*!*!*!*!cbfm thread!*!*!*!*

Hey rednurse you may get around 5-6 days of highs. I usually bd every 2-3 days during the highs. I concentrate more on the peaks and the couple of days after.

Mishi I don't know what to say hun. How very odd. Maybe your body is trying to ov? Having said that surely the opks would still pick the false surge up? Maybe you have some dud cheapies? Could be worth picking up a pack of ov tests, most supermarkets stock the strip test opks. Sorry I'm not much help x x

Thanks for the support ladies. I wouldnt say I'm upset or in a mood, I'm just not bothered...I dint know if that's a good thing or had thing.we bd this morning, it was only when checking ff that I noticed I'm on CD12 this cycle is going so fast. I think it's coz I've not stressed about remembering the monitor or backing up with cheapies. In fact I've been so chilled I've fallen asleep with the theremometer stuck in my mouth! Lucky it has memory function lol

I don't think I'm far off ov that's if it hasn't already happened. Had a lot if ewcm, I dont usually get this but I changed vits to asda own brand which is called well women. There not actually for ttc but they have epo and starflower oil in them plus Nicky from the Clomid thread said she used them the month she got her bfp...so with a try I thought! X x x
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Apologies for the typos, I'm on my new phone and still trying to get the hang of using it lol x x
well i wasn't wrong ladies.

Had niggling pains in left ovary since early this morning..about 2am. Just had a nice sharp stabbing pain again in the left ovary. So figured i'd poas see what it says....its a lovely dark colour, as dark as the control line. So it would seem im gonna ov early this month. Lets see if the temps reflect the opks...

x x x
Emma I hope your getting lots of bd'ing in :)

CD 10 for me & second day of high reading. I'm just wondering when I should expect to see a positive OPK? When I get my peak I'm figuring?

Mishi how are you getting on today?
Hey rednurse,

Well i did manage to bd yesterday morning and last night...even tho my fella had really bad stomach cramps last night LOL he's such a trooper! But it made it feel like i was a abusing him tho, especially when i look down and he had a pain grimace! LMAO I did ask if he want to stop but he said no! My temps havent gone up yet so im wondering if mybody tried to ov or i'm just a really really slow riser. I had lots of aches, cramps and stabbing pains and felt really heavy right across my pelvis area. Today there is nothing! Who Knows. Gonna do an opk later today maybe.

Last cycle i used the monitor and okps. My lines started getting stronger a couple of days before my peak then the day of my peak i had a really strong line, darker than the control line. Then on the second day of peaks the control line on the opk was a shade lighter than the control line. I ovulated late on the first night, coz i felt it ping whilst i was laid in bed, which is why the second test was lighter as my surge had passed. Hope that helps x x
Thanks Emma, that does help. I'll stick with backing up with OPK's then.
It certainly sounds like you ovulated from your pains-Your poor oh, he sure does sound like a trouper lol. I hope he's feeling better xx
Hi ladies hope you are all getting on well this month?! Well I am over excited as after getting my high on cd13 I got my peak this morning cd15!! I have been backing up with opk's and they were +ive this morning and this evening!! We DTD cd12, cd14 and will be tonight!! I will do opk's tomorrow as well although I think I have ovulated already as have a few twinges this evening and my (.)(.) have gone sensitive! Really hoping we've done enough this time! Wish I could have known I would OV so fast and I would have DTD on cd13 too but I NEVER have cycles this short! FC!! :) xx
Hey ladies hope your all well!

I've had a quite couple of weeks trying to get to ov without too much thinking!

I'm on cd14 today with my first peek on the monitor and a +ve clear blue
Opk this afternoon so expecting to ov today or tomorrow! Fingers crossed!

Have tried to smep this month (with on extra bd for fun) - I'm just not sure now if I should bd on both peek days as well as day after .... That will be 4 days in a row then and not sure if that is too much lol!

AF arrived for me this afternoon, I have decided to have a wee break from POAS so I have reset the monitor and put it away to the back of my wardrobe. Going to try the relaxed laid back approach for next cycle and see what happens.

Michelle x
Thanks Rednursie. Totally devastated the witch got me.

How are you getting on?

Michelle x
I'm okay thanks. Trying not to think too much about TTC as the witch arriving gets me so down as I'm sure you understand. It's very hard not to though. I'm hoping to get my first peak this cycle (my second using CBFM) but again trying not to think about it too much. I don't blame you putting your monitor away this month it can really wear you out. Hopefully you'll feel a bit better about things after a bit of a break xxx
Thats what i am hoping, its just become a bit too much, hoping to try and forget about the whole TTC process for a month or so and just get on with life. My heart just isnt in it at the moment.

Michelle x
Snap!!! I have done the same thing this month. I put my all into last month, which didnt work so figured whats the point. Put away the monitor, opks, preseed ect. The only thing im continuing with is temping and vits.

This cycle has flown by, had heaps of pains a few days ago, so did a sneaky test and it was positive. But temps didnt rise until today so im assuming i was late oving, were as last month the day after the ++ opk the temps shot up.

I know what you mean about your heart not being in it, the hole ttc sucks everything out of you and before you know it everything is about ttc. I even stopped enjoying sex, coz it was all about the preseed, position and timing. This month its been a lot better, so much better infact that next door heard us last night...i forgot we had the bedroom window open and they tend to smoke outside! LMAO

I would say the best thing you can do is not worry or think about it. Reconnect, spend time with your OH and enjoy yourself......

......it honestly does make you feel a hole heap better! x x x x
Morning ladies :wave:

I'm still not really sure what's been going on this month as monitor and opk's weren't in sync! My temp went up this morning, so I'm guessing I ovulated yesterday and did have pains on my right side so it fits.

Low on monitor yesterday and Wednesday but +ve opk on Wednesday - its just all a bit odd this month :roll:

We bd'd yesterday morning and as I didn't want to be late for work decided to try soft cups for the first time. Easier than I thought they would be to work with and insert but OMG getting it out was another altogether :lol:

Thanks Emma. Your right about needing time to reconnect with my husband it was all becoming very overwhelming. All we were thinking about was making a baby. I know its only been 5 months TTC but it certainly does take over your life.

Michelle x
Cd13 and got my first peak on my monitor this morning! Got a smilie face on a digi OPK yesterday so am well happy. Didn't know if monitor would detect as I didn't strictly use FMU as I'd been working all night. BD'd thus afternoon. I Was freaking out yesterday about not being able to BD last night as I had to go to work but I think I might be covered if I BD again tomorrow morning? I've BD'd CD11 (night) and CD13 (morning) so far. Sorry if tmi.
How is eferyone else getting on? xxx
Cd13 and got my first peak on my monitor this morning! Got a smilie face on a digi OPK yesterday so am well happy. Didn't know if monitor would detect as I didn't strictly use FMU as I'd been working all night. BD'd thus afternoon. I Was freaking out yesterday about not being able to BD last night as I had to go to work but I think I might be covered if I BD again tomorrow morning? I've BD'd CD11 (night) and CD13 (morning) so far. Sorry if tmi.
How is eferyone else getting on? xxx
Hey all. Day 27 for me. Waiting for AF to arrive and sure it will be as having the usual tender boobs and hot flushes I usually get a few days before it arrives. Rubbish!

I'm the same as you red nursie. Work shifts as well. Luckily though I still managed to get 2 peak on 16&17 when I was working nights.

Not a fan of 2ww but then who is?! :-) x
Hi everyone, I am back from my Hols, got home at this evening so I thought I would check in.

I took my monitor on hol but I didn't get a peak, I used sticks and the day I went I used a different box of sticks so not sure if that's made any difference or not, maybe I didn't ov... I'm not sure.

Only bd once on holiday as I was so tired each night from a lot of walking and swimming.

Af due for me next Friday so 5 days left for me.

I hope you are all getting on ok xxx

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