Chartstalkers - February 2009

Donna, the point thing is out of 100 I looked at it the other day so 66 is good x x I got up to 44 before dip down to 7 now!!! Every thing crossed for you good luck x x x :pray:

My vip trial runs out soon but will see what happens, does any body know how much it is in sterling and what do you get for free ?? :think:
thanks donna i hope thats right im just going to keep temping and see, i never feel like i have any hope of gettin preg again seems to take ages prob just cos im thinkin too much about it
Okay, thought I’d do a proper stalk today and note down my thoughts, so here we go:

Cori, you’re so lucky! I think you have ov-ed 4 times since I started this cycle. Lol Yes, like Donna said, you’ve been *kicked* so you have to get your bfp this cycle. :D

Donna, don’t give up hope yet. I’ve got my fx for you still! :pray:

:hug: Lilly – please don’t leave us! If you feel you must, you have to come back soon. Who will give us pictures of their cute jammies? :)

lmrcpr – congrats!! :cheer:

Pudsie – where are ya? I’m desperate to know what your temp is today!

:pray: Holly – let’s get that temp up!!

Cyprus, any joy today with temps? Hope you get your ov soon, hon! :hug:

Briggsy, looks like your temps are evening out – hope that means ov for you soon, too!

Wanting1, it looks to me like you might have ov-ed, but I can’t for the life of me tell when – maybe CD22. How are you feeling?

Sarafet, I think you ov-ed yesterday, but I could be completely wrong – what do you think?

Lou, FX!!! Hard to tell because you’ve got white dots, but I really hope that you’re spotting b/c you’re preggers! :pray:

Rose Anne, :hug: feelin your pain, girl.

Puddin, I think you ov-ed before you started charting ‘cause your temps are in the average post-ov range. When are you expecting af?

Kitcat, :hug: Sorry af got you, sweetie – good luck for the new cycle!

:wave: everyone else! :D

Still not sure about me – seems like I had more cm in the past two days than I’m getting today, and my temps are a little bit (not a lot) lower than they should be because my cat keeps waking me up at 5:30! I wish this stupid snow would stop falling and melt so that I could go for my runs again. I’m in serious danger at the moment of cracking my skull if I try anything like that and my weigh-ins have totally plateau’d. :wall: Good to know that the exercise is making a difference, tho! I feel I should maybe apologise for hating the snow so many are enjoying oh so thoroughly. :lol: I was born in Michigan. Enough said.
Mel, Thanks for the mega stalk update x x

I dont think you should go running in the snow :talkhand: you might break your neck !!! You can't do that we need you here!!!

Walking is just as good exercise , I've been out for nearly 2hrs this morning with my dog, and my legs are aching it's a right work out with wellies on and ploughing through the snow!!! It is pretty too you snow hater you :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
melissa5317 said:
Sarafet, I think you ov-ed yesterday, but I could be completely wrong – what do you think?

i don't know, so hard to tell because i'm still unwell :( i really don't think there's much i can do except wait until AF shows up.. :(

mel - i know how you feel about the snow, i'm fed up with it, you can't push the pram well in it :wall:
Hi all,

have spent the morning with my friend and her 10 month old- sooo cute but now i'm home i'm feeling so sad! :( !!
mel- opk is negative and i mean ultra negative not even a faint line like i've been getting. doctor said i'd get my scan in about 3 weeks- 2weeks now and not had a letter- hope it hurries up. been getting an ache at the bottom right hand side of my back-its really uncomfortable feels like i've slept on something but it won't go away. i've had it a few times now- could there be smething wrong??? is it a symptom of pcos? want some answers from scan now- i'm not very patient!! feel almost ready to give up! i'm not a happy pudsie!!! :lol: oh and i'm :puke: of the snow now!! 1 day is a novelty/fun , 2 days is acceptable, 3 days is an inconvinience, 4days is enough already with the snow!!! and if i see another facebook snow album i'll scream!! :lol:

rant over!!

sarafet- those temps certainly look like they are post ov- good luck!!
wanting1- ur temps are high hun but no obv pattern of ovulation. where do u live? is it hot/cold? wondered the same as mel about the opks. good luck

Louf- your temp did seem to dip fairly early in to ur 2ww- it may be that u have a progesterone problem. make sure u talk to your gp about this. if u take ur charts it will give them added information. if u took ur temps earlier than normal the last few days it would make them slightly lower anyway. don't lose all hope yet- fingers crossed for implantation drop.

kitkat- :wave: good name!!

Lilly- Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u must not go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u get back here or i'll have to come find u and then i'll get stuck in the snow and we'll all be in trouble!! I will not hear anymore of this leaving talk! :talkhand: seriously though mate please don't go!! :hug:

donna, holly - :pray: :pray: :pray:
waterlillie, cori, becs, kele, hara - looks like u all coming up to ov. good luck and go catch those eggs!
melie, cyprus, babybrigsy, A &J, , wanting 1, rose, louisec- :hug: for all our stupid confusing charts. but hey chins up -there is now almost as many of us with strange charts than there are with regular charts- maybe we are normal after all!! :lol:
puddin- still hoping those are post ovulation temps hun- lots of luck!

lilly- i've just found u lurking- now get ur a*** in here young lady!!!! :lol:
puds - compared to my chart yours is looking totally mundane and boring(and very normal!!)!! you have another 40 odd days until it becomes officially unusual thanks to all of us! :rotfl: :rotfl:
melissa5317 said:
Wanting1 said:
My temperature has gone up again, if I didn't know any better I would say these are post ovulation temps...When using FF Chart Gallery 'Find Charts like yours' it shows percentages: anovulatory 4%, misc 3%, ovulatory 58%, pregnancy 34%. How can this be when I have not ovulated? Needless to say I am still very confused...

Those are just the stock percentages for all charts in the gallery. If they don't have a narrow enough search criteria it just gives you that - helpful, isn't it? :lol:

I would not have worked that out for myself, it's very annoying. Thanks for pointing it out!
Wanting1 said:
melissa5317 said:
Wanting1 said:
My temperature has gone up again, if I didn't know any better I would say these are post ovulation temps...When using FF Chart Gallery 'Find Charts like yours' it shows percentages: anovulatory 4%, misc 3%, ovulatory 58%, pregnancy 34%. How can this be when I have not ovulated? Needless to say I am still very confused...

melissa5317 said:
Those are just the stock percentages for all charts in the gallery. If they don't have a narrow enough search criteria it just gives you that - helpful, isn't it? :lol:

I would not have worked that out for myself, it's very annoying. Thanks for pointing it out!
my vomit inducing creamy CM is gone today, so i am.. i was a happy girly.

usually first day of AF i tend to get TMI WARNING, diarrhea.. i don't know why but i've just put it down to the fact that it's all close down there and it must upset me that way too. anyway i had a bit of a dodgy tummy this morning, not as bad as CD1 AF and put it down to the re-heated shepards pie i had yesterday. i came home from work at 12 and felt a little sick but thought i was hungry, by the time i had to go back at 1:30 i had really bad AF cramps, double over in pain full flow CD1 AF cramps :shock: i took painkillers and went to work for the afternoon. all afternoon i just kept walking around the classroom keeping myself busy trying to ignore the pain and devastated that AF was going to show up. i felt sick, so much so that i kept running to the toilets thinking i ws going to puke; this stayed with me until about 5pm and the cramps came back around half 4pm but wore off by 5pm also.well as i type it's 2minutes to 9, so fast forward 7hours since cramps and i'm fine.. no AF.. no more cramps.. i keep running to the loo checking.

so confused :(
Donna's here said:
Wanting1, I find your temps very strange hun. They are so up and down it's hard to make head or tail of them. Are your cycles rougthly the same length? Have you been using the opk's same time daily and had any near positives? Am wondering if you have ov'd and it's just not picking it up because the erratic temps :?
of whats going on.

Unfortunatly this is only my second cycle of charting but my last cycle was 30 days. My last cycle looked a lot better so probably not the best one to compare it with. I tend to use the Opks in the evenings (between 7 and 8 pm) during the week and in the afternoon during the weekend. I seem to have near positives yesterday and today so it might happen tomorrow. I was ill from CD5 - CD9 so maybe it messed it up - who knows...
melissa5317 said:
Wanting1, it looks to me like you might have ov-ed, but I can’t for the life of me tell when – maybe CD22. How are you feeling?

I am slightly surprised about CD22 because I thought more CD 9 or CD 15. I am feeling ok, not ill or anything but I was ill at the beginning of my cycle and I am stressed at work at the moment. It's just not my month :(
puds said:
wanting1- ur temps are high hun but no obv pattern of ovulation. where do u live? is it hot/cold? wondered the same as mel about the opks. good luck

Sorry to hear about your letter taking so long, hope the time will pass quickly!

I live outside London and although it was very cold recently (snow etc.) I would not say that I was any hotter or colder than during my last cycle. ..
morning girlies :D hope everyone is ok this morning :hug:

i was due to test today as this would have been when AF was due, but as I'm not sure when/if i OV'd there's no point in testing :wall:

my temp was still high this morning but i'm still ill, so it may be related.

i'll have a look at everyone else' charts later when they're all updated :hug:
Morning ladies xx

Well I'm 14dpo so I tested as no AF and can you guess what it was????????


NEG :(
Am ok, getting very fed up with this all now, thats 17 months SO I'm gonna do EVERYTHING going next month and I WILL fall next month, I WILL I SAY :cry:
Holly, hope your feeling better hun xxx

Sarafet :hug: If your positive you haven't ov'd hun then no point testing. Hope you feel better soon too and ov hurry up :hug:

Wanting1, I've never had a true +opk, only just near it, still fainter than the control line but thats the best I get so maye you have hun :wink:

Mel, Puds, Rose :hug: :wall:

Holly :pray:

Lou, good temp rise :pray:

Hi to you other ladies xxxx
havn't had a chance to stalk today yet but :hug: for donna. sooo sorry hun. have u been to the gp yet to discuss matters? huge amounts of luck for ur next cycle.

wow holly ur temp looking sooo good. and ur symptoms are textbook!!! are u not even the slightest bit tempted to test? :lol:

i got my letter through for my scan today- so relieved!! although its an internal one!! :puke: thought it would have been an external one but at least i don't have to go with a full bladder!! :lol: its next wednesday afternoon so not long to wait. i have a sense of relief now!!

:hug: / :wave: everyone else!!!

louf- wow thats a pretty big rise today!! looking very promising! :cheer: really hoping that drop was implantation. did u take todays temp at normal time? is there anything else that could have influenced it e.g getting up during the night or being ill?
puds said:
havn't had a chance to stalk today yet but :hug: for donna. sooo sorry hun. have u been to the gp yet to discuss matters? huge amounts of luck for ur next cycle.

Thanks hun. Its 16 months lol, gained a month there some where, feel better now its only 16 :wink: Na, seriously, even though I've been charting for 16 months and just hoping we'd fall in that time and I didn't, weve only really really been trying for 5 months, so I could go to the gp if I really wanted too but I'm one of these women that only goes if I really have to after I've tried everything else 1st, mad I know but thats just me. So I'll give it another couple of goes and carry on with the exercise and try to loose some weight and if nothing happens I'll go and see the :evil: Dr :(

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