Breastfeeding as contraception...

No I didn't :blush: I went to the chemist near school and he was on lunch til 3pm so i couldn't wait or go back with kids. I'm just gonna wing it. I'm hoping you girlies are the 2% and that bf is gonna work just fine :whistle:
Did you get it? Your extra fertile after having a child for the first year so easy to catch. I only had sex the once using a condom after having belle and when belle was 3 months found out I was 10 weeks preg with zander :shock:

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My God, wat are the chances :shock: that's amazing!!
Yer I would get it tomorrow if I was you hunni unless u want to risk another baby it only takes once to fall preg again xxx

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Yea you're right. Dh already joking about swapping the car for a mini bus!! Not funny!!
Lol nope it's not haha we have a 7 seated it's like £30+ petrol a week lol! X

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God mini bus. I'd kick his ass Amy !! Me and OH can't even fit all our kids combined in a car ! Lol x
6 between us already :oooo: yeah, christmas is expensive hence their £50 each budgets lol
I'm lucky I paid off all my debts this year if not they wouldnt have got that !! Kids don't even realise at this age iykwim? But the eldest is 10 so he does :oooo:
Did you get it? Your extra fertile after having a child for the first year so easy to catch. I only had sex the once using a condom after having belle and when belle was 3 months found out I was 10 weeks preg with zander :shock:

:shock: I honestly didn't think you could get pregnant in the first few weeks after giving birth because the lining of the uterus takes a while to build itself up again...I didn't realise your 2 were so close in age!!

We never used anything after Sam was born as we'd been told we'd need IVF before we had him, and wanted to start trying when he was quite young in case it took years so I didn't want to go back on the pill... I didn't have a period until he was 7 months old so I assume that's when I started ovulating again x
:rofl: remember when Britneys sister apparently got pregnant again whilst bf?! I was preg with k and remember bitching at my mum about how stupid she was... Whoops!!
Well, I just got the MAP. Not as embrassing as I had thought thank god. He was all like "you might not want to bf for a day or 2, but I don't know!?" (i checked myself and it's fine). I always thought I'd like another baby in the future but this really shit me up. I love my little oscar so much and now the older ones are at school, I can spoil him rotten and it panicks me not to have him all to myself and vice versa. Hubby gonna get the snip I've decided!! He said last night "I'd be under general right??"I was like "errm yea sure :}"
:rofl: my mates husband said the worst bit was when he could smell them burning thru the tubes *voms* just keep letting him think its under general :lol:
Ha ha. Noooo I want him to suffer...... (only joking lol x)
I was warned 3 weeks after having baby I could get pregnant again it was a shocker to me I thought it was 6 weeks but apparently not lol!! I haven't let DH near me haha! Xx

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Don't want to scare anyone but my friend was breastfeeding and on the pill when she fell pregnant with her fourth, only reason she tested was because her auntie kept thinking that she was still pregnant, when she did finally test she was nearly 16 weeks!!!
^^^ that's why I'm not letting DH near me till I have the implant breastfeeding and using condoms even tho I hate them then he is getting the snipit

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