*!*!*!*!cbfm thread!*!*!*!*

Hey ladies..

...how are you all doing??

Sorry i've not been around much, kinda been floating on cloud nine, and not sure what to do with myself!

Any how just wanted to say hello to the new ladies outofsync, waaah101 and nic123 how are you ladies finding using the cbfm.

I'm gonna update the page soon, so if any of you ladies what your names popping on the main page then all you have to do is....

Let me know what cycle your on,
The test date if you have one,
And your plan of action

I hope you ladies don't mind me still hosting the thread? x x x

Hey honey how are you getting on all the way over in tri 1?

Tbh I can't remember how long I have been using my cbfm, I think maybe 4 or 5? But overall cycle 17 and I'm doing the same as last time but using soy isoflavones I'm taking 200mg from cd 4-7 and I'm now on cd9. I think my monitor will ask for its first stick.

Please host away if you still want too, hopefully you will bring us all luck xxxx
Well ive set my monitor back to day 1 today! Not really what I wanted to be doing on my birthday (I thought I would have had some good news - who was I trying to kid lol)

Hoping some Turkish sun next week will help me relax next week and result in an October bfp. Xx

Happy birthday Steph, sorry the witch got you x
Hi poppy.

I'm ok, still getting use to the idea to be honest. I keep poas lol I like seeing the lines getting stronger. No real symptoms although I do feel a little sicky this morning and I lot more tired than normal. I've had the usual sore boobies and mild aching so if hadn't have test I wouldn't have thought I'd caught. I hope the soy works this month if not I'll send you those tablets before your next cycle :-D x x x

Step that's crap hun, trust her to show her mug on your birthday, evil cow. I hope you enjoy your day regardless tho, huge birthday wishes x x x
Mahoosive congrats again Emma, you must be thrilled!

First timer, CD 14, first peak. So by my beginners calculations I should be testing on oct 8th. I know I won't last that long though!!
Hi Ladies - I'm glad I've found a forum specifically on CBFM! Your posts are really interesting. I'm on my first CBFM cycle. We've been TTC since Feb, but were taking the 'relaxed' approach.. we'll I'm now totally over that! Its now CD 26, I've had one High day on CD24, and THATS IT! It didn't even ask me for a stick today, and back to Low. Is this normal for the first cycle on the FM? I normally have around 35 day cycle. Any advice is appreciated :)
Good luck for you all this month! x
From the frustrated Kiwi!
Hi vic

Sometimes on the first cycle because it's getting used to you it doesn't detect the peek. It will ask for a maximum of 20 sticks so even if you got a high on your last stick it won't ask you for anymore!

The other thing is that perhaps you havnt ov'd just yet! In which case I would keep bd'ing every other day until bfp or af arrives (this way at least you will cover your bases)

Do you take your temps aswell? I found that the cbfm is good at highlighting your high and peek days but doesn't tell you that you've actually ovulated - sometimes your body can gear up for ov and then doesn't happen! Temping is the only way of confirming exact ov date - I find the two together work well for my state of mind (can't say work well for me because I havnt got that bfp yet)

Hope that helps

Steph xxxx
Hi poppy.

I'm ok, still getting use to the idea to be honest. I keep poas lol I like seeing the lines getting stronger. No real symptoms although I do feel a little sicky this morning and I lot more tired than normal. I've had the usual sore boobies and mild aching so if hadn't have test I wouldn't have thought I'd caught. I hope the soy works this month if not I'll send you those tablets before your next cycle :-D x x x

Hi honey. I hope the soy works for me! im cd11 today and starting to get ewcm so I might ov 14/15 I reckon.

I'm sure the sick feeling and being tired is totally worth it! Xxx
Hi vix, as Steph said on your first month you may not get a peak, this happened to me and it made me crazy hubby told me to chuck it away, but the following month I got my peak. Good luck xx
Hey Emma congratulations. We are on our first cycle with cbfm but ninth TTC. We are day 14 and have got a peak! I was really surprised after all the comments about the first month. Will be testing around 10th October. We are using conceive plus and trying to bd every other day although that isn't working so well, specially seeing a peak on the monitor. I have got a bit excited about it as this a good poas unlike the bfn we are getting used to at least I no I am ovulating
Hi girls! I know I prob don't know a lot of you now from this section but I got pregnant on my 5 month using the CBFM (I'm carrying a little girl) so wanted to wish you all luck! Lots of baby dust to you all!! Xx
Thanks pink butterfly :-)

I'm cd5 today on my third cycle using CBFM. Need to stock up on EPO & pregnacare conception later. I really hope oh isn't working too much over my fertile period this cycle.

Hope we get another BFP in here soon too ladies :-) xxx
Hi ladies! I had the worst nights sleep last night, terrible craps. I was doubled over with the pain! I'm a measly 3dpo so I know it's not anything pregnancy related - but it does make me wonder how I'll cope with the whole pregnancy thing... eek!!
Hope your feeling better today waaah.
Cd6 and my monitor asked for my first stick today. Pretty sure this is earlier than last cycle, this does seem a bit early right? Got my peak on cd 13 & 14 last cycle. I didn't think I'd have to use so many sticks. More flipping shopping!
How is everyone else getting on? Xxx
You should only need 10 sticks this cycle so if you test everyday up until the 13/14 and get your peaks then the last test stick should be on cd15. Hope that makes sense.

Michelle x
Got my peak on day 18/19 but still bleeding from last period!!! Gutted. At Doctors tomorrow to get checkec out but looks like this month is wasted!!! Boo xx
You should only need 10 sticks this cycle so if you test everyday up until the 13/14 and get your peaks then the last test stick should be on cd15. Hope that makes sense.

Michelle x
Thanks Michelle that does make sense. Fingers crossed I do get my peaks in 13&14 though, if it goes later ill have to dash down to boots for more sticks. TTC is an expensive business! Xxx
Hi ladies hope you're all well :)

I come on my af 10th september finished 15th ... my periods are sometimes upto 7 days but only light bleeding (when i wipe myself)

Anyway i got my first 2 bars for this cycle today :) I havent been using opks this month to be honest! I have been taking folic acid in liquid form from my mc last year luckily i fobbed my mum off lol! I do sometimes forget to take it though.

And best of all my OH is off next week so hopefully we willl have lots of sex ahah! sorry tmi. Been using preseed this month too .... used it about 3 times before ov but just so i know what do lol

really hope this is my month ... soooo bad !!!!! I wont be using my cbfm after this month only used it for 2 cycles lol but its so expensive :( and we are moving soon in around 2 months or so if we get somewhere by then so cant afford to sadly

Hey guys. Hope you are all getting on ok. Day 16 for me and second peak day. Bless my husband. I didn't finish work til middnight last night and he was asleep when I got in as up at 6 this morning but let's just say he woke up as didn't want me to miss my fertile time! This will be month 3 of using the monitor. Peak days are a few days earlier this month x
I'm on day 12 of my 2nd cycle using the cbfm now! Got a feeling this cycle will be one of my long ones though as had 2 short ones last 2 months!! FC it's not too long!! Still on low at the moment xx
I'm cd16 and still not had my peak, I also had this last month but I thought it was because I changed to a diff pack of sticks half way through. Oh well I will see what happens tomorrow. Hope your all ok xxxxx

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