*****December 2015 Mummies*****

I will be 13 weeks on 18th June so I will be over there shortly xx
I will be 13 weeks on 20th June depending on scans :)I have my NHS one with downs screening on 18th June. Have booked in for a private one this Saturday as suspense is killing me and keep stressing that there's more than one in there and want to check all is OK.
Not a mummy but a daddy I'm afraid.We have got our scan on Thursday which I'm sure will make everything seem more real. Due date at the moment is 22nd December!
We are doing pretty well thanks. My wife has been lucky so far as she hasn't had any sickness and apart from being a little more tired than usual she hasn't really noticed any difference. We are both looking forward to our scan on Thursday now. We have decided not to find out whether we are having a boy or a girl as my wife wants it to be a surprise. We had to tell some of our relatives this weekend as they mentioned they were looking to book a holiday in December. We wanted to wait until after the scan but I knew they would be gutted if they were away when the baby comes. Everyone is thrilled.
I am really glad that everyone is happy for you & remember to post your scan photo on here when you get one :)

I am over in Tri-2 now so wont be long before we see you over there!!

Can you ladies hurry up & join us in Tri-2 our thread is a so quiet at the moment!!

5 days until 12 week scan!!! Keep your fingers crossed. I am terrified :( x
You will be fine lovely - relax & enjoy!!

It goes quick after the 12week scan I feel like it was yesterday but it was 2weeks ago!!

I'm 11weeks today!! Scan on Monday, safe to say this week is dragging!! Can't wait to hit tri two and join ou over there x x
12 weeks on Saturday and nhs dating scan next Thursday so hopefully be over soon. Especially as everything looked great last sat on reassurance scan was terrified at the last one and didn't really take much in just relief it wasn't twins and everything is OK.


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Ahh looks like they are smiling :)

Looking forward to your next scan & seeing you in Tri-2

So we went for our 12 week scan today and according to the measurements we are actually only 11 weeks and 2 days. This surprised me because I thought that if anything we may be a week more, not less. Does anyone know how accurate these are?
Anyway, everything is looking good so far, my wife was quite overwhelmed with it and did shed a tear or two. We then went and had a look around the maternity unit which was lovely and much nicer than I expected. Back to sitting and waiting now.
Ahh lovely that everything went well & don't worry about dates sometimes ovulation doesn't happen when we think or baby will have a big growth spurt at the next scan!!

Glad you had a lovely experience - does it feel more real now??

Look forward to seeing you in tri2 soon!!

I've had that many due dates I've decided different sonographers measure differently! By the end of preg the due date will go out the window anyway.


How you getting on Becky?? Do you have a update scan soon or anything??

I'm ok thanks, scan on Tuesday afternoon with my consultant at local hospital. 5 more sleeps!! Got to stop wishing the time away so much.

Back to work tomorrow :-( least it's only for a day :-)


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