*****December 2015 Mummies*****

No I have nothing to fill in apart from what they have given me at previous early scans..

I will just turn up & explain that my booking in appointment isn't until the week after which is the only time they could fit me in!!

I hope it won't affect us having the scan??

I will be mega pissed if it does!!


It won't effect having scan hun. In my area they also said not uncommon to have scan then booking appointment. X
I'd quite like my booking in after my scan, remember last time having to have booking in app before I'd had any scan and felt to uninterested as I thought it could all be pointless if ended in mc or I'd had mmc. xxx
Ladies, my worst fears have come true, Im miscarrying again :-( The bleeding/spotting I was having over the past 2 weeks got worse yesterday and I started cramping. I went for a scan in the afternoon and it showed the baby died at 6w, so I guess almost straight after the scan I had last week which showed a heartbeat and gave us such hope.

Don't really know what to do now, after 3 loses in a row there is well and truly something wrong. I had a bunch of tests done last time which showed up clear, which is why we were so positive this time.
We will meet with the fertility department at the hospital next week to see what the next steps are. In the mean time, I will try to recover as best I can.

Best of luck to you all xx
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Ladies, my worst fears have come true, Im miscarrying again :-( The bleeding/spotting I was having over the past 2 weeks got worse yesterday and I started cramping. I went for a scan in the afternoon and it showed the baby died at 6w, so I guess almost straight after the scan I had last week which showed a heartbeat and gave us such hope.

Don't really know what to do now, after 3 loses in a row there is well and truly something wrong. I had a bunch of tests done last time which showed up clear, which is why we were so positive this time.
We will meet with the fertility department at the hospital next week to see what the next steps are. In the mean time, I will try to recover as best I can.

Best of luck to you all xx

Oh hun, I am so so sorry to hear this. Take time to grieve and rest. Hope you get some answers from the fertility dept next week.

Thinking of you - big big hugs xxx
Oh darling no that's awful..

I don't even know what to say!!

I really hope that they do more tests & find out what is going on..

Stay strong lovely please??

So so sorry to hear your news honey. I really hope you get some answers soon.

Big hugs and love x x
Very sorry to hear this cocosherbie, it is heartbreaking :(
Rest and take time to grieve.
I hope you get some answers soon xxx
Ladies, my worst fears have come true, Im miscarrying again :-( The bleeding/spotting I was having over the past 2 weeks got worse yesterday and I started cramping. I went for a scan in the afternoon and it showed the baby died at 6w, so I guess almost straight after the scan I had last week which showed a heartbeat and gave us such hope.

Don't really know what to do now, after 3 loses in a row there is well and truly something wrong. I had a bunch of tests done last time which showed up clear, which is why we were so positive this time.
We will meet with the fertility department at the hospital next week to see what the next steps are. In the mean time, I will try to recover as best I can.

Best of luck to you all xx

Sorry to hear this Hun big hugs xx
I'm sorry to hear this cocosherbie. I really hope they get to the bottom of things x
Hi lovely ladies. Hope everyone is well and having a good weekend.

Today in suffering with my worst day of sickness (not as bad as some of you have - my goodness do I feel for you!) I've been sick 3 times today and felt horrid all day. Just eaten a can of soup. Hoping it will fix me for today. Eugh the glamour of pregnancy eh ?

Roll on 12 weeks! Can't wait for tri2!!! X x
Hope everyone is having a good weekend today have had a dreadful day with feeling nauseous. This last week has been the worst so far. I'm 8 weeks and a day. Oh been great, luckily been on holiday dread to think how I will get on being back at work next week as work don't know but starting to show and trips to the loo it will all be a bit obvious! Ginger doesn't seem to help only thing I have found to work is the non fizzy lucozade sport. Seems to help settle my stomach so I can start to function. Any other tips?
Hey girls!!

I am feeling more human now as I am getting closer to Tri 2..

The things that helped me are my anti-sickness bands, salt & vinegar crisps, sugar juice & a big plain breakfast as soon as I got up.

Snacking on dry ryvita or belvita biscuits.

Try sucking on mints and chewing gum too!!

Hi ladies, the weekend is rushing by far too quickly. I had a rough day yesterday but have felt a lot better today (enough to let the hubby have a lie in !).

Just waiting for some more energy! xx
Eurgh yes me too feel so sick and can smell everything which is making it worse, cant even open the fridge without heaving. Breakfast for me is twisters or fruit pastel lollies!! Lets hope it eases soon for us all. Time is going far too slow! X
Thanks guys will give those a try do nice to know other people know how you feelx
Hi ladies, Iv been a bit quiet lately. Started to feel quite rough lately, was sick a few times and constantly feel sick & bloated at the same time. It's not bad enough to get in the way of life and eating little and often seems to help. Not sure if it's baby causing it or the fact hubby and I have had a stomach bug. Finally got my booking in appointment on Thursday so hopefully won't have to wait too long for my scan After that. Really feeling for you girls that have had sickness throughout I just don't know how you cope! I'm still feeling quite tired but trying to power through and catch earlier nights. Can't wait till I can start to tell people ( oh and I have agreed to wait until scan) want to do some sort of "supprise we are having another baby" type thing.
Oh bless you; sickness really sucks!!

I was sick about 20x(ish) in one day I couldn't move for being sick..

The thing that work(s) for me is salt 'n' vinegar crisps for some reason!!

Make sure you get enough sleep and don't get out of bed too quickly :)

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I have real craving for sharp tastes eg salt and vinegar or lemon
How's everyone doing? I'm still feeling nauseous but still afternoons and evenings, really getting to me now. Still no scan date :-( midwife said leave it another week then she'll chase the hospital. I just want to know everything is still ok :-(

I'm struggling for clothes these days, the trousers I wore today had to be unbuttoned a soon as I got out the car at work, fortunately I had a longish top on. How's everyone else's wardrobes these days? I need inspiration for how to hide my ever growing belly (carb baby!) Xx
Sorry darling I cannot help I feel like a WHALE at the moment..

Don't know why as I'm a size 8 with a tiny bump forming but my clothes don't fit the same way!!

I end up throwing on something flowy & feeling like I am wearing a tent!!

Roll on telling people so I can wear figure fitting clothes again..

Also, sorry about the scan date that's annoying!! Give them another call; I would,


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