Chartstalkers - February 2009

Hiya puds, 3 months sounds fine to me, i was thinking of going in the summer if things don't happen, think i'll give my body 6 months as i was on the depo which can take extra long to get out of system.

It's just so annoying that they don't warn you of these things before you have the shot, i found out all the information through recent online research which made me stop the shot straight away!

Anyone else really looking forward to the summer? I'm hoping my mood will pick up in the sunshine! (if we get any! lol)
afternoon fellow chartstalkers :wave:

melissa i am pleased that your getting +ve opk's thats great

puds good luck with the scan results

louise fx for you hun

tootsieb i did the same with ff dont worry i think we are all mad!

cyprus sorry af got you :hug: :hug:

(sorry i have not caught up with everyone)

anyway i am still charting hoping to spot when i will O but i dont know what is going on, i did my 1st opk lunck time on cd9 and it was the strongest line i have had with the ic's, did another one in the pm and only very faint!!! :wall: and they have stayed faint since then its no where near +ve! so i am wondering if i could be O'in really early and missed it but then my temps are not suggesting that!!!!! grrrrrr :wall: :wall: :wall:

any ideas?
sam27 said:
puds good luck with the scan results

thanks hun. i would say u deff havn't ovulated yet hun- which is good news as ovulating really early in ur cycle won't give u much chance of bding!! not sure why u got a positive so early- maybe ur body tried to ovulate/ a dodgy opk. maybe someone else will have an idea. i'll keep an eye on ur chart and let u know when i think u have/about to ovulate.

bb- i can't wait for the summer too- just so hope we get 1 this year!! it always makes me feel happier. hope the sun will kick my hormones in to working! see how long u can wait b4 going to the gp but after 3/4 months i'm sure they'll give u a blood test to make sure no other problems are present then they'll probably tell u to see how it goes for a few more months. can i ask how old u are? sometimes makes a difference to how soon they will give u treatment. i would also recommend reflexology if u want to feel like u are doing something constructive. i first tried it when my first af after the pill hadn't come after about 4 months and af turned up 2 weeks later!!!

Weirdness...I definitely got a -opk today, but my saliva scope has a full fern, and I mean FULL, which is supposed to mean that I've got loads of estrogen in my system. Stupid body... :roll:
melissa5317 said:
Weirdness...I definitely got a -opk today, but my saliva scope has a full fern, and I mean FULL, which is supposed to mean that I've got loads of estrogen in my system. Stupid body...

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

tootsieb said:
Cyprus08 said:
Im officially out, AF got me yesterday. If my next cycle is the same as this one DH will be in the UK during my fertile period as well :(

Fingers crossed to everybody still in the 2ww xxx

Sorry she got you Cyprus, that really sucks, and it's even worse that your hubby won't be with you next month during your fertile period - is there any way you can travel with him?

Unfortunately not, Ive got to work although I would love to see the look on my bosses face if I asked her for time off to follow my husband around as Im in my fertile period :rotfl:
muhahaha, Shaunie i told you to keep your FF account for when you're back!

i know what Shaunie is going to do before she does it.. :rotfl: :wink:
Evening ladies :wave:

Cyprus, big hugs babe, so sorry the witch got you. Your chart was looking so damn good :hug:

Melissa, so pleased youve ov'd and kept on bding. Fingers so tightly crossed it's your month now mate xx

Waterlilie, another long cycle hun, +opk today though so fingers crossed your temps start rising.

Holly, forgot you were at your dads and forgot your thermometer, remember you telling us now lol, brain like a sieve at the mo. Glad your back xx

Wanting1, nice temp rises. Surprised FF haven't put you in as oving :think:

Lou, wonder why your temps are all over the place when your doing it all purfect? Strange one hun. Nice rises again though so hopfully thats ov for you too :D

Louise, I'd give it another day and test again. Your temps look fab hun, good luck :hug:

Sazza, sorry af got you hun :( :hug:

Shaunie :wave: Welcome back babe :cheer:

I've got one for ya. I woke up at 5:30 this morning, popped my thermometer in like normal, went to the loo and saw it was only 5:30 :shock: but my temp was 36.60, high for me. Went back to sleep, got woke up at 10 by DH for a sunday morning quicky :lol: , (was a quicky too :lol: ), laid there for 30 mins after to let the swimmers swim, took my temp again and it was 36.21 more normal for me being pre ov temps. I put that one in FF as I've got -opk's. Just seemed weird to me.
Just pooped in to say... a huge contrates to Melissa for getting your lines!!! (even if they are dotted!) :cheer:

really pleased for you hun. Bet you feel so much better!

Just need to top it off with a BFP now!! :D
i still secretly stalk you all!! just not post as much. i will be back tho im sure! :D

Good luck girlies where ever you might be in your cycle!! :hug:
lilly said:
i still secretly stalk you all!! just not post as much. i will be back tho im sure! :D

Good luck girlies where ever you might be in you cycle!! :hug:
OOOiiiiiii you, we miss you too so please please do come back :pray: How you found it this month not charting? Has it been more relaxing? We decided to bd every damn day till ov and I'm wacked lol, want it to hurry up so I can have a rest. Been more chilled though this month so hoping. Hope your ok Lilly :hug:
hi hunny... yep im good!

We (i mean me!) have been so much chilled. still dont like doing the month 'Blind' im gussing im in 2WW but who the hell knows. :D

feel like ive not been thinking about it every minute of the day, but i did enjoy doing it! i will give it a couple of months than chart again... but i might buy an OPK next month. :wink:

i noticed on your chart you are at the most important stage... go girl!!!
I think its easier for you not to chart because your a nice regular girl, with me it's different every damn month by what 15 days lol. When JoJo stopped charting she fell so fingers crossed for you Lilly, big time, we could then all follow suit :pray: Me, have been "going girl" and want to get +opks badly so I can stop "going girl" :lol: coz as much as I love it it is becoming a chore and I need a little rest :shhh:
Hiya ladies. :)

Thanks Donna and Lilly for the congrats. :) I'm about 90% convinced that I actually ov-ed at all, but not convinced that it happened when FF says it did - next few days will tell, I guess. I just think my temps aren't nearly as high as they have been in past luteal phases, so I'm a bit concerned. :| Nevertheless, it will be nice to get to start over again, anyway!

WB, SHAUNIE!! :wave:
puds said:
hi louf- after todays temp i think u may have ov day 15? ff will confirm ov after 3 days of high temps. did u bd around that time?good luck

Thanks Puds, we have bd on cd 10, 12, 14 and 17 this morning :oops: do you reckon that we have done enough? :pray:
Wanted to bd cd 16 but hubby went to pub and was late in, then asleep as soon as pillow and head made contact!! :rotfl:

Donna's here said:
Lou, wonder why your temps are all over the place when your doing it all purfect? Strange one hun. Nice rises again though so hopfully thats ov for you too :D

Hi Donna the only thing I can think that would upset temps is me stopping smoking, its the only thing diff x x

Hope your both well and thanks for your comments x x x :hug: :hug:

Any thoughts anyone else?? :rotfl:

Mel just read your message, does ff get it wrong sometimes regarding ov then?
LouF said:
Mel just read your message, does ff get it wrong sometimes regarding ov then?

Yeah, on occasion it does. It's pretty reliable for people with regular cycles and patterns, but once you step out of the norm, it sometimes has a bit of trouble. It tends to guess pretty well in general, tho, assuming that the personal actually did ovulate, iykwim. :)
af came today could tel as temp dropped this morning. i dunno whether to keep temping or not. its good cos i know where i am with days and things but hard with the added stress
Urgent news - I have got a period! WOW! - I can finally say good bye to that horible cycle and start TTC!

p.s what is happening to PF, with getting that email, then going on to emergancy bunker due to the site not loading etc?

I'm now MrsLloyd2B in the emergancy bunker! lol


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