Checking in Thread

hello im new here and im due on the 20th march lol not long thank god as i have had enough already .its my 3rd girl as have a 2year old and a 4 year old aswell . just thought i would say HI xx
Only just read this, i am due next tuesday so will check in.
Ive had a show this morning and some more tonight, got backache at the mo and a few pains but nothing regular yet. Not sure if this could be the start. Had a few false alarms over the past couple of weeks so wont hold my breath. Hope everyone who is due soon is well :)
Quick update my waters have now gone and am getting contractions! :dance:
Spoken to MW and am goin in about 9am unless i need to go in sooner.
OMG is all begining! :shock:
just checking in i was due 16th march but still no baby had a couple of membrane sweeps but as of yet no luck. am booked in for an induction on monday morning if baby doesnt decide to show by then.
Checking in! One day overdue now. Saw midwife yesterday, baby is engaged and in a good position, she didn't think I had more than 2 or 3 days left.

Lets see...
Just incase anyone wondered where i was, im still here, now 1 week overdue!!!!
i have a stretch and sweep tomorrow, then i aint got a clue what they are doing!!!
Kat@girlracer said:
I have my 2nd sweep thursday :(

are they not gonna induce you hun? i was told i would be induced by 10 days overdue but i only made it too 8
nic & keeley said:
[quote="Kat@girlracer":23isol4k]I have my 2nd sweep thursday :(

are they not gonna induce you hun? i was told i would be induced by 10 days overdue but i only made it too 8[/quote:23isol4k]

14 days here - i'm booked in for an induction saturday :(
ah wel good luck for your 2nd sweep and your induction if you need it :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
its 3 weeks to go for me now, is that too early to start checking in here?
i can come back next week if it is! :)
Hi all im here, didnt really have a look at this forum till i whie ago you will see the odd post from me as i have another forum i post on too :D
WEll just thought I would check in too :roll: Nothin better to do.... Not like I'm FIVE DAYS OVERDUE or anything :rotfl: Think I am going to loose the race between Debs and Kazz and me. Oh well I will just sit back and enjoy my perinium not being sore for a while :rotfl:
ok its two weeks to go for me now. i'll try to remember to check here every day! :)
trixipaws said:
i'll try to remember to check here every day! :)
:roll: so much for that! lol :lol: but here i am checking in
no signs yet much to OH's dismay he cant wait for me to pop lol
:wave: hello, checking in again! today was my original due date (from LMP) :dance:
but i got 10 days left! saw MW this morning, LO still head-down yay! :cheer:
off to visit my boyfs 8-day-old twin nieces in an hour, wonder if holding newborns can trigger labour? :shock: eek!

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