Chartstalkers - February 2009

melissa5317 said:
A&J - DO NOT GIVE UP!!!! I will come after you! :lol: I lead by example, baby. :D :hug:

I have not given up :) tested this morning and it has gone up again (but I did test a little later then normal :) )

holly......Have you tested yet? :pray: Hope it is good news :pray: :hug: :hug:

Wanting1......I see what you mean about the overlay they do look alike :) With the OPKS why not still test with them but don't put the BFNs into FF only put in BFPs :think: Good Luck :pray: :hug:

:wave: :wave: Everyone else :hug:
A&J i totally forgot!

i've just woken up, peed, came back in the bedroom and turned the laptop on and thought 'oops'

i don't think it's worth testing on second pee.
morning girls :hug:

my temps down again, the high ones must be related to illness :( even before when i've come off the pill it's never messed my cycle up so much :( oh well...

a&j - that was a high temp this morning :D xxx

wanting1 - i'm not experienced enough to help you sweetie, but wanted to say good luck :hug:

holly - hope you have good news this morning :pray:

louf - sorry she got you, roll on the next cycle :hug: praying this is your one :hug:

babybriggsy - how are you? what was your temp today? they seem to be nice and steady :) really hope it means something :wink:

mellisa - i feel bad as i was just moaning to OH about being on CD 34 :hug: i hope there's an end in sight sweetie :hug:
holly said:
A&J i totally forgot!

i've just woken up, peed, came back in the bedroom and turned the laptop on and thought 'oops'

i don't think it's worth testing on second pee.

:shakehead:......... :lol:

Don't pee/eat/drink for 3/4 hours then it might be strong enough to test 2nd pee :rotfl: :rotfl:
holly does our arrangement for 8am thursday mean nothing to u??!! :lol: :wink:

i'll give u 3 options
1.) test on 2nd urine- personally i think this is the best option as it doesn't involve as much waiting on my behalf or stressing on urs!!! :lol:
2.) test wednesday am.- i will not have internet access monday or tuesday and can simply not afford to miss out on such news!!! :lol:
3.) stick to our original arrangement for thursday. (i'm not happy about it being so far away but at least i will be here to see the result!!)

well sweetie, whats it to be? :rotfl:

wanting1- oooohhh u have lines!!! was so excited when i saw that! u can't 100% rely on opks they may be inaccurate for a number of reasons e.g misreading the result, wee too diluted, faulty, not sensitive enough, not testing frequently enough to catch the surge. personally i would keep using them just in case u havn't yet ovulated but also i would be interested in if the stay positive as it may indicate pregnancy. huge amounts of luck!! also if u didn't ovulate then the chances are af won't show as normal.

sarafet- hope u have ovulated hun or if not will do soon. can sympathise with the screwed up cycles though- day 54 for me today!!!

a&J- praying for ovulation hun

donna- :hug: sorry hun but glad u feel positive. it WILL happen. :hug:

babybrigsy- sorry hun but still no sign of ovulation on ur chart but the steady temps are a good sign. look out for a temperature drop as this will indicate that ovulation may come soon.

mel- i did think i was getting closer to the top! :lol: depressed me the other day though as someone replied to a thread back in oct/nov and there was only me and 1 other that were still here that had replied to the thread!! oh well going to have a positive week this week though what with my scan on wednesday- sooo hope it gives me some answers

louise c - looking forward to seeing todays temp after yesterdays positive opk :pray:

lilly- glad to see u still popping in here! :hug:

rose- thanks for the luck hun- i can't wait to get some results whatever they are- i hate not knowing what is wrong- keep blaming it on the pill so would like to know if its something else. i'm 100% sure i've not ovulated this month hun- negative opks throughout and stupidly low temps.

yay cori has lines! :cheer:

waterlilie- uv been quiet hun :hug: looks like ur coming up to ov so maybe uv used up all ur energy in the bedroom!! :lol: good luck :pray:

cypris08- big rise yesterday hun, looking forward to seeing if its still high today- if it is then congrats u in the 2ww!!! :cheer:

puddin- where are ur temps hun? we want an update!!! too much of a cliffhanger with those high temps for my liking! :lol: ur not allowed a life when ur a chartstalker i'm afraid- its in the contract that u must post ur temperatures daily or at least every other day! :rotfl:

well I'm back to no pattern that I can see on my chart! :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: still slight brown spotting and it's been days! usually I never get spotting - just a "warning shot" (1 red dribble) about an hour before af shows up! Not got a fecking clue again and it's doing my head in!!

anyway not had a proper stalk for a while so I'll have a nosey - oh but I do agree holly should test with 2nd pee and just not pee/drink for the next couple hours! :)
cori - so jealous you've ov'd!!!!

donna - big giant panda hugs!!! :hug: :hug: :hug:

puds and melissa and baby briggsy - still waiting for ov too!! :hug: :hug:

holly - TTEST!! it's looking good (to my untrained eye!)

cyprus - is it still high today? hope it's ov for you! good luck, hoping for a bfp if it is!!

a and j - glad you've not quit on us! hope it keeps going up!

wanting 1 - you're right - those look very similar!

sarafet - hope you feel better. shame the temps were just you being ill.m my cycles have never been like this before either!

louf - :hug: :hug:
Hello all!

Holly: :pray: for you hun, things are looking good. Half of me thinks you should hold out as long as possible just so you don't get a BFN and upset yourself! - The other half of me say's "Test Test Test!!!"

Puds: Do you think there is really no indication of ov on my chart? I was holding onto the hope that i possiblely ov'd on CD34 or CD 36 - Are those drops in tempreture not big enough? - If i did of then when would me period come...i really want this cycle t be over so i can start TTC properly!

sarafet: I'm OK thanks, hope your feeling OK today? - It's no fun when you get a fever! My temp was 36.5 today, they are indeed becoming steady around 36.3/36.4 mostly. - I hope it either means i ov'd as i said above and af is coming or that i'm going to ov very very soon!

Wanting 1: I'm finding OPK's a pain in the bum too as i've read up about the ebay cheapies i'm using and there are mixed reviews so i'm wondering if its even worth using them! Let me know what you deside and i'll copy you! haha

Everyone else i hope you are well, going for a stalk now.

Feel free to comment on whether you think i have ov'd on the days i think i have?

puds said:
holly does our arrangement for 8am thursday mean nothing to u??!! :lol: :wink:

i'll give u 3 options
1.) test on 2nd urine- personally i think this is the best option as it doesn't involve as much waiting on my behalf or stressing on urs!!! :lol:
2.) test wednesday am.- i will not have internet access monday or tuesday and can simply not afford to miss out on such news!!! :lol:
3.) stick to our original arrangement for thursday. (i'm not happy about it being so far away but at least i will be here to see the result!!)

well sweetie, whats it to be? :rotfl:

haha well i don't want to 'waste' my HPT.. but obviously i won't know it's a waste until after i've taken it and seen what the result is.

maybe i'll test Wednesday as i'll be 15DPO then..


Wednesday sound good everyone..


i have OPK's left and i know that they can show pregnancy too but i had so much trouble with mine showing +OPK nearly everyday for 2weeks i wouldn't want to get a +OPK result and think that i was pregnant then to test on a HPT and get a -HPT.

going shush now. i'm rambling. lalalalalalalalaa...
Thanks for all your advice!

A&J - that's a great idea

Puds, as you were interested: another near positive OPK today but I am pretty sure that AF will show tomorrow

Baby-Briggsy, I think I will use them still but will not record neg OPK like A&J suggested.

Thanks again all!
i am :)

i keep nipping on for 5mins here and there. i want to POAS badly at the moment :lol: it's the evenings.. i get tired.. don't have the engery to push away the POAS urge. haha. got to wait until Wednesday now so Puds is around for the answer.

i might go do a OPK see if that calms my urge to POAS haha, it won't tell me anything but i've POAS.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

oh dear. i really think there needs to be POAS help classes. maybe i should start some; just think i could be rich.. i know what you're all like :wink: :wink:
Awww Holly, i think your doing really well...if the urge gets that bad though you'll just have to do an OPK and see what that says! haha

Have you had a good day today?
my days been good, had another nap without meaning too though :doh: just about to dye my hair to take my mind of things.

you lovely ?

i'm trying to behave..
I'm OK thanks, in a mood as i can't work my body out and don't know whats going on!

I did the same today with the nap though, must be a sunday thing and the cold weather! I feel asleep whilst snuggling my OH and he did his 'secret slip away' he thinks its so funny when he can 'hug and roll' and i'm still asleep! haha

It makes it worse coming on here though don't you think? - Makes you want to test even more?! haha
it does make it worse.. but.. I WANT TO POAS! :rotfl:

going to have a bath in a bit and do a OPK to see if that settles me down. god i sound like i have major ADHD and need my tablets to keep me calm like my friends brother.

*calm thoughts* *calm thoughts*

someone magically give Puds internet tomorrow so i can test in the morning..
i just got my pos opk today and yesterday and ill prob get all the symptoms in the world from now til im due af. dont think i can hack another month after this of temping, opks and all the waiting x
fingers crossed your temp rises tomorrow Louise :)
i know ur temps are lookin great, have u done a ov test yet x
i've done one but i can barely see the control line :? i really think these OPK's i have are dodgy.

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