Contraception whilst breastfeeding


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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What's available whilst I'm breastfeeding? I've got a leaflet somewhere but cba to dig it out lol.
I was on the pill b4 but obv can't take that whilst bf and minipill would b no good cos i'd forget to take it at same time everyday. Can I have the implant or injection whilst I'm breastfeeding? xx
The implant is fine whilst breastfeeding x
i was gonna find out the same thing, i hated the implant and certainly wont be having that again, might ask if i can have injection?
I take the minipill, it's a three hour window you have to take it in. I take mine at bedtime :)
Go and see the dr hun, they'll be able to help you work out what would be best for you x
I chose the implant but was also told there is a pill I could take that has a window of 12h (sorry, not sure what it's called as I had already decided on the implant).
I chose the implant but was also told there is a pill I could take that has a window of 12h (sorry, not sure what it's called as I had already decided on the implant).

Think it's called Cerazette or something like that x
I won't b having that then lol-I want somethin fairly long term (aim to b sterilised but can't do a hospital stay til kids r older(and dh won't have the snip))
how about Overnette?? I'm gonna go back on that pill at some stage was on it for 15yrs previous, although im not breast feeding. So not sure whether u can take it or not if you are breast feeding (prob not). Ive heard through a previous thread that the implant can make you gain weight, so think im gonna avoid that one!! Or the coil, alot of my friends have a coil in place and seem to get on with it just fine xxxx
I'm on cerazette and breastfeeding, it is a 12 hr window although not liking the fact 2 of you got pregnant on it. I do want Freddie to have a sibling, but not just yet!!
Cerazette made me put 3stone on in a year, and then took me 13months to get it out my system before i fell pregnant :/ so everyones sysyems different, i put mine now in laylas tub of formula so when i make her bottle up at bfast time i take it :-) i used to have it nxt to ma toothbrush tho, lol
Cerazette drove me mad, I felt possessed! I have the implant atm and am getting it taken out, the amount of weight I have put on is unreal!.. I think I'm going to opt for the coil x
Im on noriday, minipill its ok doesn't make me feel any different, the 3 hour window isn't that bad if you take it just before you go to bed
cerazette made me depressed! ive got the implant but im not that impressed and if i dont start loosing weight after BF i will take it out n try something else.
I had the injections before and it took over a year to get it out of my system. I did feel super human when on it, but it gave ne bad skin as mostly progesterone based.

I have been sterilized now, but it's only as good as any other contraception apparently, not 100%, and higher risk of ectopic if you do fall, but worth a shot.

How were you planning to fit in any nookie Emma, with 4 kids! We have only done it once since Devon arrived! life is mad, plus I share the bed with Devon not my hubby most nights, so it's just us!

Good luck finding something that suits you
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rósa;1846351 said:
i chose the implant but was also told there is a pill i could take that has a window of 12h (sorry, not sure what it's called as i had already decided on the implant).

think it's called cerazette or something like that x

i fell pregnant on that :lol:

me too!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me three! :shock:

Was on Yasmin for nearly two years with no problems, switched, and fell preg within 3 months..

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