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Chartstalkers - February 2009

puds said:
Wanting1 said:
SpaceAngel wrote:
Are you using cheapie hpt's?

I am using the same ones as Puds (from SME Fertility). I must say that I never had near positives unless I was close to ovulation so that's why I am confused.

W1- i've only ever bought their opks hun- is it their pregnancy tests ur using? i would always recommend u try a couple of different brands to check the results- try getting a digi if u can afford to. it is strange ur getting almost positive opks- sounds like either ur body is trying to ovulate or u are pregnant- fingers crossed for that! ur temps are very high - u may have ovulated and there not be a clear pattern. if this goes on much longer i would also advise u go to the gp for a blood test.

Hi Puds,
sorry, I meant I am using the same OPKs as you. I remembered when you mentioned about them and I went and bought them. Do you get near positives a lot? Do you really think my temperatures are high? I thought they were low. I looked at the recent BFPs and KALOU2601 got negative pregnancy tests and only got her BFP after a blood test. So there might be a climbs of hope for me but I am more convinced that I am not. I just wish I'd knew. Good luck for next week, I hope you get some answers.
My temps down a little but this morning but not below coverline so could it be an implantation dip :pray: as I am 6 DPO? FX
Well, FF thinks I ovulated 3 days ago, but I think if I ov-ed it was yesterday. I took my temp early this morning b/c my cat woke me up at 5:50...AGAIN...so it should be higher. We'll have to wait and see for tomorrow's temp, I guess! *sigh*... :wall:
melissa5317 said:
Well, FF thinks I ovulated 3 days ago, but I think if I ov-ed it was yesterday. I took my temp early this morning b/c my cat woke me up at 5:50...AGAIN...so it should be higher. We'll have to wait and see for tomorrow's temp, I guess! *sigh*... :wall:
I agree Mel, yesterday YAY :cheer: :hug: All we need now is Rose and Puds and were back on track.
Trying to stalk has proved hard as PF keeps booting me off.

Holly, where are you??

Cyprus, have you tested again yet hun :pray:

Melissa, :cheer: :cheer: ov'd :dance: :dance:

Waterlilie, looks to me like you have ov'd too hun, fingers crossed for another temp rise tomorrow so FF confirms it :pray:

Wanting1, Again looks like you've ov'd. Fingers crossed for another rise tomorrow :pray:

Lou, corr your up and down a bit mate. Are you testing the same time every morning before moving?

Rose, 100 days :( oh babe. Even your charts gone small. Massive :hug: 's

Louise, 11dpo, TEST WOMAN!!

Spaceangel, get those temps back up tomorrow hun!

Sazza, spotting for 3 days and your now 10dpo, is the spotting very very light?

Becky, wow what an increase. Have you tested??

Hi everyone else, some close again to ov, were gonna have a test feast soon!
Hello all,

I went to the doctors yesterday as i was in alot of pain and wanted to confirm if it was another UTI and indeed it is, on top of that there was blood in my urine again! There is something wrong with my bloody kidneys and bladder but they are not sorting it out, it is not normal to keep getting UTI's and abdominal pains! Grrrr - 3 days of anti-biotics now!

Rant over.

How is everyone?

Today would have been my af due day if FF had still thought that i had ov'd, no sign of af at all so i think i didn't ov :(

I'm feeling really really sick today and so tierd i can hardly move, i'm not sure why though? Stree maybe or the anti-biotics?
Baby-Briggsy said:
Hello all,

I went to the doctors yesterday as i was in alot of pain and wanted to confirm if it was another UTI and indeed it is, on top of that there was blood in my urine again! There is something wrong with my bloody kidneys and bladder but they are not sorting it out, it is not normal to keep getting UTI's and abdominal pains! Grrrr - 3 days of anti-biotics now!

Rant over.

How is everyone?

Today would have been my af due day if FF had still thought that i had ov'd, no sign of af at all so i think i didn't ov :(

I'm feeling really really sick today and so tierd i can hardly move, i'm not sure why though? Stree maybe or the anti-biotics?

What sort of antibiotics did they give you, hon? I had really bad UTIs for a while as well, and they kept trying to give me 3-day doses of Trimethoprim and it wasn't working, so they gave me 7-day doses and then THAT stopped working, so they gave me Cipro, but THAT stopped working completely as well! Now that I've changed my diet I've not had a threatened UTI in a while, but I know that my body is basically immune to the antibiotics now so I have to be extra careful. You're probably feeling sick b/c of the infection - your body will be trying to fight it, just like any other sickness, so you probably have a fever as well. :hug: Lots of water, maybe get some pure cranberry juice if you can find it (health food store - ZERO added sugar - very tart) and feel better soon!! :hug: :hug:
Can lots of night waking effect your temps? I was sleeping on a blow up kids bed in the living room last night as hubby is decorating our bedroom and I woke up every 2 hrs!
Sorry to hear of your problems babybriggsy, what is the problem with your kidneys? Would it be worth your while making an appointment at your GUM clinic, they specialise in urinary tract infections as well as STDs.

My chart is still confusing me, I set my alarm to waken me at the same time every morning, always have the thermometer under my pillow so I can take my temp without moving, yet it's all over the place. Temp has jumped up this morning, still no +ve OPK. I'm trying not to think about it too much as I'm sure stressing doesn't help, but it just goes around and aroiung my brain!
tested this morning and not even a faint line this time. gonna wait til wednesday but i think af will come by then
That's disappointing, I thought your chart looked quite promising, although I am a newbie chartstalker so not very good at it!
melissa5317 said:
[Ah, yes, there's one thing we never tell newbies of chartstalking and that's 'The Curse'. :lol: See my blinkie? I was FINE until I started chartstalking! Seriously - monthly periods like clockwork, then all of a sudden...

Seriously, tho, I think it's just the added stress we're putting on ourselves; so hard to relax, isn't it?? :wall:

:shhh: :shhh: :shhh: melsie- thats our little secret- we'll be all on our own again now!!!! :lol:

tootsieb said:
I'm sore and knackered! I had a BD free night during the week and it was lovely just getting into bed, turning over and going to sleep.

Possible TMI alert - it's not even the BDing that I'm tired off, it's not getting up to go to the loo afterwards, but lying there getting a wet bum and wet legs, and then waking up after a few hours feeling cold wet and sticky, and then having to get up and get washed! It's minging! I'm usually up and straight into the bathroom afterwards.

amen to that!!!!!

(i'm just catching up on the posts i've missed by the way! :lol: )

Wanting1 said:
puds said:
Wanting1 said:
SpaceAngel wrote:
Are you using cheapie hpt's?

I am using the same ones as Puds (from SME Fertility). I must say that I never had near positives unless I was close to ovulation so that's why I am confused.

W1- i've only ever bought their opks hun- is it their pregnancy tests ur using? i would always recommend u try a couple of different brands to check the results- try getting a digi if u can afford to. it is strange ur getting almost positive opks- sounds like either ur body is trying to ovulate or u are pregnant- fingers crossed for that! ur temps are very high - u may have ovulated and there not be a clear pattern. if this goes on much longer i would also advise u go to the gp for a blood test.

Hi Puds,
sorry, I meant I am using the same OPKs as you. I remembered when you mentioned about them and I went and bought them. Do you get near positives a lot? Do you really think my temperatures are high? I thought they were low. I looked at the recent BFPs and KALOU2601 got negative pregnancy tests and only got her BFP after a blood test. So there might be a climbs of hope for me but I am more convinced that I am not. I just wish I'd knew. Good luck for next week, I hope you get some answers.

ur temps are high hun. u have a rise a couple of days ago i'm thinking either a) that was ovulation b) u are in fact pregnant and have been for a while and that was a 2nd rise like many people get when they are pregnant and u need a blood test to confirm it. good luck but i would deffinately get a doc appointment soon so they can run some tests. also no i don't get near positives on the opks- faint line at best!!!

Raaaah, yet another +opk today. I feel SO warm right now (had to put on a short-sleeve top and it's no warmer in here than normal) and my nipples are very angry. :lol:

Ok, does anyone else take their temp in the middle of the day just to see what it's like, if it's above their normal average temp? Am I weird b/c I just did that? :rotfl:

Side note: I'm starting to think about complaining to FF about the service lately - don't like not being able to access something that I'm paying to use!! :evil:
melsie- i ALWAYS take my temp at random times- once i'm dressed, when i get home from work, befor i get in to bed, once i'm in to bed..... just to see if its really high and when i'm in the 2ww(what a far off memory!!) i constantly take it to see if its dropped!!! :lol: so much luck sending to u!!!

well i've got my darkest opk for this cycle(still negative) and i can feel things down there!! been feeling a bit crampy last couple of days so really hoping i get ovulation soon!!! but i won't hold my breath!! (sods law it'll come monday when i have doctors tuesday!! :lol: )
melissa5317 said:
Baby-Briggsy said:
Hello all,

I went to the doctors yesterday as i was in alot of pain and wanted to confirm if it was another UTI and indeed it is, on top of that there was blood in my urine again! There is something wrong with my bloody kidneys and bladder but they are not sorting it out, it is not normal to keep getting UTI's and abdominal pains! Grrrr - 3 days of anti-biotics now!

Rant over.

How is everyone?

Today would have been my af due day if FF had still thought that i had ov'd, no sign of af at all so i think i didn't ov :(

I'm feeling really really sick today and so tierd i can hardly move, i'm not sure why though? Stree maybe or the anti-biotics?

What sort of antibiotics did they give you, hon? I had really bad UTIs for a while as well, and they kept trying to give me 3-day doses of Trimethoprim and it wasn't working, so they gave me 7-day doses and then THAT stopped working, so they gave me Cipro, but THAT stopped working completely as well! Now that I've changed my diet I've not had a threatened UTI in a while, but I know that my body is basically immune to the antibiotics now so I have to be extra careful. You're probably feeling sick b/c of the infection - your body will be trying to fight it, just like any other sickness, so you probably have a fever as well. :hug: Lots of water, maybe get some pure cranberry juice if you can find it (health food store - ZERO added sugar - very tart) and feel better soon!! :hug: :hug:

It's a 3day dose of Trimethoprim, it has stopped the pain already, i'm so glad as it was awful pain.

I don't know whether to BD tonight or not now though, i suppose i can't with a urine infection due to the risks involved :(

I will just have to have a big snuggle instead!
Donna's here said:
Holly, where are you??

i'm back :D

i was ill last weekend, then stayed at my dad's tuesday-friday and forgot my themometer and didn't have much time to get online :(

i am back now though and just put my first temp forver into FF, my chart looks like it's feeling very sorry for itself. oops. lol

Q. though :wink: a nasty one at that.
checked my CM today and it's like thick, white.. snot :lol: only way i can describe it. it's not stretchy like EWCM but not as 'lumpy' as creamy CM, i'm practically 100% sure i won't be OV for around 10days so it's not really bothering me as such i'm just wondering what the hell it is :lol: apart from CM.
anyone else had/get CM like this ?

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: for everyone. am off for a quick stalk.
Sorry to keep posting this, but is anyone else having trouble with FF? I'm seriously going to write them a lovely little nastygram about all this if the problem is on their end! :evil: :evil: :evil:

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