Chartstalkers - February 2009

Morning ladies xx
You lot had a good natter yesterday :D
Glad your still nipping in Lilly :hug:
Lou am so sorry she got you mate :hug:
Cyprus, any time xx :hug:
As for me, well still no AF yet but temps are way tooooo low and after the neg yesterday I know I'm not so want AF to damn well hurry up!

Ohhh Lilly & Holly, I feel very told off and promise I will never be that naughty again 8) :lol:
(was told wasn't I)
My temperatures are still high, started to have cramps yesterday just like when AF is due but also had near positive OPK yesterday and today, getting more and more confused...
Wanting1 said:
My temperatures are still high, started to have cramps yesterday just like when AF is due but also had near positive OPK yesterday and today, getting more and more confused...

i can think of 3 explanations:
1.) u are getting ovulation pains. ur opks are getting darker because u are about to ovulate. keep bding as this is probably the most likely option.
2.) u are going to get af but u havn't ovulated this cycle (anovulatory cycle) but this wouldn't explain the opks :think:
3.) u are in fact pregnant. u may have ovulated without there being a clear pattern in ur chart and the cramps are implantation. opks will show up positive if u are pregnant.

option 3 is possible but i don't want to get ur hopes up though!! as hard as it is give it a couple of more days before testing (what am i saying!!think i must be ill!! :lol: ) and keep bding just in case u are coming up to ovulation.

but hey if u wanna test just to see who am i to stand in ur way!! :lol:

good luck :hug:
just noticed mel that imrcpr is still on the list on page 1- she got her bfp this month!! although she wasn't technically charting when she got it i think that counts as another feb chartstalkers bfp!! lets claim some of the glory!! :lol:

AF got me this afternoon. So February WILL be my month :wink: Got to keep smiling :)
Donna's here said:
AF got me this afternoon. So February WILL be my month :wink: Got to keep smiling :)

Sorry the witch got you :twisted: but love your attitude :D and I am like you got to keep smiling :D

:hug: :hug: :hug:

I am at that point in my cycle where I seem to give up on temping :oops: but I am trying hard to keep going I don't know why but I always do this towards cd30 :think: no idea why :oops:

Good Luck ladies :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

puds said:
Wanting1 said:
My temperatures are still high, started to have cramps yesterday just like when AF is due but also had near positive OPK yesterday and today, getting more and more confused...

i can think of 3 explanations:
1.) u are getting ovulation pains. ur opks are getting darker because u are about to ovulate. keep bding as this is probably the most likely option.
2.) u are going to get af but u havn't ovulated this cycle (anovulatory cycle) but this wouldn't explain the opks :think:
3.) u are in fact pregnant. u may have ovulated without there being a clear pattern in ur chart and the cramps are implantation. opks will show up positive if u are pregnant.

option 3 is possible but i don't want to get ur hopes up though!! as hard as it is give it a couple of more days before testing (what am i saying!!think i must be ill!! :lol: ) and keep bding just in case u are coming up to ovulation.

but hey if u wanna test just to see who am i to stand in ur way!! :lol:

good luck :hug:

Totally agree with all the options :) The first thing I thought was that OPKS can show PG BFPS

Good Luck when you test :pray: :hug: :hug:
Hello everyone how are you all? - What have i missed recently?

Still no af for me, very frustrating.

Anyone know what itchy hands indicates, do you think it might be dry skin? exma?

Off for a stalk, back in a bit
A&J said:
[quote="Donna's here":2d39zz8w]AF got me this afternoon. So February WILL be my month :wink: Got to keep smiling :)

Sorry the witch got you :twisted: but love your attitude :D and I am like you got to keep smiling :D

:hug: :hug: :hug:

I am at that point in my cycle where I seem to give up on temping :oops: but I am trying hard to keep going I don't know why but I always do this towards cd30 :think: no idea why :oops:

Good Luck ladies :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

puds said:
Wanting1 said:
My temperatures are still high, started to have cramps yesterday just like when AF is due but also had near positive OPK yesterday and today, getting more and more confused...

i can think of 3 explanations:
1.) u are getting ovulation pains. ur opks are getting darker because u are about to ovulate. keep bding as this is probably the most likely option.
2.) u are going to get af but u havn't ovulated this cycle (anovulatory cycle) but this wouldn't explain the opks :think:
3.) u are in fact pregnant. u may have ovulated without there being a clear pattern in ur chart and the cramps are implantation. opks will show up positive if u are pregnant.

option 3 is possible but i don't want to get ur hopes up though!! as hard as it is give it a couple of more days before testing (what am i saying!!think i must be ill!! :lol: ) and keep bding just in case u are coming up to ovulation.

but hey if u wanna test just to see who am i to stand in ur way!! :lol:

good luck :hug:

Totally agree with all the options :) The first thing I thought was that OPKS can show PG BFPS

Good Luck when you test :pray: :hug: :hug:[/quote:2d39zz8w]

Thanks for the three options Puds and sorry Donna.

I think it is more likely to be option 2, AF must be on her way, cramps and sore breasts too which usually means AF. It is due on Wednesday so it would make sense. I have heard that some women get positive or near positives OPKs throughout their cycle, although I did not experience this yet. If I did not ovulate would AF still show as normal? Saying that I feel pretty rough as if I am coming down with something, probably all the stress at work. Thanks for all your advice!
Hi ladies! :D

Donna - :hug: :hug: :hug: SO sorry honey; I know you weren't expecting anything this month, but it still sucks. Hope Feb is your month!

Briggsy - itchy hands is likely to be a side effect of the cold weather we're having. Drink lots of water. :D

A&J - DO NOT GIVE UP!!!! I will come after you! :lol: I lead by example, baby. :D :hug:

Puds - I know lmrcpr is still there; that's to remind me to congratulate her next month. :lol: Lilly is still there as well, but I moved them both to the bottom. I'll move Lilly back if she decides to re-join us, but for now, it means that you and I are two closer to the top of the list! :rotfl:

Rosie - Yeah, I've just chalked it up to a flare-up of the PCOS due to all the crap I was putting in my system between Thanksgiving and Christmas last year. It's dragging on a bit now, but I'm trying to be patient and carry on with the diet and exercise. I'm reading that book again that I sent you, too, and reminding myself WHY I'm doing the diet and exercise! :lol:

Haven't actually done a stalk yet so off to take care of that! :wave:
Quiet in here tonight :(

Does anyone think i have or will ov soon???

Really really hope i have x
Evening all, haven't got much to say really but BabyB said it's quiet on here so thought I would just say hello to you all :wave:

I don't know about the ov BabyB cause I'm a novice charter myself x x x :hug:

Just had a nice bath and Forrest Gump has just started on film 4 so I'm having a good night!!!

Haven't had a proper stalk yet but will have a gander in a mo.
i've got the smallest.. slightest.. little bit of an urge to POAS right now.

IDK why i've been fine up until this evening :think:

i'm only 11DPO though.
Oooooo Holly!!! DO IT !!!! :dance:

Sorry should be sensible is it too early and have you got some tests in the house?????

Is it too early though your ticker says 4 days till testing?? How many tests have you got ???

Doh, didnt read you post properly sorry!!!! :wall: You have 3 so thats good 2 spares.

Have you done it yet ??? Don't keep me in suspense :lol: :lol:
haha, i have a 15day LP so one day extra than most people .

OH will slap my wrists.

if i remember in the morning then i might. i get up in the morning busting for the loo and tend to run, pee then think about it.. :rotfl:

:think: :think: *must remember holly* :think: :think:
I'm the same, yesterday and did a test on 2nd wee :rotfl:

No good for me as af came last night :( on to next month now :pray:

But wishing all the luck and baby glue hun, fingers crossed Holly let us know in the morning x x x x x
yup, i shall update in the morning.

either a result or an update of the fact i'm losing my marbles and remember i need to test after if peed and flushed the toilet.. :wink:

off to bed now.

night Lou :hug: :sleep:
Hi girls,

out of interest I deleted all the negative OPK which I had from day 8-27 and FF charted ovulation on day 17 which means I would be 10 days past ovulation this Saturday. My coverline being 36.18 and although it looks more erratic than my last cycle with two dips below coverline (and no dips during the last cycle) when overlaying them, they look similar. So maybe the OPKs were not sensitive enough or I did not wait long enough. I will leave them out for now as FF seems to detect an ovulation pattern without them. It's odd as I marked 'illness' on the day of the first dip (2DPO), as I felt that I was coming down with something, but then the temperature is similar to three days before (which FF detects as ovulation). Comparing it again with my last cycle, tender breasts and cramps also appeared on exactly the same day (9DPO). FF predicts AF for Monday so I will see whether it is correct. I might be reading too much into the small details but I might have just worked out my cycles/body :)

The only question is whether I will continue using OPKS or rely on temperature only.
Which option do you use for detecting ovulation - temperature only or others e.g. OPKs, CM etc?

Sorry for being selfish and commenting on my own chart only at the moment. When I will make sense of mine, hopefully I can help you interpret some of yours!

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