Chartstalkers - February 2009

I cant see any temps huni? It still could be that you are spotting in early pg but there is not enought hormone in your urine yet to detect pregnancy. What brand of tests are you getting your BFN's on?
I don't record my temps!

I am using the test strips from babymad. No idea what's going on! Don't want to get my hopes up, as I've read that IB is quite uncommon. I was expecting AF to be there, full flow today - but it was brown spotting again.

No doubt she will arrive tomorrow!
Maybe, but it is unusual. I would say that if you still have no af by Monday, if you can afford it get a CB Digi or a First Response.
SpaceAngel said:
Maybe, but it is unusual. I would say that if you still have no af by Monday, if you can afford it get a CB Digi or a First Response.

Yeah, I will do!

How's things with you? You behaving?
Yea I am being very good. I am teetotal and don't drink so I dont need to worry too mych about that! I need to get back on my diet on Monday!
Im officially out, AF got me yesterday. If my next cycle is the same as this one DH will be in the UK during my fertile period as well :(

Fingers crossed to everybody still in the 2ww xxx
good luck every1 still 2 test

i tested n got a bfn, must b another weird cycle lol
Cyprus08 said:
Im officially out, AF got me yesterday. If my next cycle is the same as this one DH will be in the UK during my fertile period as well :(

Fingers crossed to everybody still in the 2ww xxx

Sorry she got you Cyprus, that really sucks, and it's even worse that your hubby won't be with you next month during your fertile period - is there any way you can travel with him?
LouF said:
Hi every one else will have a stalk later, what does any one think to my chart?

hi louf- after todays temp i think u may have ov day 15? ff will confirm ov after 3 days of high temps. did u bd around that time?good luck
sazza said:
I don't record my temps!

hi hun. if u find that u do get af soon,and as u have been spotting for a while, and it seems that ur luteal phase may be short it might be a good idea to do ur temps next cycle. it should allow u to see if u have a progesterone problem- ur temps will not stay high after ovulation for as long as they should. if u do don't worry there are things that can be done but its best to find out now so that u aren't ttc for months first. hope that made sense if not just ask!!!
:hug: cyprus- sorry she got u hun it looked so promising.

:wave: everyone else

:cheer: melsie on ur temp rise today- but wonder whats going on with all those positive opks- maybe ur body is making up for all the negative ones and creating a mega surge!!! its like buses - u wait for 1 to come along for ages then 3 come all at once!! :lol: p.s could i borrow one please?! :lol:

tootsieb said:
I'm definitely obsessed, up early on a Sunday morning to do an OPK even though I know they don't work in the morning :wall: I'm going to give it till I POAS this afternoon, and if there's no +ve I'm going to remove this ticker, it's getting on my nerves with its assumptions that I've OVed :evil: I have no idea what's going on with my chart, my temp is up and down, my CM is all over the place (well, not literally all over the place, it's staying where it should, but I have different types) and I'm just generally going CRAZY!!!

It all starts getting a bit mad, doesn't it? These charts are great for seeing what is going on, and the OPK's are great for getting an idea of when we OV (seems I have a short luteal phase). To be honest though, I'm just gonna try to relax a bit! I wont be charting this cycle cos' I aint paying for it! Think I'm gonna let nature take her course. Am I right in saying we can OV at different days each cycle?

Tootsieb, I have only been TTC for a month and I am totally obsessed! The obsession stops here!!! :rotfl:
sazza- yep u can ovulate on different days each cycle- very frustrating!!! also its free to use ff to do ur temps each month u only have to pay if u want the vip service. i don't pay!!!
My temp is back up this morning despite a restless night (don't ask!) and I feel this kinda pressure in my uterus area, or like I have a heavy bladder if that makes sense?
Hellooooooooooo :D

Yeah, so I decided to take out the 3rd +opk b/c I only got 2 positives out of the 3 tests I took - on the babymad and the clearblue, but the fertilityplan one, which is the one I normally go by for definite, was negative (gawd, I sound like SUCH a freak). Plus I took those in the early afternoon, and the test I usually go by is the evening one, so...

But Pudsie, feel FREE to take one of my +s! Tbh, I'm not 100% convinved that I actually ovulated - my temps are usually so much higher than this afterwards! I think I've got an EXTREMELY slim chance of a bpf even if I did ov b/c of how long it's already taken, so I'm just looking forward to af and trying to start over.

Sazza and Cyprus, :hug: :hug: So sorry af got you both!

Lou, THAT temp rise looks excellent- FX!

Louise, bloody hell, woman - waiting for you to test again!! :pray:

:wave: Everyone else :D
just tested yesterday and was bfn so havent a clue whats goin on
Afternoon all,

Still no af for me, so i suppose that confirms i didn't ov. I was praying that FF was right the first time, but its not to be!

Well, yet again the waiting game for ov i suppose.

This is not good as my diet has gone out the window since i got down about no ov! :(

How many more weeks should i leave it till i mention to the doctor that i'm concerned about not oving?

hi bb!
when i first came off the pill i left it 3 months before going to the docs to say i hadn't got a period yet. she told me it was perfectly normal blah blah blah and that i would have to be patient. she sent me for a blood test though which came back normal just that i was waiting for ovulation. my af came soon after and the next 2 cycles were around 40days so i didn't bother going back until recently when i got to day 40ish with no ov.
i would honestly give it 3 months before u go (another month) to ur gp as they are unlikely to do anything before then as they will say its just ur hormones settling down. obviously if it is getting u seriusly down u can try going earlier but please be aware that they may just ask u to come back in a month or so :hug:

still no ovulation for me but i have doctors for scan results tuesday at 10.30. i don't think i'll be around monday or tuesday during the day so i'll let u all know how i get on tuesday eve/wednesday!!!


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