Chartstalkers -- January 2009

hi how do i give u the link for fertility friend to join u all
Can someone confirm for me.....

Do OPK's always show + if the person is preg? - Or can they show - but the person be preg?

Weird question its only out of interest, i like learning about all this don't you think its fun (stressful but fun!)

:moon: - Im in such a strange mood right now im all wriggly and giggly!! x
LouF said:
Hi Mel, glad your on as got a question!! Sorry to be a pain x x

Donna asked did I have a 14 day luteal phase, is luteal after ov and what will it tell me :? why does she ask, what will tell her / me? :think:

I'm naff at all this and dont want to miss something important :rotfl: :rotfl:

You're not a pain! :D Your luteal phase is the time between ovulation and when you start your full flow af. It will always be the same length, give or take 1 day in either direction. The only exceptions are if you have a major progesterone problem (quite rare) or if you are doing something to actively lengthen your luteal phase (such as taking agnus castus or a progesterone replacement). :hug: :hug:
Hi girls,

could you have a quick look at my chart?
During my last cycle I ovulated on day 19 and had a + OPK on day 18. I am again on day 18 but - OPK. I have been really stressed recently and ill too so maybe that's why. I cannot seem to see a clear temperature dip either apart from day 9 but surely that would be too early and OPK should have picked it up. Any advice?
My temp looks like it's going up and up and up again like last month :( I'm :pray: it will drop a bit tomorrow to break the pattern. I've got no PMT symptoms so far, so that's good. Last month, I started getting PMT on CD7.
melissa5317 said:
Holly, bloody HELL woman, if you're not preggers I'll eat my eyeball!

QUICK! take it back because i'll be testing saturday hopefully and to be honest i think you might miss having an eyeball.. oh and eating it might not be so nice :wink:

Baby-Briggsy said:
Holly that picture is making me sad :( i've got the same ov tests as you and never got a + yet!!!! :(

you know what it's making me kinda sad too!
i've offered to share some of my now 7+OPK's with Donna but then she OV'd.. i'll gladly give you some! take them!

i've been getting butterflies thinking about the fact i may actually be pregnant.
it's kinda scary!! :shock: haha.

if i am it will have cured me 100% about sex in the first 12weeks as i've had sex 5times this 'cycle' (or whatever is going on with my body) and if indeed a baby is in there then sex hasn't bothered it one bit!
You're not a pain! :D Your luteal phase is the time between ovulation and when you start your full flow af. It will always be the same length, give or take 1 day in either direction. The only exceptions are if you have a major progesterone problem (quite rare) or if you are doing something to actively lengthen your luteal phase (such as taking agnus castus or a progesterone replacement). :hug: :hug:[/quote]

Thanks Mel, so Donna just seeing when AF due well I think 7th feb not to sure but put that on testing as I was 28 days last time have to wait and see!!! Glad you have decided to try and chill a bit might help do something :pray: :pray:

Hi Louise c , I had this last week so what you need to do is on ff go to you homepage set up, scroll down this page ticking what you want to show us! Then at the bottom there is your chart in date form click on the actual date then click add chart. Know at the top is your charting address you need to click on it and copy that to your signature on user control panel on this forum!!! Hope it makes some sense for you I found it easier to have ff on one tab and this forum on another x x x x Good luck and welcome, shout if you get stuck x x
louise_c said:
thanks think iv done it x

You most certainly have, well done hun x x

How long have you been charting / ttc ?
chartin since 15th jan this yr and ttc since aug last yr x
louise_c said:
chartin since 15th jan this yr and ttc since aug last yr x

Well good luck, I only started charting this cycle and been ttc for 2yrs. Found taking temp weird to start with but getting the hang of it know ! I just wish I had started sooner so I could compare cycles.

I might be weird but get quite excited to see what temps are doing and I put them on ff before I go to work as they look so much better on the puter graph than my scrappy print out!!!

Think i am becoming a chart stalking addict :rotfl:
haha i wake up everymorning and reach for my themometer, when do u take ur temp iv found mines higher when i have a lie in then when i get up early for work
I take mine every morning at 7 and on a sunday maybe eight but rarely much later as we have a four legged, furry, tail wagging dog alarm clock that needs a wee!!! ( we go back to sleep on sundays but take temp and let dog out first!!)

But the girls on here say that it is best to take temp at a regular time if you can so as to get a clear pic of whats going on also I do not move just open eyes take temp then get up. If you move it can make temp higher and like you said taking it later makes it higher too.

I bought the book Taking charge of your fertility by Toni Weschler, it is brill and a lot of the girls on here have it, it is now my bible, tells you all about your body, charting, infertility, preg achievment and loads more well worth a look, got mine from borders but think it's cheaper on amazon about £15. I have learnt loads.
lilly said:
roseanimal said:
Lilly - oh dear. have fun at centre parcs and don't lt it spoil your time. hope it's not what it looks like!
dont worry, unless i get a BFP tomoz i will be having fun and taking my baileys!! :D

sounds good - great plan!

LouF said:
Rose, dont know what to make of your chart hun but hope your ok :hug: , I have left the lid of my thermometer now!!
me too now!
Morning ladies, I thought I was due to test on the 7th of feb but ff says to test on the 13th!!!! What is all that about?
If I dont reply its cause getting ready for work but will try and get on later x x
melissa5317 said:
Still just waiting it out on my end. I'm starting not to even give a rat's behind anymore! :lol: That's probably better anyway; I've been spending way too much energy worrying about things, which is just stressing me out, which is perpetuating the problem. I'm gonna try to be a bit more laid back about stuff.......we'll see how long that lasts! :rotfl:

:hug: :hug: :hug: all round!
good plan - that's how I am too!

wanting 1 - can't see anything after cd 9 either but hope it arrives soon

cori - what does the rise mean?

melissa - hope you're not eating any eyeballs!!!

holly - i'd take a + opk if it meant i'd ov'd but i had several false ones of my own MUCH earlier this cycle :roll:

AND ME!! this morning hubby kindle slepttalked (as usual) but he woke me up (thought i was awake) to take my temperature!! :evil: i did and it was 36.31 then i looked at my clock and it was 2.15am! :evil: :evil: so i went back to sleep. VI had loads of odd dreams about work/waking/temping soI'm not sure how many times i woke before finally getting up so not sure how accurate the getting up temp is. anyway i got a very low temp of 35.61 at 6.30 this morning. which temp should i put in ff?

oh and hubby added my chart to his favourites even though he doesn't have a clue what it means! bless!!! (and he saw the bd bit and asked about it then i thought he was going to say hide it BUT he said we better do it every day then! :shock: :shock: :shock: )
LouF said:
Morning ladies, I thought I was due to test on the 7th of feb but ff says to test on the 13th!!!! What is all that about?
If I dont reply its cause getting ready for work but will try and get on later x x
not sure why. sorry. maybe you have a longer lp?
apparently i have OV! but yesterday i still got a +OPK yet yesterday was 2DPO.. ? anyone got any ideas ?

if i have indeed OV, then i won't have caught anything this month as i BD CD18 and i OV CD21. funny thing is i tried to get OH to BD on CD21 but he said he weren't in the mood :(

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