Checking in Thread

Im still here too! :(

Having plenty of shows so that must be a good thing!
:wave: Allo ladies in waiting...still ere too, day 5 overdue...

No signs whatsoever, no show, no real change in anything (really really tired and hungry but I think I am emotionally drained now)

The fear of he birth and expectation of not knowing when/what will happen has me on the most amazing emtional minute I am ine, the next, a gibbering, howling mess...

OH is full of stinking cold today, and is miserable with it, I pray I dont get it, thats all I need :roll: :pray:
zoe c said:
:wave: Allo ladies in waiting...still ere too, day 5 overdue...

No signs whatsoever, no show, no real change in anything (really really tired and hungry but I think I am emotionally drained now)

The fear of he birth and expectation of not knowing when/what will happen has me on the most amazing emtional minute I am ine, the next, a gibbering, howling mess...

OH is full of stinking cold today, and is miserable with it, I pray I dont get it, thats all I need :roll: :pray:
damn you zoe i thought u must be in labour lol
Yeh Zoe Im feeling pretty much the same, really really tired all the time dispite how much rest im getting :(

and one minute im praying Ill go into labour then I get allo scared and pray I dont lol
Ditto with both of you, one minute thinking had enough of this want to go into the labour, the next thinking will I be able to cope with the pain??

I think like you say Zoe it is the not knowing.

Also feeling really tired as my pelvis and pubic bone hurts a lot when I lay down in bed and then have to wake up everytime I want to turn over, combined with 10 million trips to the loo in the night, that pretty much adds up to very disturbed sleep, and I love my sleep! :sleep: :sleep:

Also very hungry, DH said today he wondered how someone who was doing so little, could eat so much. Zoe, I think I am Pac Man 2.
:wave: Still here, 6 days overdueand fed up to the back teeth now

Got sweep tomorrow @ 4pm :pray: Praying it gets something started!!!

Just read Becs thread, she is in labour :cheer: Go girl!! ***zoe stomps off to have a sulk!!***
:wave: Day 7 overdue

Having a bad day and its only 8.30am, cant stop crying. Having a sweep @ 4pm and I am so scared

OH still not well, and I cant copewith him being ill...

Think I will go back to bed and stay there :cry:
I'm still here, 38 weeks today and no signs what so ever.
Hello girls im still here too!!
Getting really fed up now but hey im sure she will be worth the wait! :cheer:
only reason im checking in is cos


tho scan date is 4wks time bump id lower n im gettin few naughty twinges :lol:
6 days to go and still absolutely no sign, no show, nothing :| Most nights I seem to go to bed having had a new kind of twinge and think, ooh maybe something will happen tonight, but then nothing does! *sigh* oh well......
:wave: Days 8 overdue :roll: ....not expecting anything to happen today, awaiting confirmation of low lying placenta tomorrow, so if it bubba wnt be going anywhere today...

Hopefully, tomorrow will be able to count down to the big day :cheer:
zoe c said:
:wave: Days 8 overdue :roll: ....not expecting anything to happen today, awaiting confirmation of low lying placenta tomorrow, so if it bubba wnt be going anywhere today...

Hopefully, tomorrow will be able to count down to the big day :cheer:

8 days overdue.... :hug:

You are being so brave babes, you deserve a medal made of cake :cheer:
CAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am going to celebrate news after hozzie tomorrow with the biggest gooeyiest cake I can carry :cheer:

I am quite cheery today now, its GOT to happen soon hasnt it???

Woke up with OH man flu symptoms today, my throat is so sore, and I am defo getting a cold, so going to let him look after me today (he has stayed off work and is feeling bit brighter today :cheer: ) He is going to be at my beck and call he says so I get better asap :wink:
Yeah make sure he looks after you good, you have the hardest job of your life coming up soon so you need all your strength!!

I am sooooo excited for you Zoe, knowing its literally days away now!
:hug: Bless you twinny, I was like that when you were in labour!!!

I am no longer excited, I just think its never going to happen....I know after tomorrow and I have a date for when its all going to happen one way or another I will be able to get excited and count the days/hours!! :cheer:

I cant WAIT to see what 'flavour' baby we have, and see its little face, and kiss it, and cuddle it, and everything!!!!! Ok, NOW I am getting excited :cheer:
im still here too..i ve got some back ache today..FINGERS CROSSED
Still here :( day 6 over due!

Got midwife appointment 2morow and i am so unbelievably scared
:wave: Day 9 overdue but booked in Friday for induction :cheer:

The end is within reach now, I can see the ribbon at the finish line.....
Also had my appointment today zoe and Im booked in for not this friday but next friday for induction i really really hope I go naturally though ive got a really big fear of being induced :(

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