Chartstalkers -- January 2009

puds said:
waterlilie said:
B-B, you had EWCM get in that bedroom and don't come until your temp goes up!!

:lol: did anyone else see waterlilies typo!! it made me laugh!! just make sure your dh 'comes' before ur temp goes up baby brigsy or u have no channce in getting pregnant!!! :rotfl:


:rotfl: oh my god i'm so terrible! :lol: :lol: just spotted the typo and that made me laugh so much my colleagues all rushed in to look at my monitor!! (I closed the window and pretended i was reading a funny email!) oh dear, no wonder i didn't get any reaction from B-B!! sorry hun i didn't mean it that way :lol:

You've probably all figured out by now that English isn't my native language so apologies in advance for these "errors" as you are likely to get more of them"!! :lol:
puds said:
sarafet said:
thanks puds, but whats so good about my chart?
compared to mine hun- they are all good!! anyone wanna swap??- maybe not mel or rose though on 2nd thoughts!! :lol: only joking girls- love ya both! :hug: (if we don't laugh we'll cry!!)

:cry: :cry: :cry: my chart's worse every day!!

:rotfl: need 2 monitors to see mine!
waterlilie said:
puds said:
waterlilie said:
B-B, you had EWCM get in that bedroom and don't come until your temp goes up!!

:lol: did anyone else see waterlilies typo!! it made me laugh!! just make sure your dh 'comes' before ur temp goes up baby brigsy or u have no channce in getting pregnant!!! :rotfl:


:rotfl: oh my god i'm so terrible! :lol: :lol: just spotted the typo and that made me laugh so much my colleagues all rushed in to look at my monitor!! (I closed the window and pretended i was reading a funny email!) oh dear, no wonder i didn't get any reaction from B-B!! sorry hun i didn't mean it that way :lol:

You've probably all figured out by now that English isn't my native language so apologies in advance for these "errors" as you are likely to get more of them"!! :lol:

Just got home from my walk and i was feeling really down in the dumps...i came on here and caught up on the lastest i nearly peed myself laughing when i read the above!

I feel much better now! Thanks!

I really need to get this assignment finished but i can't get my head in the right place, studying about children when i want a child so bad it not the best idea! lol

No as much cm today, but enough to see thats its clear wet (sorry TMI), and just done another OPK which is it still possible that i'm oving or that i have ov'd without getting + OPK's??!

:doh: forgot to say good luck to everyone - I still amn't really sure what your charts show yet but am stalking them!!
Sorry for not posting anything yet, just had a look at all your charts.

I am hoping to ovulate during the next two days (based on my last cycle) but my temperatures look more rocky this cycle...

Good luck everyone!
Hi ladies :wave: , just a quick hi and bye really!!! Wont be on much tonight as joined that and we have got a dvd to watch tonight. Hope everyone is ok and will catch up with you all tomorrow x x x x :hug: :hug:
Hey chickadees!

What is your first language, waterlilie?? Just being nosey. :)

Puds... :moon: :lol: That's for not wanting my chart. :wink:

Ugh........I'm getting SO SICK OF WAITING!!!! I'm getting a little desperate for something to happen now. I've been getting shart pains down near my left ovary for a couple days that comes and goes, but I had that with my right ovary a month ago and nothing happened, so...who bloody knows. Guess I just keep doing the things I'm supposed to be doing. The book I'm reading (again) says that a 7-10% reduction in body weight can return cycles, so I'm doing my best! *sigh*

I must go have a stalk now - haven't had a proper one yet today! Needed a whinge first. :lol:
i got another +OPK today


my temprature has gone up today, but i now have creamy CM and i expect it will be back down again plus everything in this thread:


i think i am going slightly insaneeeee
:wave: Hello fellow stalkers :wave:

Sorry that I have not contributed to this thread really :( to be truthful with you charts confuse me alot and I have no idea what is what really :oops: :oops:

I got a line slightly fainter then the control line on an OPK this morning So hopefully I might OV soon :pray:

Sorry to the ladies that was got by the witch :hug: :hug: :hug:

Good Luck to the rest :pray: :hug: :hug:
Just thought I would pop on before bed, had a look at everyones charts but to be honest it still a bit of a mystery to me, all the ups and downs on the charts!! :? :x

I think from what I'm learning from here and my bible I can see some promising things but because I'm not sure dare not comment on anyones chart, plus I'm scared of jinxing anything for anyone!!!!!

I wasn't going to say anything as again don't want to jinx but my boobs were a bit tender yesterday and really sore today, I'm scared because this happened last cycle along with lots of symptoms and we thought we were preg but af came. However in the 2yrs ttc had never had any symptoms like that before and I feel like they are coming again but am trying to stay calm and just feel if it happens great if not we will see what the docs say in feb.

Quite glad I'm charting as I can keep eye on temps, so wish I had started last cycle :wall: hey ho!!!
Sorry to ramble guys just feeling a bit skitish about this cycle after last one.

Catch up proper tomo x x x
you can comment away about mine - there's not a lot to comment on yet though! :( to my untrained eye anyway!

I also wish I'd started last cycle. I reeeeeally hope your symptoms come to a bfp!! :pray: :pray: :pray:
You can comment on mine if you like...i don't mind! lol

If we are all making wishes i wish i never had depo! - I wish i stuck to the pill like I wanted to instead of my doctor saying that the depo was 'the best form of contraception'!!

Anyway, i should stop moaning i've only been TTC for a month! - I think i'm just worried having not yet had a period more than anything, i'll feel better knowing my body is normal when i've had a period and then i'll know that i can TTC properly!

Sorry for the moan AGAIN guys.

Hope everyone is well today, i'm off to finish my assignment! - 200 words to go!

hi girls!! hope everyones ok this morning :)

still don't think i've ov'd this month :wall: and af is due 6th feb :lol:

louf - hope your symptoms mean something sweetie :hug: xx
louf - i just looked at your chart, your temps have went right up and along with your symptoms..? sorry if i'm wrong, i've been comparing to trixis chart who got a BFP the other week, your temps are very similar. hoping it stays raised for you :hug:
just a quick couple of things-
mel- ovary pains and a big drop in temperature today- it can't be can it??!!! good luck- i won't say no more in case i jinx it for u!! oh and ur mooning at me made me laugh!! heres 1 back :moon: !!! :lol: :hug:

sarafet- from ur temps it doesn't look like u have ovulated yet hun so the chances are u won't get af on 6th feb. af will generally turn up 13 or 14 days after ovulation. keep bding!!

baby brigsy- don't wish u went on the pill- i was on it for 9 years until i came off last june- have only had 3 af since and ridiculously long cycles!! lets both wish we'd stuck to condoms!! :lol:

puds said:
just a quick couple of things-
mel- ovary pains and a big drop in temperature today- it can't be can it??!!! good luck- i won't say no more in case i jinx it for u!! oh and ur mooning at me made me laugh!! heres 1 back :moon: !!! :lol: :hug:

sarafet- from ur temps it doesn't look like u have ovulated yet hun so the chances are u won't get af on 6th feb. af will generally turn up 13 or 14 days after ovulation. keep bding!!

baby brigsy- don't wish u went on the pill- i was on it for 9 years until i came off last june- have only had 3 af since and ridiculously long cycles!! lets both wish we'd stuck to condoms!! :lol:


Blimey, in that case i will never put any form of drug in my body every again! x
Morning ladies xxx
Been trying to stalk you all for over an hour now but the site keeps going down and I'm getting the hump. So shall try again later, hope your all ok xxxx
Hiya everyone!

Lilly, your temps are looking good hun, FF seems to think you ovulated on day 14! :D not sure why you got blue lines though? :?

Puds, your temps are going down, FX you are ovulating hun :pray:

Wanting 1, you had a huge temp rise this morning, my guess is that you ovulated yesterday if your temp was correct :D

Louf, hope you enjoyed your DVD! :wink:

Melissa, i like that dip on your temp today but as Puds said let's not jinx it so i'm going to pretend i didn't look at your chart today :shhh: BTW, my first language is French. I was raised in France but i am originally from Morocco :wink:

Donna, are you taking your temps later than usual? they've been inaccurate in the last couple of days or maybe you're just taking it easy now that you know you ovulated. :) You're right to do so! i think i will stop taking my temp as soon as i ovulate this month until AF shows or hopefully doesn't! i don't want to go through the dreadful stress of the last few days again!

My spearmint tea arrived by post this morning and i already had a cup, it's got a really nice flavour and is not as strong as Peppermint tea. I'll be drinking 2 cups a day to start with and see. Here's hoping i get a nice early ovulation this month :pray:

I'm off now to order ovulation strips :D

Finally had a stalk.

Waterlilie, my circles are light because I haven't been taking my temps at my normal time. I'm not sleeping very well at the mo so when I've managed to get a couple of hours full sleep I've taken it to try and get a normal reading. Its been mostly around 5.30ish but my normal time was 7.30. Am hoping that I have ov'd but am worried it thinks I have because my times have been different :?

Lilly, your temps are looking good hun but wheres todays? :pray:

Mel, heres hoping it's a pre dip :pray: please :pray: get that cervix open though :wink:

Holly, thinking another rise and you ov'd, still wondering if your pg and dont know it though, toooooo many +opks!

A&J, cervix and cm looking good, now get that temp on the up babe, looking like ov is close!

Wanting1, you had a good rise this morning too, fingers crossed you have ov'd as well.

Rose, could I be right do you think you ov'd, nice temp rise again, oooooo lets hope so babe :pray:

Lou, me and you racing to testing then lol. Is your luthal phase around 14 days?

Hi everyone else :wave:
donna - if uv been temping earlier than usual ur temps will be lower than if u temped at 7.30 won't they? if so uv deff ovulated. yay!!!
:cheer: i'm now hoping i don't ovulate in the next few days as we r treating thrush and therefore no nooky!! whats the betting i do- sods law!!! :lol:

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