Advise on methods of contraception.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2010
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Hey all

Just wondered what kind of contraception people are on and if they would recommend it? For the last couple of days i have been thinking about what would be best for me as i am breastfeeding but i really dont know what to go for. The health visitor came out this morning and i mentioned that i was thinking about the Implant and she said that she heard some bad things about it and she asked if i had thought about going for the Coil, Tbh i dont think the coil would be for me. The health vistitor also told me about the Mini pill but i would rather i have something thats going to be there all the time and not have to remember to take it if you know what i mean.

Any advise would be great as im really not sure what to do.

Thanks Amy xx
Well I am crap with pills and didn't like the idea of a coil or anything like that. I settled on the hormone patch which you change once a week then have a break of a week. It was less of a hassle for me as it was only once a week I had to remember to change it and take it off. Also it suited me well as had no mood swings or tummy troubles off it x
Well I am crap with pills and didn't like the idea of a coil or anything like that. I settled on the hormone patch which you change once a week then have a break of a week. It was less of a hassle for me as it was only once a week I had to remember to change it and take it off. Also it suited me well as had no mood swings or tummy troubles off it x

Hey hun thanks for that,
I have never even heard of this could u tell me more plz lol xx
You cant have combined pill/ hormones if you are breastfeeding. I am afraid its coil, mini pill or good old condoms.
sent from my Galaxy s2
Oh poo then, I was bottle feeding so maybe thats why I was allowed it but I'd ask your doctor they will discuss all options with you and you then can decide which one for you x
You have the energy for sex lol. I find the baby is the best form of contraception :p
I started mini pill about 3 weeks ago (i am bf too).....was gonna try implant but gp recommended I try mini pill with the same hormone as implant first as easier to stop/change if i had any probs. Seems ok so far but not sure if I will get regular periods or not yet......don't always get bleeding if exclusively bf or if on mini pill.....I have had one proper period and then some irregular bleeding.....not been on it long enough to tell. There are side effects- as with any hormonal contraceptive but again, need to give it longer to see how I go. I take it in the morning within 2 hours of the same time or at the same time if I can- I thought I'd struggle to do this but it's been ok- I put an alarm on my phone to prompt me atm but haven't really needed it. Hope that helps xx
We r gonna go with condoms until my cycle is back to normal and then was thinking implant as the oral pill gives me headaches


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