Chartstalkers -- January 2009

This cold weather really hurts my boobs! :(

:lol: Random comment i know but my boobs ache so much!

puds - now you've said that your going to ov, its as you said sods law! :lol: I hope you don't though!!

Holly - oooooooo you could be preg.......when you gana test :D :pray:

everyone else hope your well!! xxx
waterlilie said:
Hiya everyone!Lilly, your temps are looking good hun, FF seems to think you ovulated on day 14! :D not sure why you got blue lines though? :? :wave:
the blue lines mean i have told FF when i think i OV'd. :D

quick question to everyone... now i have altered my chart is FF still able to move the lines if it thinks im right, or do i have total control??
Donna's here said:
Finally had a stalk.Lilly, your temps are looking good hun but wheres todays? :pray: :wave:

temps are in but not looking too good!! :( my belly feels bloated too! :( i hope AF doesnt arrive this weekend, im at Centre parks!! :(

too many sad faces! so heres another one!! :(
hope af stays away lilly- yay center parcs :cheer: iv been going twice a yr for the past 10 years!! i go next end of march- which 1 u going to?
hope so donna - bded at the right time for that too!! although it's just back up to what t was when i first took my temp! (although was struggling with the thermometer lid!!)

Baby-Briggsy good luck with the assignment

puds - hope ovulation stays away (if it comes I'll have it for you!!)

lilly - oh dear. have fun at centre parcs and don't lt it spoil your time. hope it's not what it looks like!

donna and lou. :pray: :pray: good luck with the testing when it comes.
Hi everyone :cheer:
Hope you dont mind me joining you in here. Im going to start charting from tomorrow. I have been waiting for my af to show up before i start charting but i could be waiting a long time as i only finished depo on 7th jan. Is it ok to start charting even though it wont be cd1?
Thanks :hug:
roseanimal said:
hope so donna - bded at the right time for that too!! although it's just back up to what t was when i first took my temp! (although was struggling with the thermometer lid!!)

Baby-Briggsy good luck with the assignment

puds - hope ovulation stays away (if it comes I'll have it for you!!)

lilly - oh dear. have fun at centre parcs and don't lt it spoil your time. hope it's not what it looks like!

donna and lou. :pray: :pray: good luck with the testing when it comes.

Assignment all done and handed in, thanks! :)

Onto my daily stalking of all your charts....trying to figure out you think i've ov'd or not yet? What would my temp be if i had ov'd (sorry if i keep asking)

see i'd have said about day 12 if I saw half your chart but you have all that time after where not a lot is happening... i don't think i can see (but i'm rubbish) anywhere else where it would even be a possiblility. sorry
Donna's here said:
Finally had a stalk.
Holly, thinking another rise and you ov'd, still wondering if your pg and dont know it though, toooooo many +opks!

yeah i thought that this morning 'wow another rise' we'll see what happens tomorrow. all the +OPK still have me wondering.
i'm going to do another OPK later though because if i have indeed OV then it means that i shouldn't get a +OPK right ?
shall see what happens and keep you all updated.

stuff kicked off with my little sister and her 'it's all about me' rants she's getting because at 13 she thinks the world revolves around her. bless.
totally forgot to send Trixipaws my address so she can send me a HPT cheapy but my OH ordered some this morning.
even if i don't need them this month they're there for another.

anyway off for food.
then a bath and will do an OPK and i'll try and get on later.

if i disappear for a few days i will be back when things settle :) and i have Donnas number to so i shall text her :)
Hi girls, Thanks for everybodies good wishes :hug: , not very good at the quote thing yet I can do one but not multiples!!!!! Boobs still sore just trying to keep lid on excited feelings!!!! right of to have a stalk and catch up x x x
Donna's here said:
Finally had a stalk.

Lou, me and you racing to testing then lol. Is your luthal phase around 14 days?

Hi everyone else :wave:

Hi Donna, I haven't got a clue I have 24 -29 day cycle, but normally 28. Just waiting and praying!

Hi Waterlilie, We didn't watch dvd in the end OH hogged laptop playing solitaire! So will watch at weekend when we get the snow!!!

Right need to go back a page to reply to the rest of you back in a mo !!! x x
puds said:
hope af stays away lilly- yay center parcs :cheer: iv been going twice a yr for the past 10 years!! i go next end of march- which 1 u going to?

im going the one in lakes, cant remember what its called. its a friends 30th, there are 14 of us going.

roseanimal said:
Lilly - oh dear. have fun at centre parcs and don't lt it spoil your time. hope it's not what it looks like!
dont worry, unless i get a BFP tomoz i will be having fun and taking my baileys!! :D
i got another +OPK :wall: post a picture in abit still trying to find my lead to charge the camera and it's no longer staying alive for one picturee :wall:
Lily , hope you have a good time at centre parcs and enjoy the baileys hope you get bfp and just have a little one to celebrate!!!

Holly, good luck hun from what the others say it sound good!!

Rose, dont know what to make of your chart hun but hope your ok :hug: , I have left the lid of my thermometer now!!

Puddin, I started charting temps on cd3 so sure its fine and welcome x x

Babyb glad you got your assignment done, more time for stalking now!!

Awww Puds, sorry about the thrush hope the treatment clears it up quick :hug:

Mel, really dont have a clue what your chart is doing but think Donna said about a pre dip, is that pre period?? :hug:

Sarafet, I have been looking at Trixies too!! Don't get me excited I'm trying to keep cool, calm and collected! NOT!!!! :rotfl:
my line is darker than the control line today.

Hiya kids! :D

Holly, bloody HELL woman, if you're not preggers I'll eat my eyeball!

FX, LouF!!

Welcome, Puddin! You can start temping whenever you want, just make sure to keep a record of what date your last period started. If you're going to chart on Fertiliyfriend, it's probably a good idea to put your last menses in just so you have an accurate CD. :)

Lilly, have a great time! :hug:

Still just waiting it out on my end. I'm starting not to even give a rat's behind anymore! :lol: That's probably better anyway; I've been spending way too much energy worrying about things, which is just stressing me out, which is perpetuating the problem. I'm gonna try to be a bit more laid back about stuff.......we'll see how long that lasts! :rotfl:

:hug: :hug: :hug: all round!
Hi Mel, glad your on as got a question!! Sorry to be a pain x x

Donna asked did I have a 14 day luteal phase, is luteal after ov and what will it tell me :? why does she ask, what will tell her / me? :think:

I'm naff at all this and dont want to miss something important :rotfl: :rotfl:
Holly that picture is making me sad :( i've got the same ov tests as you and never got a + yet!!!! :(


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