Chartstalkers -- January 2009

I forgot to do my temp this morning :doh: Got up in such a rush I plain forgot :wall:
Morning ladies! :wave:

Lily, fingers crossed this will be your month!! :pray:

Good luck to all girls planning to test in the next few days :D

My temp went up this morning BUT i've had a really turbulent night and very little sleep! I turned in my bed until around 3 am when i finally managed to sleep and got up at 6. Can this dramatically affect my temp?? i still managed the 3 hours sleep required to have an accurate temperature. What do you ladies think?
Look at my chart! This has never happened before. It's dropped below the coverline again, but now FF has moved my coverline down, so I've only got one temp below the line and now I have dotted lines! But I know I ovulated on the 26th, cos I got a positive OPK that day, so it couldn't have been before then. I was thinking maybe I'm gonna come on early with it dropping already, but I always come on no earlier than 13 days after ovulation, usually 14 days, so it's too early for AF isn't it? And my temp never drops till either the day I come on a day or 2 after. What's going on? :?
Ok might sound like a dumb question but what is a coverline, how is it worked ouy and what does it mean?

Obviously it's irrelevant for me at the moment but I want to know what it means as everyone mentions it!!!
The coverline is the red line FF puts on your chart that seperates your low pre-ovulation temps from your post-ovulation temps. The it puts a line down the way on your ovulation day. I see you have a blue line on yours :?
shaunie_louise said:
Mellisa look at my chart and gloat!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


Shaunie Louise, :rotfl: With the way FF's been acting lately, you never know, it could change its mind tomorrow! :wink: (but I doubt it :D )

Waterlilie, yes, having a rough night's sleep can affect your temp in a big way, b/c in order to really get the proper temp after 3 hours sleep it has to be a proper sleep, and if you were tossing and turning all night, it probably wasn't a deep enough sleep to get your temp down, if that makes sense.

Cori, :hug: . Sorry you're also having some temp trouble! Hope it sorts itself out for you tomorrow.
Thanks Melissa, i thought so!

I am now sure it's over for me this month...i am not ovulating so i'll just wait for AF to show next week and i'll go to see the doctor. :(
14DPO, AF due tomorrow.. my temp has gone up to 36.8; the highest it's ever been :wink:

your chart is looking great holly- have you tested recently?
:hug: to everyone with temperature troubles. waterlillie- if you havn't ovulated you may not get af next week. Your body may try to ovulate again soon so try to keep up the bd'ing every few days. it is supposedly completely normal to miss ovulation every so often- not that that helps us feel any better! :hug: you never know temp may go up again tomoro :hug:
Thanks Puds, i really hope so.

I've been feeling crap and on the verge of tears all day! it doesn't help at all that i'm back to work, i haven't been able to focus :oops:

I know that your body can miss ovulation for 1 or 2 cycles but i've only started charting last month and was so happy when i ovulated i didn't expect to have an anovulatory cycle on the 2nd month of charting! well maybe i will ovulate after all..i will try and go to bed early today and get a decent night of sleep, hopefully bd before if OH is in the mood :D

Thanks again that made me feel better :hug:
:hug: its just so crap not knowing isn't it!
the last 2 months i got a faint line on opk cheapie followed by darker line the next day followed by temp rise- fairly straight forward. this month i've had faint line followed by nothing- and wasted £16 on clearblue to tell me the same thing- that i'm not ovulating! feel like its never going to happen- but if we feel down that makes our bodies even less likely to ovulate- think it all may be a cruel joke played on us!! aaaaaaaaahhhhh!
at least we have each other to support us! :hug:
holly said:
14DPO, AF due tomorrow.. my temp has gone up to 36.8; the highest it's ever been :wink:


yay...looking good hols!!! :cheer:

temp fell thru the floor today so im guessing thats me out!!! No AF but its on its way! :(

im not even going to waste a test tomoz morning my temp says it all!!
lilly said:
holly said:
14DPO, AF due tomorrow.. my temp has gone up to 36.8; the highest it's ever been :wink:


yay...looking good hols!!! :cheer:

Saturday; BFN. i'm expecting AF tomorrow to be honest, taken my two BFN as BFN the end. except, not mentioning any names DONNA.. won't take my BFN for a BFN and still thinks i'll get a BFP. :lol:

i reckon i'll have AF tomorrow, around 11am :wink:

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