Chartstalkers -- January 2009

Hello my chartstalkers friends :wave: Happy New Year everyone! may this be a great year for all :cheer:

Melissa, thanks hun for adding me to this list! :hug:

Just stalked all your charts briefly and so much has been going on since Christmas!

Donna, sorry you had to start a new cycle! i hope this will be your month hun :hug:

Melissa, just saw your other post about getting a BFN. I don't know your DPO at the moment but don't lose hope as long as the witch is not here!! i :pray: that she stays away from you

Holly and Shaunie-Louise, oh my god your charts look soooo promising!! i've got everything crossed for you! we need some BFPs for the start of the year!!! :cheer:

Good luck to all the new charters :D

I'm very confused about my chart this month. My temperature has been like a yoyo in the last 5 days. I thought i'd ovulate on day 15 like last month but it doesn't look like i did...i had 4 days of EWCM and on day 15 i thought i felt a sharp pain on my left ovary but still nothing..does that mean i am not ovulating this month? can you get EWCM and not ovulate?
Cori and Shaunie your chars are looking good :)

didn't test this morning.
stuff happened last night (not baby related, just let you know) that's left me a litle depressed and i didn't want another maybe BFN to add to it.
you'll have to wait a little longer Donna :wink:

my chart's still looking ohkay though.
hi girls :wave: happy 2009- hope it brings plenty of baby chartstalkers!
:hug: holly about you feeling down but your chart really does look good. can't wait to hear some news!!
shaunie louise- wow- chart envy :evil:
melissa still have my fingers crossed for you
good luck to lilly- can't wait to see your update when ur home from scotland!
:hug: cori about your nan but i have everything crossed for you- chart looks very good
waterlilly- another one thats been cursed by the did i didn't i ovulate scenario!!! donna and melissa last month and now you- what is happening!!! have you been stressed or unwell around the time you should have ovulated? it may have delayed it a bit. or it may just be that your temps have yet to rise. i do think its possible to get ewcm and not ovulate though- maybe someone else can confirm this- i don't even get it when i do ovulate!!! either way hun keep bd'ing just in case- if you have then energy!!!
donna- i too feel bad for getting holly to test early :doh: but like you i think she'll still get that bfp :D we must keep our urges to ourselves!!! have you decided on an avatar yet- ur confussing the hell out of me!! think i may go change mine now!!
:wave: to all the newbies

Thanks Puds :hug:

I thought exactly the same this morning when i looked at my chart! didn't expect to be cursed on the first month of the new year!! no i haven't been stressed at all, in fact this has been the most relaxed holiday i've had in months! hubby was in good shape too and we were really happy to be home and have the luxury of bd'ing at different times of the day!
My sleeping patterns have changed though! i was sleeping around 1 am every night and getting up at 5.30 to take my temperature then off to sleep again till 9 or 10 am...but i didn't feel tired at all. Could this have affected my ovulation?
how weird- can totally understand the liking bding at different times of the day- it can feel so routine otherwise!
maybe the change of sleeping pattern has affected your temps. don't give up- there is still every change you have ovulated or will do in the next few days. will be keeping a close eye on your chart!!
My temperature has dropped below the coverline for the 2nd time this month! :(
puds said:
how weird- can totally understand the liking bding at different times of the day- it can feel so routine otherwise!
maybe the change of sleeping pattern has affected your temps. don't give up- there is still every change you have ovulated or will do in the next few days. will be keeping a close eye on your chart!!

Yeah could be the reason...i just hope i will soon. I'd be really devastated if i didn't ovulate this month. I'm tempted to go and buy boots OPK but might just use the last ebay stick i have..they are crap but i usually get a faint line if i haven't ovulated yet.

You look like you're ovulating or about to yourself! :D fingers crossed! :hug:
Cori said:
My temperature has dropped below the coverline for the 2nd time this month! :(

Sorry about this hun...have you checked your progesterone levels? you could have a deficiency of the hormone. I had a dip last month so i'm planning to take progesterone supplements...well if i ovulate!! :lol:

Or it could be implantation dip!! i really hope it's the case :D
I was thinking that, but didn't want to get my hopes up. How do I check my progesterone levels?
Progesterone is checked through a blood test done ideally from the 7th day post ovulation to have accurate results. This will tell you if your progesterone levels are high enough to sustain a pregnancy or not. Not sure what the normal levels are though!
Oh right. It would be hard to time it right when making the appointment if you didn't know exactly what day you were going to ovulate.
yes true but you don't need an appointment to have a blood test in the hospital do you?

You make an appointment with your GP and they give you the little sheet with the type of test to take to the hospital any day. Then when you know you have ovulated you go on the 7th or 8th day to the hospital and ask them to do the test on you. That's what i did when i needed a blood test for rubeola, i went to the hospital a week after seeing my GP because i couldn't get a day off work. The only inconvenient is that you might have to queue for hours so better take the day off or at least half a day and go in early.
:hug: cori. what waterlillie said is a good idea. go to see your gp if you don't get your bfp this month. i had to have bloods at the hospital in sept when i didn't get an af for 3 months after the pill. only had to wait 15 mins at the hospital- first come first served basis. :pray: for implantation dip though!
Ok i'm going to take an ovulation test now...i'm not holding my breath though as i'm sure it'll be negative
Happy wee-ing!

Sorry, I'm at work for the first time today and i'm SO bored. :D
OMG!! I've got a line straight away after dipping the stick...and it's as dark as the test line!! woohooo :dance:

This is the first time i get a dark line since i started using the ebay sticks! i'm really surprised but pleased as i wasn't going to test at all and wasn't going to bd until sunday at least! :D

we bd'd yesterday morning, is it safe if we don't bd until tomorrow as we're doing it every other day...or shall i go ahead and do it tonight? what do you guys think?

here is a pic of my test!!

If i was you i'd try and get some bding in tonight and tomorrow at some point if you can.
Have fun & good luck!
yeah, you're probably right! i think i'll definitely jump on my husband tonight and tomorrow and if he tries to protest i'll just tie him up and strip him naked :D
Aw hon, that's fantastic!

That ALSO makes me think that maybe I never did ovulate this cycle and my body is just being REEEEEEEEEEALLY mean to me. Back to BD-land!
Oh right, I never knew you could do that with the blood test thing. I'll keep that in mind, thanks. Although if I go to the doctor next month and ask to have my levels checked, they will probably say I haven't been trying long enough to get checked out.

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