Checking in Thread

oh well you do not want its so painsful and uncomfy..youre lucky¬
Well I have still been lurking although I know I haven't been posting.....Ithink I need to start in order to wile away the time! Due in just over a couple of weeks although midwife told me to expect to be early. Bubba seems to be a little too comfy though, and is showing no signs of budging. As with others my pelvis is starting to hurt plenty, and I have taken to trying to walk around a bit more to get baby out! Don't think I can wait another 2 weeks, let alone a possible 4!

Is anyone else getting a little bored waiting? All I seem to be doing is sitting here in a clean house, all packed and ready to go, knitting in earnest, waiting for the baby to show.
I am still ere, been for a nice walk..

Jades in labour!! At 6cm now and just about to have an epidural!! :cheer: :cheer:
Yes, I am getting a little bored now as well. MW said they would let me go to the 22nd before intervening, so could have a long wait.

Been for a long walk this morning and my bump was rock hard for most of the way so maybe that is a sign???
:pray: I am bored too Becs, its horrid innit :bored: :hug:

Will share some labour dust wth you hunny, I gave Jades some yesterday and look whats happened :shock: :rotfl:
I just don't feel I can get on with anything as I am waiting for the baby to come. Need to get the accounts done really for our business before baby arrives, but just can't be bothered.

It is our wedding anniversary on my due date so maybe if I book a meal baby will decide to come along and stop us going!
Its my OH birthday on your due date and i woudnt mind bubba being late as long as it arrives on 10th :cheer:

I have an assignement to do for work, which I shud of handed in weeks ago, but cant concentrate on anything...
We'll probably still be here in a week. My midwife told me to circle the 22nd on my calender and then maybe I will relax enough to have the baby. I thought I was pretty relaxed!!

Work is boring when you have a baby on the way any minute.
Still here. No signs yet. Going for a walk in a minute.
Still here too....

i wanna pop :( im gettin right fed up now
Due date today...and NILCH again :x

Had low backache before but think I over did it with the mop this morning, had a bath and its ok now...

I just KNOW I am going to have to be induced in 2 weeks :roll: :wall:
I'm full term today at last. In a lot of pain and i just want it over but i think i'm here for the long haul.
:wave: :wave: GUESS WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Still ere :roll: :rotfl:

Not as fed up today....I thnk it being the due date yesterday was such an anti I am just accepting its going to take a bit longer to cook this LO before s/he pings!!
I KNEW it would take after its fathers, lazy a**e :roll: :rotfl:
im still here too!

got lovely ccramps again, but i aint holding my breath lol

ill be here for WEEKS yet....
Still here, feeling a bit rubbish today as didn't sleep very well. :sleep: Been to MW this morning and BP was a bit high, but it wasn't my usual MW and I don't think her BP collar was big enough for my arm, so probably got a false reading. I didn't really like her TBH :shakehead:

She has booked a MW to come round on Sunday PM to give me a sweep. :cheer: Lets hope I go before then.
Been to MV this affy, booked in for sweep Monday!! They will ring hozie while I am there and book and induction date for later that week :cheer:

I should be cuddling my baby by next weekend at the latest xx :cheer:
:cheer: :cheer: Yay for all of you!! Lotsa babies in January!!
I wish you all luck and fast, painfree labours!! :hug: :hug:
im still here...i think i might have had a small bit of brown tinged show..not sure though cos i do not know how a show looks like exactly
roxanne080 said:
im still here...i think i might have had a small bit of brown tinged show..not sure though cos i do not know how a show looks like exactly

my show was like snot, ive had it in a GREAT BIG blob,in little bits, stringy bits.. nice eh

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