Contraception related question :)

same, really easy to use! I love it! cant use most hormonal contraception though when BFing as it will slow down your milk supply. The midwife will talk to you about it when youre discharged from the postnatal ward.

I'm having a home birth... DO you recon the midwives will talk to me about it before they leave? xx
They will probably help you give baby her first feed. I have no idea really I had a very high level of intervention so I was in hospital for ages and had help at every feed.
Sorry I'm on my phone between this thread and a BF one, takes so long to load I forget which I'm on :lol:

Yes you will be given info about contraception at one of your follow up homevisits x
I think i am going on the patch cos im a wuss lol. (yep still after i've gave birth lol) Not sure about it when BF though? xxx
Spoke to OH about it last night and he said he'd rather just go for condoms to save on any loss of fertility and he "won't touch me with the coil" lol So I guess we'll just see what happens here... xx
I'm not 100% but I think the coil is really tiny and very far up. He wouldn't know any different....I think

It is as far as I know... But he said the thought still freaks him out lol x
I think I'm just going to stick to condoms. They have always been reliable for us :) The pill gave me headaches on a daily basis. xx
My first baby was a pill baby!! So I don't like that one either Laceysmum

I had the Depo 12 weekly Jab - personal pref but if you want other babies in the nebxt few years I would advise against it, I only had 4 jabs covering a year,I bled continusly for 6 mths lightly and then it stopped my periods, and then it took me 10 months to fall pregnant again with my next baby.

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