Chartstalkers -- January 2009

Donna's here said:
Holly, after all your +opks what the hell?? Are yours the really sensitive tests, wondering if maybe you need a weaker one if you keep getting +'s. ... 240%3A1318

they are the ones i have Donna.
i've stopped doing them though because all the +OPK's really isn't helping me figure out when i'm OV IYGWIM.

i was talking to a friend about her LO and how easily she got pregnant and she mentioned that her mum found it hard to get pregnant so she doesn't know how she managed to get pregnant by accident! she said her mum used tests to tell her when 'her egg had popped out' :rotfl: and she used to test like mad and one month got 10days worth of positives and thought she had just OV LOTS! haha but actually she was pregnant! so she'd got pregnant, had a 'period' then carried on TTC.. then when her 'period was late' tested and got BFP but she was actually like 8weeks not 4weeks like she thought.

if only that was the case with me :roll:
Hi ladies! :wave:

Ok, as requested - LouF, I think you ovulated a day later than FF says, unless you took your temp early that day, which I somehow doubt b/c it was a weekend. :lol:

Briggsy, I think that your body has just started having a higher level of estrogen and that you should get BD-ing. You've only had one day of wet cm and your temp is dropping; estrogen tends to make your bbt lower. Either that, or you ovulated on CD13 and AF is about to start. Did you take your temp late or early today?

:dance: Donna! I'm jealous, tho. :wink:

Puds, :hug: :hug: :hug: hon; hope things settle down for you soon!

Becs, :hug: for you too - sorry to see AF got you.
Hi Mel, thanks for replying x

Right I work sat so took it at 7am as normal but sun was 8am. we bd on the sat night (day 14) so do you reckon we might have a chance? I wish we had bd on sunday now but we did quite a bit before and OH not in the mood typical!!! TMI but I felt really horny sunday night bet thats why argh so frustrating :wall: :wall:
Oh I so hope so Mel, trying not to get my hopes up but it would be so fab to ring the fertility clinic and cancel due to being preg, but the other part of me is realistic and I think we will have to go.

Thanks again x x :hug:
melissa5317 said:
Hi ladies! :wave:

Ok, as requested - LouF, I think you ovulated a day later than FF says, unless you took your temp early that day, which I somehow doubt b/c it was a weekend. :lol:

Briggsy, I think that your body has just started having a higher level of estrogen and that you should get BD-ing. You've only had one day of wet cm and your temp is dropping; estrogen tends to make your bbt lower. Either that, or you ovulated on CD13 and AF is about to start. Did you take your temp late or early today?

:dance: Donna! I'm jealous, tho. :wink:

Puds, :hug: :hug: :hug: hon; hope things settle down for you soon!

Becs, :hug: for you too - sorry to see AF got you.

Thanks for your reply mel!

Took temp at correct time, its gone down againg today! Still getting -OPK's thought on the ebay cheapies. Will do another POK today at 2pm again. We are back to BD-ing just incase OV is on the way!

my temp has gone up; but i don't want to get excited incase it's nothing :( heh. i'm on the same day i OV last month, so it'd be nice if i OV yesterday/today/tomorrow then my cycles kinda make some sense.
hi girls :wave:

hope everyones ok this morning, my temps back to 36.3, i actually hate that reading, see it waaaay too much :lol:
just a quickie!!-
still no update from me i'm afraid- mel and rose- at least we have each other- a few more people like us on here and our charts will start looking normal!!! :lol: (positive thinking!! :lol: )
donna: i've been getting (sorry for tmi) thick clumpy creamy cm last 2 days- don't think i've had it like this before- did u say u get it b4 ov? - or is that me wishful thinking!!! congrats on being dpo!!! :hug:
sarafet- that bloody temperature!!! :lol: fancy switching charts?! :lol:
holly- are u 100% u are not pregnant as opk do show positive with pregnancy. don't want to get ur hopes up at all and i know ur temp went down but wondered whether u have tested recently just with a cheapie to double check. if not hopefully u will ovulate soon.
:wave: everyone else.
hellooo my fello TTCers.

ive not had a stalk yet... will update myself tonight! had just a quick read!!!

my temp was huge this morning... i was sweating! not sure what that means, but if FF is right then im def not preg because we didnt BD any time around then, FF wont even give me pnts because it says its not possible im PG!! :(

lets just hope its wrong ay!!

have a good day everyone!!

me xx
i wonder why FF thinks i OV'd then.. wouldnt day 14 be better, my temp had a huge rise?

i even BD'd around then, so thats even better! i could get my points back!! i had 43 before it changed its mind!! :(
hopefully ur right lilly- your cm would certainly suggest u are. if so what are u today 9dpo? a very nice temp rise today hun- looking good!! but i refuse to urge u to test this time!! :lol:
:wave: puds.

because i dont really know when AF will turn up im just randomly going to test, im hoping im on CD9 like you said but i cant even be sure of that! :evil:

hope you get your lines soon, your temp was pretty good from CD20. i dont know how FF's mind works!!
lilly said:
:wave: puds.

because i dont really know when AF will turn up im just randomly going to test, im hoping im on CD9 like you said but i cant even be sure of that! :evil:

hope you get your lines soon, your temp was pretty good from CD20. i dont know how FF's mind works!!

Oooooooo, lily when will you 'randomly' do you first test???? eh? eh?
Morning girls :wave:

had a quick stalk and looks like things are finally moving on some charts!! Jan was definitely a cursed month, here's hoping for plenty of BFPs in Feb :pray: :cheer:

B-B, you had EWCM :D get in that bedroom and don't come until your temp goes up!!

Donna, 5 DPO! go girl! :cheer:

Puds, i've also had the thick clumpy white CM which was followed by the clearest most stretching EWCM i've ever had and i ovulated the same day but didn't bd thinking i had ovulated before and i was getting some pre-implantation CM :lol: So looking good hun don't stop the bding

Louf, good luck :hug:

Lilly, not sure what to think about your chart hun but let's hope FF is wrong and that you ovulated when you think you did.As you can see, Puds is desperate for you to test but she doesn't want to admit it. Would you be kind and test just to make her happy? :roll: :lol:
Baby-Briggsy said:
lilly said:
:wave: puds.

because i dont really know when AF will turn up im just randomly going to test, im hoping im on CD9 like you said but i cant even be sure of that! :evil:

hope you get your lines soon, your temp was pretty good from CD20. i dont know how FF's mind works!!

Oooooooo, lily when will you 'randomly' do you first test???? eh? eh?

LOL. Ok just for you puds... my days are Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Was a - monday and a - today so we will see on friday. i want to test on friday before i going away with a group of friends so would like to know if i can drink. If my workings out are right monday i should be on CD14.. thats when i will get my POSITIVE!! :D

i have 20 cheapo test so have enough! :D
lilly said:
Baby-Briggsy said:
lilly said:
:wave: puds.

because i dont really know when AF will turn up im just randomly going to test, im hoping im on CD9 like you said but i cant even be sure of that! :evil:

hope you get your lines soon, your temp was pretty good from CD20. i dont know how FF's mind works!!

Oooooooo, lily when will you 'randomly' do you first test???? eh? eh?

LOL. Ok just for you puds... my days are Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Was a - monday and a - today so we will see on friday. i want to test on friday before i going away with a group of friends so would like to know if i can drink. If my workings out are right monday i should be on CD14.. thats when i will get my POSITIVE!! :D

i have 20 cheapo test so have enough! :D

Fingers crossed for you!! :pray:
sarafet said:
thanks puds, but whats so good about my chart?
compared to mine hun- they are all good!! anyone wanna swap??- maybe not mel or rose though on 2nd thoughts!! :lol: only joking girls- love ya both! :hug: (if we don't laugh we'll cry!!)
waterlilie said:
Puds, i've also had the thick clumpy white CM which was followed by the clearest most stretching EWCM i've ever had and i ovulated the same day but didn't bd thinking i had ovulated before and i was getting some pre-implantation CM So looking good hun don't stop the bding
thanks hun- fingers crossed!!!

lilly- good luck- are we of the understanding that the testing is completely unrelated to me and that i have no responsibility over ur urges!! :lol: (feel free to prod her a bit more into testing waterlilie!!!)

waterlilie said:
B-B, you had EWCM get in that bedroom and don't come until your temp goes up!!

:lol: did anyone else see waterlilies typo!! it made me laugh!! just make sure your dh 'comes' before ur temp goes up baby brigsy or u have no channce in getting pregnant!!! :rotfl:


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