Breastfeeding as contraception...

Glad you got it hun :yay: Omg Evie what are the chances lol sure you wouldn't change it for the world xx
I just want to be careful this time round lol I'm happy with my lot lol!! I love zander to bits but omfg was a shocker x

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blimey cant imagine finding out in a few weeks im pregnant :shock: glad i got to MAP the other day :faint:
I remember thinking I was pregnant weeks after Odhrán :sick: I was terrified so god only knows how you ladies felt xx
Lol bells jut turned 3 zander is 2 just turned and chloé 3 and a bit weeks lol!!!

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I was warned 3 weeks after having baby I could get pregnant again it was a shocker to me I thought it was 6 weeks but apparently not lol!! I haven't let DH near me haha! Xx

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So are they only about 10 months apart? :shock: How was it having them so close? x
13 1/2 months apart I didn't have sex for a bit coz I have to have an emergency section with bells so when I did it the once with condom I didn't think much of it - my cousin and I were half way down are secod bottle of wine when she suggested doing a test and I just laughed it off it wasn't till a week later curiosity got the better of me! All I said was I hadn't had a period since having bella intact I bled for 6 weeks so I just though I had no period coz I was bf'ing but nope! I was at the stage of are chat about 8+ weeks gone I found out a week later was booked a scan a week after than - congratulations your 10+ weeks pregnant :shock: what?????? I will never trust just condoms again!!! Lol!!!

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It's in all truthfulness been great having them so close they et on really well and they love each other so much I actually found it easier with two and now even easier with three - but I'm stopping now lol!!

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Oh...not quite as close as I thought!! Thought you said you found out you were 10 weeks pregnant when she was 3 months old so I thought you got pregnant when she was only 5 weeks! :lol:
Yea she was nearly 4 months by like a day or something so about 11 nearly 12 weeks then zander was late born if he was on time would have been like 13 months difference :) x

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I wasn't ten weeks when I did the test but found out I was ten weeks when I had the scan I felt sick being pregnant again and felt like baby was unwanted all pregnancy but when he was in my arms my heart melted :) xx

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