to my back. Took me about 30 minutes to get up and basically crawl upstairs to bed last night. Seems to have eased off a bit today though thankfully!

Things are looking up - only been sick once today!
Hi ladies! Hope all your pains are giving up a break!!

Anyone else developing a bump?! I'm 8wks + 3 today.. But I swear I have a bump which would pass for 6 months! It feels quite solid, I know I have been greedy since i got my bfp (starving hungry all the time!). Its not good given Ive not told anyone at work yet and only my mum, dad and beat mate know about my pregnancy!! Not sure how much longer I can hide this!!

X x
Hi ladies! Hope all your pains are giving up a break!!

Anyone else developing a bump?! I'm 8wks + 3 today.. But I swear I have a bump which would pass for 6 months! It feels quite solid, I know I have been greedy since i got my bfp (starving hungry all the time!). Its not good given Ive not told anyone at work yet and only my mum, dad and beat mate know about my pregnancy!! Not sure how much longer I can hide this!!

X x

I look huge, I think I could pass for 6mths by the evening. I've got barely any work clothes left that fit and the ones that do are really tight now. I'm sure I've caught people looking at my stomach at work too. Don't want people just thinking I'm a pig and have been eating loads! x
Yes!! That happened to me too! Suddenly started over compensating and talking about how much alcohol I was gonna drink this weekend... Pretty sure everyone now thinks I have an alcohol problem but at least I may have put them off the pregnancy !!! I hope it's just bloat otherwise this is gonna be one big bump by the end!! X x
Hi everyone. Hope your all enjoying the long weekend.

I had my booking appt yest, scan booked for the 15th June. I'm defo goin to be under a consultant as I kept racking up the high risk factors! From last pregnancy. (Previous emergency section, unexpected low birth weight baby, DVT history in the family). Been told I'll be getting extra growth scans which although a little scary will be lovely to see bubba a few more times before he/she arrives!

X x
Hi everyone. Hope your all enjoying the long weekend.

I had my booking appt yest, scan booked for the 15th June. I'm defo goin to be under a consultant as I kept racking up the high risk factors! From last pregnancy. (Previous emergency section, unexpected low birth weight baby, DVT history in the family). Been told I'll be getting extra growth scans which although a little scary will be lovely to see bubba a few more times before he/she arrives!

X x

I'm high risk - same reasons other than high birth weight rather than low. Not been told I'll get any extra scans but I hope so as it will affect if I opt for vbac or not. Not long till 15th June :-) xxx
I saw my midwife Friday and she is referring me to consultant as I have had abnormal smears and 3 colposcopies/biopsies - most recent March 15? Also my dr was referring me as I have underactive thyroid, but when I told midwife she said ''Oh they don't see you for that anymore, is only if overactive'' so I am confused?!

She didn't book me for my scan,I have to wait for a letter in the post :( I will be 12 weeks on 15th June though x
A few of us seem to be high risk then., will be interesting to share experiences. I still have no idea how to tackle the birth side of things, i know for certain there is no way I will be induced again, and I've been told it's unlikely I'll be allowed to go over my due date. So it maybe a case of if I go into natural labour before due date to give it a go. If not a planned c section around due date.

Lisa, I had abnormal smear too and ha to have the loop treatment, I was due a smear the week I found out I was pregnant I've been told I have to discuss this will the consultant too as they usually won't gove a smear when pregnant but it will be the first one since my treatment. No idea what will happen there either!! X
Luckily I haven't had to have loop treatment, just biopsies. Got the all clear from them in April luckily and next smear in 3 years, which is a relief as first 5 years of them have been abnormal. I have just read up on it and can cause low birth weight and pre term labour, they may put a little stitch on cervix that gets removed at 37 weeks. Not sure how true this is though? guess we will have to wait and see what consultant says.
Luckily I haven't had to have loop treatment, just biopsies. Got the all clear from them in April luckily and next smear in 3 years, which is a relief as first 5 years of them have been abnormal. I have just read up on it and can cause low birth weight and pre term labour, they may put a little stitch on cervix that gets removed at 37 weeks. Not sure how true this is though? guess we will have to wait and see what consultant says.

Oh my, the midwife I saw yesterday didn't mention anything like that !! Oh goodness I hope not. I won't be seeing the consultant till around 20wk scan apparently. My lg was an unexplained low birth weight as it was ... She was 12 days over (induced then emergency c section as her heart couldn't cope) and Was 5lb 7. Everything was ok throughout pregnancy. 20wk scan showed no issues. I'll keep yu updated with anything I get told. I'm sure it's really common to be pregnant after abnormal changes. X x
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HI all, I finished off my booking in appointment on Friday had already seen my midwife as my doctors h as very their own and see you from5-6 weeks. Had all blood results back and all are good. Have my NHS scan booked for 18th June :) I've also flagged up as high risk but midwife is happy got appointment with consultant on 1st Julian then back to see midwife on17th July. So pretty much all booked up. Hopefully having a early scan done on the 6th June and if everything all matches I should be 12 weeks on father's day so we can announce it :) I'm already showing and I too by the end of the day the bloat has got me and I look at least 6 months lolx
Hi ladies, Iv had my booking in app and like a few of you here I have been refered to the consultant ( due to preeclampsia last time) my mw said there is a bit of a wait for scan appointments buts should get a letter in the next week or two :)

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