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Chartstalkers - February 2009

Baby-Briggsy said:
I feel like such a moany bum, but i really can't cope anymore, no ov no period i feel like depo has ruined my life.......i keep googleing depo and hearing horry stories why didn't anyone tell me this before i went on it...can someon point me in the direction of help as i'm really not coping anymore?

I'm so sorry that you're feeling so low, sweetie. :hug: :hug: Basically your body needs to detox all the chemicals and hormones that have been introduced into it, so the more help you can give it, the better. Are you taking/eating/drinking any sort of detox food/remedy? You need to boost your body's ability to get rid of excess toxins. Liver and kidney detox can help for this, and you'll probably also want to make sure that the glands that produce your hormones (mainly probably the hypothalamus/pituitary, thyroid and adrenals) are all able to function properly.

I googled Depo Detox and came up with this link:

http://ezinearticles.com/?Go-for-Depo-P ... &id=676062

In short, you'll do well to avoid anything that is unnatural at the moment and anything that will disrupt your body getting rid of things. I.e., don't give it more to do than it already has. Exercise, if you're not already doing that, can really help your body, as well as drinking lots and LOTS (I mean it) of water. I also take milk thistle to help support my liver, and it's been working great, so you might try that. Your liver is the organ that is mainly responsible for getting rid of excess hormones, so treat it with love. :)

I hope things turn around for you soon, love! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks mel, i'm going to check out that website now, i'm already on a healthy eating kick as trying to lose my final 2 stones (lost 4 1/2 got 2 more to go to get to my ideal BMI) i try to excersize, i love sancing and jogging but weather has not helped my jogging so i haven't done as much as i should!

I have work this evening (work in a cafe/bar/live music venue) and don't know if i can face people as i'm in such a low mood....

AGH! What the flamin funk is going on with FF??? Seriously, no one else is having problems getting the site to load?? :wall:
melissa5317 said:
Please see below the results of my official stalk :D :

SpaceAngel, I think there’s a bit of dispute, isn’t there, about whether you actually ov-ed a few days ago or earlier – how are you feeling?

I feel kinda odd. I have mild sort of cramping but not af crampin iykwim? So I have no idea if I ov'd a few days ago or before, but that I am still not late enough for a pregnancy to show on a hpt. I don't feel narky like I usually do before af, so tbh I have no idea what the hell my body is doing. All I do know is that I have never had a cycle longer than 36 days!
SpaceAngel said:
melissa5317 said:
Please see below the results of my official stalk :D :

SpaceAngel, I think there’s a bit of dispute, isn’t there, about whether you actually ov-ed a few days ago or earlier – how are you feeling?

I feel kinda odd. I have mild sort of cramping but not af crampin iykwim? So I have no idea if I ov'd a few days ago or before, but that I am still not late enough for a pregnancy to show on a hpt. I don't feel narky like I usually do before af, so tbh I have no idea what the hell my body is doing. All I do know is that I have never had a cycle longer than 36 days!

Well, without other info, I'd say you only ov-ed 4 days ago. I'd have another look at your chart but F***ING FF WON'T LOAD!! :lol:
Of course, as soon as I post that, it's fine again. :roll:

Ok, if I'm only going by your chart, I think you ov-ed 5 days ago, so hopefully the cramping is b/c there's an implantation trying to happen! :pray:
:rotfl: I havn't really had any cm and all but not sure if I ever did tbh. I had some opks and started using them around the time that FF said I should ov but all I got were negatives so I am starting to think that I may well have only ov'd 4 days ago, but it's so unsual cos I never have long cycles. I am just sooo confused! Could it also be that I have ov'd late and I will have a short luteal phase? God this is all so complicated :wall:
SpaceAngel said:
:rotfl: I havn't really had any cm and all but not sure if I ever did tbh. I had some opks and started using them around the time that FF said I should ov but all I got were negatives so I am starting to think that I may well have only ov'd 4 days ago, but it's so unsual cos I never have long cycles. I am just sooo confused! Could it also be that I have ov'd late and I will have a short luteal phase? God this is all so complicated :wall:

If you ov late, it just makes your cycle longer; it doesn't affect the length of your luteal phase, so however long your luteal phase is, count forward from the date you think you ov-ed and that's your new testing date. FX!! :hug:
So I am looking at another 9 days before I can test then :cry: Unless I get af before then, of course!
Thanks everyone who's had a look at my chart, I'm mega confused by it too and it's peeing me off!! I don't think I have OVed, my cycles are only ever about 4 - 4 and a half weeks long so surely I should've OVed by now. I think I must not be going to OV this cycle, and that has me really down :(
My cycle is the same this month. Regular as clockwork until you start to TTC!! I am expecting a really long cycle this month now! :hug:
tootsieb said:
Thanks everyone who's had a look at my chart, I'm mega confused by it too and it's peeing me off!! I don't think I have OVed, my cycles are only ever about 4 - 4 and a half weeks long so surely I should've OVed by now. I think I must not be going to OV this cycle, and that has me really down :(

Ah, yes, there's one thing we never tell newbies of chartstalking and that's 'The Curse'. :lol: See my blinkie? I was FINE until I started chartstalking! Seriously - monthly periods like clockwork, then all of a sudden...

Seriously, tho, I think it's just the added stress we're putting on ourselves; so hard to relax, isn't it?? :wall:
I started my periods when I was 11 and they have been regular ever since, even when I was TTC'ing with my other 3. Until I decided to start charting!!! The bloody chart curse :twisted:
:( Why doesn't FF warn about the chart curse? And hubby is insisting we BD every night till I get a +ve OPK! I need a +ve lol
tootsieb said:
:( Why doesn't FF warn about the chart curse? And hubby is insisting we BD every night till I get a +ve OPK! I need a +ve lol

Oh, honey, I hate to say this, but you need to keep bd-ing until those + turn -, and then probably one for good measure! :lol: Maaaaaaaan, are you gonna be tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiireeeeeeeeeeeed... :rotfl: Honestly, FF should have a disclaimer, seriously.

I have to say, a bit of tmi, but I'm SO sore; really looking forward to being able to take a day (i.e. a week) off!! :shhh:
I'm sore and knackered! I had a BD free night during the week and it was lovely just getting into bed, turning over and going to sleep.

Possible TMI alert - it's not even the BDing that I'm tired off, it's not getting up to go to the loo afterwards, but lying there getting a wet bum and wet legs, and then waking up after a few hours feeling cold wet and sticky, and then having to get up and get washed! It's minging! I'm usually up and straight into the bathroom afterwards.
tootsieb said:
I'm sore and knackered! I had a BD free night during the week and it was lovely just getting into bed, turning over and going to sleep.

Possible TMI alert - it's not even the BDing that I'm tired off, it's not getting up to go to the loo afterwards, but lying there getting a wet bum and wet legs, and then waking up after a few hours feeling cold wet and sticky, and then having to get up and get washed! It's minging! I'm usually up and straight into the bathroom afterwards.

omg I know, me too. DH and I have a 'system' whereby I always catch the drips with a tissue as he pulls out (wow, that IS tmi :lol: ) and just leave the tissue or towel there for a half hour so I can just run to the loo after the liedown w/o anything running...down...my......leg.............. :puke:
:rotfl: I make sure that we BD on hubbys side of the bed so that he can be a part of the whole BD experience :rotfl:
melissa5317 said:
omg I know, me too. DH and I have a 'system' whereby I always catch the drips with a tissue as he pulls out (wow, that IS tmi :lol: ) and just leave the tissue or towel there for a half hour so I can just run to the loo after the liedown w/o anything running...down...my......leg.............. :puke:

:lol: We've got the same system!!!

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