Chartstalkers - February 2009

i'm sure it'll happen soon donna. as u say 5 months isn't all that long and havn't u been trying specifically for a girl i.e early bding? maybe u should just try the lots of sex option!! :lol: this WILL be ur month!!
Where my cycles are so different at the mo trying for a girl has gone out the window, just been at it and hoping lol. But hey ho, gotta keep going :wink:
it's official i have afternoon sickness :rotfl:

it started at about half 1/2 yesterday following AF type cramps but no AF and today around half 2 i started feeling sick and still do.

went to tesco after work to get stuff for tea for OH and at the till i nearly puked on my mum. oops!

i'm really not liking it, i have emetaphioba (fear of being sick; don't ask how i'm going to cope with morning sickness i do not know! knowing that i'm feeling sick because of the baby and not because i've had dodgy food or something i am hoping will get me through) and it makes me stress out a bit although i'm not as bad as i used to be because i used to have panic attacks about it all the way through school.

puds said:
wow holly ur temp looking sooo good. and ur symptoms are textbook!!! are u not even the slightest bit tempted to test? :lol:

i've not even thought about it.

i've kinda written myself off this month anyway so maybe that's why. i BD BD 18 and OV CD 21, Shaunie informed me that's good timing for a girl but to me it just seems too far away lol and i've had a day with a hot water bottle and heat pack because i thought i was going to explode from pain.. so i think AF will show up next Wednesday.

if she doesn't then i promis for you i will test Thursday morning; i have some cheapies :)
it all sounds very promising holly- i wish u lots and lots of luck. thursday u should be 16dpo - what will power!! thursdays good for me though shall i put 7am in my diary?? :lol:
well i have a 15day LP according to my last cycle so AF will only be 1 day late.

my alarm goes off at half 7 so will be able to let you know by 8, that sound good to you ? can ya fit me in your busy diary ? :wink: :wink: :D
:think: let me have a look, :think: ok 8 it is i'll have to jiggle things round a bit but for u holly anything!! :lol:
im confused cos i took another ov test today and the line was nearly as dark as the control line. so i dunno if im comin up to ov or if the test mon and tues were ov cos on those ones the line was just a little bit darker then today. if anyone understands as im confusing myself plus my temp hasnt rised much today like i thought it would.
puds said:
:think: let me have a look, :think: ok 8 it is i'll have to jiggle things round a bit but for u holly anything!! :lol:

why thank-you.

i do truely feel oh so loved now :dance: haha

8 it is!
Wooow holly,after that shakey start your chart is fab... That OV rise is picture perfect!!! :D
Hi Ladies,

Donna, sorry about your test hun :hug: :hug:

I have updated ff just now as didnt have time this morning, the temp time for the last few days has been 1hr earlier as been having to get early with the weather, car defrosting etc. Been feeling sicky today and still spotting!!! Did a test this morning and it was neg but it's a day early and it was second wee!!! Should I test tonight or tomorrow fmu, opinions??

Off to walk dog then will have a proper stalk and chin wag no hubby this weekend so will be on loads sorry!! :rotfl:
LouF said:
Hi Ladies, Should I test tonight or tomorrow fmu, opinions??:

i would test tomoz if it was me, CD 14 is a good time on FMU tho!!

good luck hun... :pray:
Thanks Lily thats what I thought, dont want to keep wasting tests x x x
Update :So much for testing, AF full on witch :wall: :wall:

Now do I change ff to today as day 1 or tommo????
LouF said:
Update :So much for testing, AF full on witch :wall: :wall:

Now do I change ff to today as day 1 or tommo????

Noooooooooooo!! :hug: :hug: :hug:

I really thought this was your month! Sorry she got you :twisted: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I would put in the flow type into FF and it will change itself (if that makes sense?)
Awww, Lou! :hug: :hug: :hug: Sorry, hon - I was hoping that since you had been spotting for so long that it was just breakthrough bleeding and you'd get your bfp in the next couple days. :(
Thanks AJ and Mel, bit peed off but off to the clinic soon so hopefully they can sort us out, getting to the point where I can't cope with the dissapointment anymore so I feel like let them deal with it now cause I've had enough :(

Sorry rant again, blimey you lot will be kicking me off soon for being the moaniest member!
I keep looking at everybodies charts but I have to admit Im completely lost by the whole charting thing atm so appologies for not being able to offer any useful advice :oops:

:hug: To all the ladies that have been caught by the witch this month and :pray: for all the ladies still in the running.

My temp has jumped up quite alot this morning but I started with a really bad cold yesterday so Im not getting my hopes up too much.

Thankyou to Donna and Melissa for all you advice and support, its greatly appreciated xxx
lou - so sorry the witch arrived!! your chart looked so good!

holly - it's after 8!!

louise - sorry I don't know which one to go with. usually the darkest but then it should disappear/get very faint... hmmm tricky one!

wow puds - you're still going eh! day 53. any opks or anything or are you certain you've not ov'd yet? good luck at the scan.

wanting one - might just be cause it's your second cycle - mine were quite long at the start too. (amd obviously again just now)

sorry you're ill sarafet

any news donna? 15dpo!

melissa - you're cycle's longer than I realised! any ideas what's going on with it? :hug: :hug:
roseanimal said:
holly - it's after 8!!

not testing until Thursday :wink:

not holding my breath though my tempratures really are all over the place at the moment :shock:

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