Chartstalkers -- January 2009

holly said:
i reckon i'll have AF tomorrow, around 11am
i think my AF will arrive about 4am, always does!!

Quick question.... My cervix has disapeared, does it do that before AF?? usually its really low.
Holly your naughty :lol: Not taking it till your af arrives :moon:

Lilly, My cervix dissappeared 2 days before af :( Hope yours doesn't show :pray:

Cori, there ALWAYS hope :hug:

Waterlilly :hug: Hope ov shows soon. Melissa has had the same trouble this cycle and I never got one last month ( according to FF) but we shall go on :D

Everyone else :wave: :hug:
Donna's here said:
Lilly, My cervix dissappeared 2 days before af :( Hope yours doesn't show :pray:

oh well!! might as well go to bed and get ready for AF. Tomorrow is another day in the TTC world as they say!

But i DONT want a new chart...
stamps feet!
I know what you mean Lilly, it's bad enough when she does arrive then the added insult of an empty chart. I hope she doesn't show and your temp flies high in the morning :pray:
thanks hun, its a good job ive got you lot to talk to men are just crap! he doesnt even know its due!!

night inght ladies!!

me xx
Oh I can't believe it! Look at mine now. I can it drop so low so soon? I'm not due on till Friday. Is it possible for it to drop that low twice and still be pregnant?
I'm feeling so miserable right now. Had another sleepless night, i'm not sure what's going on but i feel so anxious and stressed out. I've slept 2 hours max and went to sleep in the 2nd bedroom thinking that it could help but i just felt colder and really awake! my temperature looks ridiculous this morning of course! This TTC business is driving me crazy, i never thought it could be so complicated and nerve-wrecking! hubby decided he's had enough of temperatures, charting, CM cheking, he doesn't want to hear about it anymore and just let nature do its job. I understand him, i must be really stressing him out during these times, i could feel him tense sometimes when we bd :oops: so i've decided not to involve him anymore in all this and just bd whenever we feel like it throughout the month.
Lilly & Cori - :hug: Those bloody temps :( Rise god damn you, RISE

Waterlillie - :hug: Hoping that this even lower temp today is your dip before ov :pray: Its got to happen soon hasn't it! As for feeling down, I do think like me last month, the temping and checking cm & cp does have this effect on you that when FF states it's all wrong, it really depresses us. I felt terrible last month when my chart went tits up. I got myself all low and upset over it. So I decided this month that what ever happens with my charts happens and I will just get on with bding and try my damn hardest not to worry because what can I do about it, nothing!!! We all know what you have to do to make a baby, have sex, so with that in mind I'm bding WHEN we want to this month (yes slightly more around when I think ov will be but then that will be my doing, just hope its on a weekend :wink:) and if my temps go nutty like last month then they go nutty, getting myself stressed as hell does nothing apart from make my hubby stressed, my boys stressed and have me either ranting or crying. According to FF I still didn't ov last month, but I did the month before, so please just try and go with the flow. Unfortunately our husbands as much as we love them dont have a clue what goes on with a women's mind let alone body, so when your stressed about it, he doesn't really have any idea how much it affects you so the simple answer is "dont tell me, I dont need to know" type normal man thing. Try to chill a little hun, I know it's hard, just come on here and rant or even pm one of us, we all know what your going through and we've all been there one way or the other :hug:
Donna hon thank you so much for your kind words :hug: you're absolutely right, I can't do much but try my best and go with the flow! I must sound ridiculously silly for moaning after 5 months ttc only when some of you have been trying for a much longer time...but i've always wanted a child and it took hubby 6 years to decide if he wanted one so i don't want to waste another year or 2 in ttcing..besides, my mum's got cancer and i really would love her to be here when i have my first.

I will try and stay positive at least until AF shows. I am sure the holidays were somehow responsible for my hormonal changes. My sleeping pattern changed dramatically and i've hardly done any physical activity in 2 weeks, so my body could be struggling to cope with these changes!

Thanks again for being here and listening :hug:
Is it possible for your temperature to drop 4 days before AF?
just a quick note to say good luck to everyone! will be away for a week so will have to update myself on return. as for me still no positive opk but i'm hoping i don't get 1 for a few days now!!! dh has been ill last 2 days so no bd'ing and we are staying at parents tonight and travelling all day 2moro so no bd'ing until 2moro night at the earliest!! sods law it'll be 2moro and i'll have to wait another whole month! oh well!!
chins up everyone and shaunie- are u sure ur not gonna test tonight??!!!
shaunie_louise said:
3 days until testing...

am just trying to get used to what happens when you temp (incase i end uo doing it lol) you have a dip in your chart.....could that be a implantation dip?? if so your chart is looking gooooooooooooooooooood! :pray:
sam27 said:
am just trying to get used to what happens when you temp (incase i end uo doing it lol) you have a dip in your chart.....could that be a implantation dip?? if so your chart is looking gooooooooooooooooooood!
some people get implantation dips- not everyone though. A temperature dip can also mean af is on the way. The real test is whether it goes back up the next day- if it does thats a very good sign!
Good luck shaunie!! :cheer:
big :hug: waterlilie- hopefully as donna said its a pre-ovulation dip.
still have fingers crossed for cori, lilly and holly!
:wave: donna!!!! glad uv settled on an avatar- suits u!
melissa- hopefully ur temps are starting to settle down again now- the last 2 seem to have. u deserve better from ur body- strong words are in order i think! :lol:
my temp has gone just below my coverline today after my HUUUUGE rise yesterday.

no AF though; don't tell Donna though.. i'll only get 'i told you so' :wink: hehe

ETA: just realised my ticker has reset itself and AF hasn't even turned up.
puds said:
melissa- hopefully ur temps are starting to settle down again now- the last 2 seem to have. u deserve better from ur body- strong words are in order i think! :lol:

Thanks, hon. :hug: I'm now on a January 2009 mission to get my body back to doing what it should be doing. I've got a diet plan and I'm going to start exercising (when the ice melts so that I don't crack my freaking ass-bone on the pavement) like a good girl. I've been drinking a cup of green tea every day, I'm taking agnus castus and I'm going to start taking milk thistle (when it arrives) to detox my liver. This is GOING TO HAPPEN, DAMMIT!!!! :lol:
Waterlille, moaning's good, dont worry about it, we all get stressed with it babe, so vent away and it doesn't matter if you've been trying one, five or 20 months, it gets to you every time because it's something we so desperately want.

Puds, Have a great break, in one way and another :dance:

Holly, fx'd hun, fx'd :pray:

Melissa, I'm going swimming tomorrow, outdoors :lol: na not really, but I damn gonna do 30 lengths, was upto 40 but haven't been for 3 months, bet I wont be able to do 10 :shock:

Cori I haven't a clue with your chart hun, it's a strange one. Might go on a mission in a mo and see if I can find charts like yours

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