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Chartstalkers - February 2009

Hi Girls x x

Mel - Hope it's ov hun :pray: :pray:

Puds - good luck for scan results

Sarafet - congrats again hun x x

Tootsie- thanks hun

Rose - good luck with the drs x x

Baby b - :hug: :hug:

Hi to everyone else x x will have a proper stalk over the weekend, out for dinner then bding tonight and hopefully bding tommorrow too!!!!!
hi not gonna test til weekend been feeling sick today but dont know if its a bug
Ooooo good luck testing hun your temps look good x x x

Are you not tempted to test sooner ???? :wink:
Sorry that I have not been on here recently, the whole thing is making me feel unhappy and I am trying to relax a bit more. FF has removed my ovulation day and now I am not sure about this cycle, strangely enough I still get near positive OPKs and my breasts are still tender. I had AF cramps earlier during the cycle so I guess my body is trying to make AF come. I have been very ill during the beginning at the cycle but I would not have thought that it would affect it so much.Sorry for being a bit down...
Wanting1 said:
Sorry that I have not been on here recently, the whole thing is making me feel unhappy and I am trying to relax a bit more. FF has removed my ovulation day and now I am not sure about this cycle, strangely enough I still get near positive OPKs and my breasts are still tender. I had AF cramps earlier during the cycle so I guess my body is trying to make AF come. I have been very ill during the beginning at the cycle but I would not have thought that it would affect it so much.Sorry for being a bit down...

Hon, it's so weird that your breasts are still sore and yet you're getting -hpts and almost + opks. Have you thought about going to the doc and getting a blood test?? :hug:
Wanting1 said:
Sorry that I have not been on here recently, the whole thing is making me feel unhappy and I am trying to relax a bit more. FF has removed my ovulation day and now I am not sure about this cycle, strangely enough I still get near positive OPKs and my breasts are still tender. I had AF cramps earlier during the cycle so I guess my body is trying to make AF come. I have been very ill during the beginning at the cycle but I would not have thought that it would affect it so much.Sorry for being a bit down...

I thought about going to see the doctor but my temperatures indicate that I have not even ovulated and if I was pregnant I should have had +hpts by now. I just hope that the witch turns up soon so that I can start fresh!
SpaceAngel said:
Are you using cheapie hpt's?

I am using the same ones as Puds (from SME Fertility). I must say that I never had near positives unless I was close to ovulation so that's why I am confused.
i keep getting faint cramps low down. keep thinking af may come. not due til about tuesday. gave in a tried a first response before nd no faint line at all like on the baby mad one yesterday morning
sarafet :cheer: well done mate xxxxx

Mel, omg, omg, come on love, please please let it be ov :pray: :hug: Shall mail you later xxx

Cyprus, oh girl, your chart looked the bees knees, bless. Hope your ok, feel for you mate, big time :hug:

Cori, omg :hug: Again you were looking so damn good. Bless :hug: Hope your ok xxx

Louise, TEST girl TEST :D

tootsieb looking like you def ov'd hun on day 14, hope FF agrees tomorrow xx

Sorry ladies for not being around much. I have been getting on here a couple of times a day to check in just not posted. Have had nasty family things going on but things are looking better so hopefully shalll be able to have a little time to myself and get back to posting :D
Looking foward to oving too. Bding like a mad woman :shock: :lol:
puds said:
cyprus- :hug: ur chart shows light bleeding- are u sure its af and not implantation bleeding? strange that ur temp is still so high? is it pink/red or brown?


Im pretty sure its the start of AF tbh. I changed it to spotting on FF as I only knew it was there because I was trying to check CP and it was a reddy/brown colour (sorry if TMI). Havent had anything since and my temp. is still high this morning but my my CX definately felt higher and more open than last time. Nevere mind, onwards and upwards.

Sarafet - Huge congratulations, what fantastic news :cheer:

Mel - Ive got everything crossed that its OV for you mate :pray:

Good luck to SpaceAngel and Louise - fingers crossed for you both.

Huge Hi there and Hello to everybody else :wave:
FF has showed that I ov'd on day 28 :think: So that would made me 5 DPO and I have never had a cycle this long before :shock: I took another hpt this morning and got BFN so maybe thats why I have no af but no bfp :think:
Wanting1 said:
SpaceAngel wrote:
Are you using cheapie hpt's?

I am using the same ones as Puds (from SME Fertility). I must say that I never had near positives unless I was close to ovulation so that's why I am confused.

W1- i've only ever bought their opks hun- is it their pregnancy tests ur using? i would always recommend u try a couple of different brands to check the results- try getting a digi if u can afford to. it is strange ur getting almost positive opks- sounds like either ur body is trying to ovulate or u are pregnant- fingers crossed for that! ur temps are very high - u may have ovulated and there not be a clear pattern. if this goes on much longer i would also advise u go to the gp for a blood test.

melsie- OMG!!!! so so so hope it is ovulation for u- i guess we'll know tomoro! absoloutely everything crossed for u!!

louisec- ur temps are looking very good and its a little too early for testing but really hoping u get ur bfp in a couple days :pray:
(good try louf to get her to test sooner! :lol: u can be mine and donnas poas pusher apprentice!! :rotfl: )

sarafet- another congrats!! i reckon u must have ovulated before u started temping if it says 3+ weeks!

thanks for the luck girlies with the scan results have an appointment for tues at 10.30-i'll call to make sure they have them on monday. nervous but excited in a strange sort of way!! just be pleased to have something done!!

sa- still way too early for u to test hun- keep positive :hug:

waterlilie- yay uv ovulated!!! hope u caught it hun!

cyprus- :think: i still think u may be pregnant hun and it was implantation spotting those temps just look amazing. huge amounts of luck :pray:

tootsie- i'm still confused by urs!! hopefully that little drop today may be a pre-ovulation dip? hope so. keep up with the opks so u don't miss out. :hug:

Hiya ladies!

Just popping by to say hello, shall stalk a bit later :D

Puds, i really hope i did hun, i can't tell for sure as usually my temp rises considerably after ovulation not just by 2 degrees..shall see tomorrow :hug:
looks good to me though hun- maybe bd tonight if u have the energy just in case!!!

Morning ladies :wave: Shall have a good stalk later, have my sis coming over for lunch (id forgot) and am sitting here in pj's :shock:

But just had to say CYPRUS DONT GIVE UP. If the spotting has now gone then you might of caught yourself when you were checking your cervix. Try testing again babe. Keeping it all crossed :pray:
Please see below the results of my official stalk :D :

Cori - *hugs* Sorry af got you, hon.

Donna – Glad to see you back, and hope your family stuff gets sorted soon, hon! :hug: p.s. - I'll write you back soon; you know how I am with e-mails. :lol:

Waterlilie, fx that was ov for you yesterday!

Cyprus, oh honey, :pray: that it’s what we’re all hoping it is!

Briggsy, hope that’s an ov dip for you, sweetie! :hug:

Sarafet, well no wonder you were feeling ill a couple weeks back! :lol: congrats again!

Pudsie & Rosie, *sigh* really, really hope for ov for both of you ladies soon! :hug: :hug:

Louise – I’m desperate to see your temp today!! :lol:

SpaceAngel, I think there’s a bit of dispute, isn’t there, about whether you actually ov-ed a few days ago or earlier – how are you feeling?

Becky, I can’t remember if you said you’d tested already or not…any news??

Tootsie, I’m now confused by your chart – hope you have ov confirmed soon!

:wave: Everyone else!

I'm dying to go home and do my opk for today, but I'm terrified it's going to be negative and I won't have ov-ed. :| 3 more hours...I can make it...
I feel like such a moany bum, but i really can't cope anymore, no ov no period i feel like depo has ruined my life.......i keep googleing depo and hearing horry stories why didn't anyone tell me this before i went on it...can someon point me in the direction of help as i'm really not coping anymore?

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