Chartstalkers -- January 2009

my cervix is really low, i'm not an expert on CP but today mine is really low, lower than it has been before.. does this mean anything ? or nothing ? heh
hello myfello chart stalkers. im back from up yonder!!

updated my chart now, temps are not bad. suprised how high they were considering it was blinking freezing in scotland. But had a fab time... sat infront of the log fire with a bottle of wine and my OH!! kept my mind off things.

Not had chance to update myself on you all, looking forward to that!

im on DPO10 now and feel absolutly nothing! not testing yet tho, might do sunday at DPO12! if BFN then i will wait till middle of next week!

speak soon girlies!

me xx
lilly said:
updated my chart now, temps are not bad. suprised how high they were considering it was blinking freezing in scotland. But had a fab time... sat infront of the log fire with a bottle of wine and my OH!! kept my mind off things.

Hi hon! That sounds amazing - jealous. :) Glad to have you back!

Sorry chartstalkers i know its off topic but heres a pic of me and OH by the fire. Nice to put names to faces!

Back on topic now... :D
Holly, Cervix confusses me hun. Mine stayed high, even when I got AF!

Melissa, sorry babe, thought you had it there :hug:

Cori, looks around right time for an implantation dip, keep positive :hug:

Lilly, wow, what a lovely pic. You and DH look in that ideal romantic scene. Glad your back.

Hi everyone else :wave:

Anyone know where Becs is lately? Haven't seen her on here for a while.
Donna's here said:
Melissa, sorry babe, thought you had it there :hug:

Hi, thanks hon - I just don't know anymore, so I've taken away my FF override lines. I rather suspect that today's extra low temp had something to do with taking it earlier than I would have done and not having enough to eat yesterday, but it still would have been low, so *shrug*... Don't know. My opks are getting lighter instead of darker, but I still have a lot of preggo symptoms, which is annoying. :?

Lilly, that's a GREAT pic - so cute! :)
melissa5317 said:
I still have a lot of preggo symptoms, which is annoying. :?
your FF points are really high, ive only got 26! :( Its a good sign for you. Stay positive!!

melissa5317 said:
Lilly, that's a GREAT pic - so cute! :)
thanks hun. :hug:
my temp has gone down today :( still above my coverline but i got another BFN, i think i am just well and truely ill and not pregnant, what so ever. AF could be here tomorrow according to my guess of when i OV.

i text shaunie my BFN at 5 this morning :wink: bless.
sorry babes... dont give up hope just yet. There is still time!! :hug:
Melissa, glad to see temp rise hun, thought my chart last month was confussing, your beats it hands down!

Holly, sorry bout the neg today :( Still got a couple of days before af is really due, fingers crossed :hug:

Trix, reading your post now :D
I've had enough!!!! :x

Despite a positive OPK yesterday afternoon i still haven't ovulated!! I really don't know what's going on this it over for me or can i still hope? my temp has been stable this morning and i have pain in my lower back but have no CM what's so ever,could i be ovulating today? and if my temperature went down tomorrow would it mean i am not ovulating this month? can someone please take a look and tell me what they think? :D
waterlilie said:
I've had enough!!!! :x

Despite a positive OPK yesterday afternoon i still haven't ovulated!! I really don't know what's going on this it over for me or can i still hope? my temp has been stable this morning and i have pain in my lower back but have no CM what's so ever,could i be ovulating today? and if my temperature went down tomorrow would it mean i am not ovulating this month? can someone please take a look and tell me what they think? :D

A positive opk means you're likely to ovulate within 48 hours, so I bet you get another + today and that you ov tomorrow. :hug: Don't despair, sweetie!
Donna's here said:
Melissa, glad to see temp rise hun, thought my chart last month was confussing, your beats it hands down!

O...m...g... my stupid, f***ed up body! So according to seemingly eveything, it looks like I ovulated yesterday. But I got not just a bfn on the opk but a HUGE negative as the line was almost not even visible!

Hey can someome take a peek at my chart see how I'm doing?

Sorry to hear about the awkward OPK's melissa!

Shaunie yours is looking amazing love!

when do you think you OV ?

i'm guessing CD20 so the 29th..
I was guessing at the 26th.
Melissa is guessing the 20th.
And you say the 29th.

Who knows???

Either way I'm thinking instead of testing on the ninth test on the 12th just to be sure???

shaunie_louise said:
I was guessing at the 26th.
Melissa is guessing the 20th.
And you say the 29th.

Who knows???

Either way I'm thinking instead of testing on the ninth test on the 12th just to be sure???


Day 20 of your cycle, sweetie, so the 29th of Dec; Holly and I are in agreement. :D
i'd go with the 9th hun, then you're either on with your dates, and just 3days off 14DPO with mine and Melissa :)

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