Checking in thread

i had protein in my wee and high BP a couple of weeks ago by the time I got to the hospital BP had dropped and they just did a blood test re protein nothing came of it and here I am still waiting didnt think they would induce just because of protein?! they said to me it can sometimes be the pressure on your kidneys pushing protein thru where it would normally filter it out.
hmmm i wonder how the girlies who went in for their babies are doing?!

(and i cant wait to be on this thread lol)
pips check new arrival thread...layla and Amys mum have both posted their new arrivals!
still here i was due on saturday 14th........getting fed up of waiting now everytime the phone goes its "has she had him yet?"
Ok here I am checking in again for another day! Well nothing major have low back ache which started yesterday, I havent really had that during my pregnancy and loads of BH yesterday and last night, so maybe its deciding to do something! Both me and OH were late so obviously this one has the same ideas. I have my sweep tomorrow at 2 then going to go at it like rabbits as advised!! If nothing happens then hopefully I should be induced monday at the latest! So only a few more days of checking in left for me! :D

checking in yet again. im 1 day overdue now :cry:. really thought something might have happened by now. iv been having real bad back ache and stomach upsets on and off for about a wk1/2-2wks now. rang the m/w last nite, she told me not to worry it sounds like things are kicking off but v slowly. i just wish it was all over with now. I WANT TO HOLD MY BABY!!!!!! :cry: :roll:

The end is in sight for you girlies, i know it's easy for me to say but i was convinced i was going to be induced- Thank god Jack had othe ideas.

I had a really bad bout of the runs for 2 days before my waters went and the night before i had really really bad pressure, to the point where i couldn't stand up,
i know what slow labour feels like i had it for a week before he was born and it is physically and mentally draining.

Kepp your chins up, you never know you might get a big surprise :D
still here 5 days over now .....hurry up bump please
Hi, I am still here too, checking in late as I have been to the hospital again!! Because of the protein in my water and even more in my 24 hour sample they have given me a sweep today and now I have to go in on Saturday if all else fails to be started as they are worried about the pre eclampsia. So fingers crossed by Sunday at the latest baby should be with us! Tell me it didn't hurt Amys mum???????LOL :shock:
still here had another show and getting lots of pressure
Steelers fan, mine did hurt really bad BUT my baby was back to back and my contractions were strong as they had to turn the baby round and push it down.
I wouldn't say i wouldn't do it again cos of the pain, i just don't want any more, pregnancy doesn't agree with me and i have my little family now so i am happy. :D
Emylou, i got loads of pressure and a load of show the day before i went into labour, it could be soon!!! :D
cheers amys mum its about time i got somewhere even if its slow labour
Me again checking in for another day, have my sweep booked for 2.00pm so will see if that does anything was getting back ache and lots of BH yesterday, so hoping they may be the start of something if not and sweep doesnt work only a couple of days left at the most.
im also checking in for another nearly a week overdue now...sweep booked for tomorrow and induction booked for tuesday
Hi, just checking in again, I don't htink our 3 babies want to come out!!! What else can we do?? I am in tomorrow at 8am no matter what but it would still be nice if it decided to make an appearance this afternoon!!! LOL. Thanks Amys mum! I feel I am ready :D
Awwww girls I feel for you, I really do.... Not long now though

Good luck all of you!
Good Luck girls, it is definately coming to an end now,

:D :D :D
checking in again.. :cry:

sorry not in much of a talking mood 2day my fella has left me

xxxx :cry: :cry:
OMG claire, are you alright???? Stupid question I know! What a complete shit he must be. Just try and focus on you and the baby........his big big loss!
Big hugs going out to u

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