****December 2014 Mums-to-be! Christmas Babies!!****

Good luck NikB - so glad you've finally gone without needing to be induced! Hope it all goes smoothly for you, you'll have your baby in time for Christmas Day! X
How exciting ladies.
Congratulations Rose and good luck NikB. I'm hoping to have this little one before Christmas, but no signs as yet. Have midwife in the morning, but as I'm only 39+4 with my third im pretty sure they won't do a sweep.

Merry christmas to you both. the best pressies ever :)
Thanks ladies. Contractions no longer than 5mins apart and ranging from 30 secs to a minute or so. Not enough time inbetween to try and sleep so just got up. Not to go into hospital until 1pm to be checked unless things progress before that!
Good luck nikb! Another lovely baby before Christmas :lol:

So jealous of all you ladies who are meeting your babies! No sign of this little one yet. Impatient is not the word, lol!! :wall2: xx
Grrr mil pissed me off acting like breastfeeding is the most disgusting thing ever. She actually said "oh your not feeding her that way are you im leaving" I let her leave. She is coming for xmas dinner and if she thinks im spending xmas day upstairs she can think again. Im so peeed off. On a plus note she is now 6lb 7 im so pleased.
Good luck NikB, so glad things are moving along for you!

I'm shaking my head at your MIL wifey. I don't understand what's so offensive about feeding a baby. Sounds like you and baby are doing great!
Started having small contractions around 5 am this morning. They are a little closer together and getting stronger. I'm hoping this isn't another false alarm!
Oooo exciting new mom. Fx for you.
I put 6lb 7 but meant 6lb 3. She os coming to ours for xmas dinner so I told her of sje thinks im going upstairs to feed think again. I thought 50 years ago bf was the norm but obviously not
Good luck newmom!

Wifey that is absolutely shocking behaviour from your mil, I would have been furious. Firstly no one has the right to judge how you feed your baby (especially not in your own home). Secondly how ridiculous to suggest that the way humans are designed to raise their young is disgusting! I mean its quite honestly sheer stupidity! What she means is that she is a prude and hates the idea of seeing a woman's breast and that is her issue to deal with. I wouldn't want her back in the house until she accepted that she might see me feed my baby x
Well ladies she is here. Baby was born yesterday at 5.26pm weighing a not so small 8lb 5oz.
We got home last night and have had a good first night. I will update with a birth story etc later x
Congratulations nikb.
These babies don't want to miss out on Christmas lol. Can't be many of us left now
Congrfatulations nikb! Lovely to hear another baby has arrived before Christmas :lol: xx
Yay! So pleased for you Nikb as I know how fed up waiting you were! Baby blues are starting to hit me and Ivy has lost 10% of her birth weight while I try to breastfeed so needing to feed constantly but she is worth it! X
Congratulations again nikb!!

Rose, how are you getting on hun? 10% is still within the normal range so don't worry. How did the feeding go for the rest of the day?x
Oh my god night feeds are killing me. The day was a total disaster, for whatever reason (I think her lady bits were a bit infected or thrushy) she just would not settle to feed. So she was screaming and crying, thrashing her body around and me and her are naked doing skin to skin in bed, her thrashing around got so violent that at three days old she knocked off her umbilical stump and instantly blood poured from it so now I'm inconsolably crying as well (fortunately OH was in the room to try and calm the situation). We applied pressure and called the midwife who said To call my GP. Meanwhile Ivy is screaming her head off and had instantly wet herself in panic too and I'm crying that I think she is dying when in actual fact the blood stopped after the initial gush. The car journey to theGP got her quiet but when we get there they are closed for lunch. I manage to do a sort of half feed in th car while we wait for them to reopen. While there an feeding support worker calls me as midwife has asked her to call me and she says can she come out to see me today so I say yes please after we see the doctor. Dr says everything is fine and calms me down a bit as I explain baby blues have set in big time.

So get back home and feeding lady arrives and is a godsend. She properly explains all the stages of Breast feeding so I know exactly what stage she has reached in the feed and she helps me optimise my attachment. She watched a whole feed on one side and was just so nice. When she left I did a good feed from the other side and Ivy then slept for three hours. Then I did another good feed later on too.

However the middle of the night is a problem, basically she just seems to want to feed co to help from 1 til 5 and it's killing me! But I think I might be going about it wrong. I've been trying to do it in bed so I can get it done in comfort and fall back asleep myself after. But I think the answer is I need to go to the living room and watch something to keep me properly awake so the feed is done properly and just accept that I can't be sleepy myself in those hours or I don't give her all my attention.

So that's where I am. Difficult day but trying to stay positive! How are you doing goat? X
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Aw rose sorry you had such a tough night. It does get easier cluster feeding doesn't necessarily mean a bad latch. Iv been told to expect the cluster feeds to carry on for a while due to her catching up her weight. It must have been scary with the cord but im glad its all ok.
Baby blues is awful but will pass soon. If you can try get out even just a short walk. A bit of fresh air might clear your head a bit. X

I seemed to have avoidef the blues this time but suffering a bit of anxiety especially when tired. My son was up being sick until midnight so when I finally got to bed I was beyond tired and libby has a snotty nose so worried about her all night too. Hopefully I will get an early night tonight so I don't feel so bad tomorrow.
Rose I think u r doing fab, honestly the feeding bit gets a little easier every day, I can't believe how fast we have come in a week, you will get to know ivy and when she wants fed it takes time, its new to both of you.

My worry for today (day 10) is that my boobs don't seem as big. ....Now he still feeds every 2-4hrs for up to 45mins and us weeing & pooing but I'm worried that my milk supply is decreasing (got to have something to worry about). Anyone any thoughts or experience. ...I never had massive engorgement just slightly uncomdy but I'm worried the feeding me often is due to less milk........

Hugs to all that are struggling and happy Christmas Eve

X x x x x
Hd mine aren't as big mw said its supply settling down. As long as he is still settled etc I wouldn't worry. X

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