*!*!*!*!cbfm thread!*!*!*!*

Oh poppy I'm sorry the witch got you!! ��

My temp went back down to a more normal level for me this morning although I had to take it twice because the first time it took me below the cover line (I think I was falling back to sleep and moved the thermometer in my mouth)

Not feeling very hopeful now and thinking its going to be a case of waiting for af to arrive now xx
Ladies!!! How are you all getting on??

Would you believe it but im up the duff!!10dpo and and got faint pink lines on ic and frer, pics in am i pregnant, still in disbelief...And i didnt use the cbfm! Pretty much threw the towel in and thought sod it this cycle, was gonna try again after the new year. x x x
:yay: omg massive congrats sweety!!!!

:whistle: Fapatalking :whistle:
Wooooo hoooooo congratulations!!!! I bet you are totally over the moon! So pleased for you Emma! Fantastic news xxxxx
I am so so happy for you Emma massive congratulations, hope you have a happy and very healthy 9 months xxxx

Michelle x
Thank you ladies.,

Im still in total shock so much so that i went out and bought a double pack of frer's and digi's! Lol to use from now til af is due. I just wanna see that line get stronger, then maybe i'll fully believe it.

Cant believe it happened on the 1 month i didnt use my monitor! Talk about lucky!

x x x
Hoping you pass on that luck to me. I have been having a rest from the monitor this cycle too only been taken pregnacare and having lots of sex hoping the more relaxed approach gives us great news in a couple of weeks time.
I am so happy for you emma you and OH must be on cloud nine.

Michelle x
I know i wasnt going to use the monitor this month but i just started to have OV pains and since my monitor is still tracking my cycle i decided to switch it in and it asked for a test stick. (I forgot that i had changed the time setting on it). Anyway i put in my test stick and low and behold i got a PEAK reading. When i removed the stick and let it dry out i am left with the darkest blue lines i have ever had. Good job we BD earlier today and will again tonight just to make sure we catch that little egg!!

Michelle x

View attachment 25199
Hey, we have just bought one of these in the hope that it is going to help us. I am hoping there are success stories for this or is it just more poas!
So glad we have another BPF in this thread! Yeah!
I am 8dpo now. Hopefully will hold off until Thursday when I'll be 12dpo. Up at 4.30 in the morning to go to the airport for my holiday (yeah!) so peeing on a stick will probably be the lady thing on my mind when I crawl out of my bed! Xxx
Hi ladies! First time poster, first cycle of cbfm. First stick cd6 - low. Cd8 - cd9 (today) high. I think I'm becoming obsessed with this thing, I have no patience!! The first tww will be tough.

Congrats Emma, that's great news.
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Aww waah101 you will become a poas addict like us all. The urge just takes over you haha!!

Michelle x
Anyone else getting highs all the way through cycle?? On cd12 now and had high every day since cd6 I did reset cbfm is this normal?? x x
Hi outofsync - on my first cycle with cbfm I had highs up until cd14 when I got first peek so think its pretty normal when monitor is first used or has been reset!

The first time using I was watching the lines (as the first line gets lighter estrogen is on the rise - the other lh line should start to get darker then you will see the peek)

Hope that makes sense and hope you get your peek soon

Hey ladies..

...how are you all doing??

Sorry i've not been around much, kinda been floating on cloud nine, and not sure what to do with myself!

Any how just wanted to say hello to the new ladies outofsync, waaah101 and nic123 how are you ladies finding using the cbfm.

I'm gonna update the page soon, so if any of you ladies what your names popping on the main page then all you have to do is....

Let me know what cycle your on,
The test date if you have one,
And your plan of action

I hope you ladies don't mind me still hosting the thread? x x x
Well ive set my monitor back to day 1 today! Not really what I wanted to be doing on my birthday (I thought I would have had some good news - who was I trying to kid lol)

Hoping some Turkish sun next week will help me relax next week and result in an October bfp. Xx
Sorry the witch got you Steph, That just sucks on your birthday. Hope you have a great day anyway.

Michelle x

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