Chartstalkers -- January 2009

Techically it's count-down to your testing day, hon, but day 1 will be the day that your period is due, if that makes sense. :)
my temp has gone down again, am just waiting for AF to be honest.
i forgot to temp today for the first time ever :doh: i must have woken up at 5 turned my alarm off and gone back to sleep!!! just as ovulation is getting close too- feel like a div!!
My chart is driving me to despair! CD 19 and no sign of ovulation :cry:

Spent the last hour looking at FF charts and not a single one looks like mine!

But my temp hasn't gone up or down in 3 days, can i still hope??
Most people have told me I ovulated on day 20 so yes there is still hope!!

bought clear blue digital ovulation sticks while i was out- probably a waste of money- £15 :doh: - but so fed up with the cheapies i thought i'd try them!!! was a negative today but i've got 7!!!! i'm travelling all day wednesday and staying at my parents tues night so whats the betting i get a positive tuesday- sods law!!!! maybe i'll join the mile high club :lol:
good luck everyone!
:lol: Now that would be a drunken wedding speech story!

"Did I ever tell you how you were conceived?"

Shaunie, just cos i'm obsessed with your chart... if you disgard the high temp on day 17 does it move your possible ov date?
I'm just wondering if you've played around with it to have a nosey. :oops:
I'm not too sure as I'm new to this charting!

But alot of people are adament I ovulated on day 20 (29th).
I also think it might have been around xmas day/boxing day maybe!

So who know???

what a funny old couple of days...

i have started to get up in the middle of the night to have a wee. i often do this if i have had too many cups of teas late on so last inght i decided not to drink late on and i still got up for a wee :think:

i went to the gym this morning and all afternoon i couldnt get up off the settee, it really knackered me out, and when i went upstairs i went dizzy and had to sit down. Really not like me cos i go the gym loads.

My belly is swollen and i have been having low down pains, but these feel too much like AF which is due any time! :( think temp is dropping too ready for this!!!

To top all this off i went to see my mum tonight to show her the scotland pics and whilst looking at a pic of me and OH she randomly said "your pregnant". she does know i am trying but has no idea where my i am in my cycle.

you do know that once i post this AF will arrive!! i dont like tempting faite!!

pray for me girls!!

Thanks for listening.
:pray: ing for you lilly hun, soooo hope this is it for you!
Ooh, mum's always know! Fingers crossed lily! :pray:
Shaunie, Holly, Lilly, Cori, have everything x'd for you ladies that you get your BFP in the next couple of days :pray: :hug:
Baby-Briggsy said:

I started period to note yet though....mine doesnt show a graph...why not?
Hi Hun. Welcome aboard :wave:
You've pasted the link to FF and not your unique code. Log into FF and on the left hand side theres one called sharing, click on that and then home page set up. Make sure you tick the box that says publish chart. Right at the top you have - Your Charting Home Page Web Address: and you need to copy that one under it and then paste it here, thats your code hun.
Thanks!! - Theres the link!

I haven't got much on there yet as only started on 1st Jan, going to start doing temps tomorow!

Looking forward to getting my first period..weird, never thought i'd say that but it would at least mean i can start trying properly when i get a period!

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