*!*!*!*!cbfm thread!*!*!*!*

Aww Emma i will keep my fingers crossed that the clomid works for you this cycle and you get a BFP. I know what you mean about the monitor. I think i have turned it off and on about 10 times just to keep checking it really does give a peak reading. Like its going to change, what a numpty i am haha
Whoop whoop you have a peak! Still high for me. Won't be long til 2ww! X
I know then the long 2ww begins. Oh so exciting. I so want my BFP this cycle x
Hi :wave:

how you all doing? How far are you all in your cycles?

I've been feeling really sicky all day, hoping its coz i've been hard at work and not a side effect of the clomid....cant be feeling sick for the next 5 days, i hate feeling sick! :roll:

I've been uber busy today, finishing assignment...still havent completed it yet but i'm taking a break. Just browsing the net looking for some new curtains, got a new sofa the other day but the curtains dont match now! Didnt think to get the curtains before the sofa arrived....ive only had 4 weeks to look for some duh!:wall2:

x x x

Yep, still here! We won't be trying this month because we're away for three weeks in August to visit my family. I'm not sure it would be the best time to be suffering morning sickness. Next cycle, it's all a go! lol

Congratulations, babynumbertwo! :):dance:

I'm on CD8, not had to poas yet for cbfm but my last cycle I ovulated on CD18. So, approximately how many days before 'usual' ovulation does it ask for the first stick?

Also, I'm curious as to how many 'high' reading you all get before your 'peak' reading? I *think* I had two high readings last month but (stoooopidly!) forgot to keep note and my memory is pants.
Hi :wave:

I've been feeling really sicky all day, hoping its coz i've been hard at work and not a side effect of the clomid....cant be feeling sick for the next 5 days, i hate feeling sick! :roll:

Ugh, I hate feeling sick too! I don't know much about clomid though, so no idea how likely it is to cause nausea. I hope it passes and good luck with your assignment! :) xx
How is everyone getting on today?

I am now CD14,

Monitor readings so far:
CD6 - CD11 = HIGH
CD12 - CD13 = PEAK

Hopefully all the BD we have been doing over the last few days have paid off, time will tell I guess x
Hey ladies,

Hope your all well! AF turned up on on Thursday so my CBFM is set and ready for another cycle.
Fx for us all xx
Hey all. Day 15 and still showing high. Have to say, using the cbfm makes The cycle feel a lot slower! How are you getting on? x
Day 15 too, I had my 2 peak readings on thursday and friday, than high reading yesterday and this monrning got a low reading so I am now in the dreaded 2 week wait. it's going to be a long 2 weeks x
Hello ladies :wave:

Feels like i havent been on in such a long time, i'm sure its less than a week!! Withdrawl symptoms! LOL

I'm gonna update the main page....so ladies...
* what cycle are you on? (using the monitor)
*and when do you think you may be testing?

And also just coz im nosey and it may help other ladies...whats your plan of action for this month??!! Lol

I've not long finished my first round of clomid took it cd2-cd6, today is cd8. The monitor has just asked for my first stick, Its jumped straight to high reading!! Missed out the lows which i expected to be honest, because of the clomid.

I have some cheapie opks which im gonna use also, it'll be nice to see a good strong positive...thats if i get one! Plus i'll be able to see my surge come and go, hopefully.And i've actually been temp charting too, ment to do it before but i'm rubbish at remembering it, i'm usually up and brushing my teeth before ive remembered :lol:

So my plan of action for this month is

*clomid cd2-cd6
*Folic Acid
*cheapie Opks
*Temp charting

And my fella has just emailed to inform me that were doing SMEP this month :roll: Any excuse!

Fx to all x x x
Hi ladies
My monitor has arrived! I bought it on ebay & it has come with instructions but I have no idea how to reset! I'm rubbish at techy stuff & this isn't something I want to bog oh down with. I turned on the button on-the number 30 flashed up. I kept finger on m button which went to 1. Does this mean it thinks I'm on day one of cycle? Af hasn't arrived for me yet-will I just repeat this when it does? And what day do I need sticks from as just ordered online. If anyone fancies sending an idiot proof guide to me I would be super super grateful. Thanks in advance ladies. Baby dust to all xxx
Hey hun

Firstly was it a new monitor or second hand?? If its brand spanking, never been used before new then you'll be ok just holding the m button and setting back onto cd1.

If its second hand it needs resetting, i cant remember how to do this off the top of my head so i'll dig out my book and let you know, i think the info you need is right at the back of the book on the very last page. It'll need completely resetting because it can remember upto 6 cycles of data!! Plus is accustomises itself to your hormones x x x

CD 12 today, still Low reading. Ovulation on CD18 last cycle and I was hoping it would be earlier this time. My long cycles are annoying. :(

Second cycle using the monitor but not TTC yet - just getting a hang of what's going on as had sterilization reversal 27 June and Mirena coil was in until early June.

TTC from next cycle.
Hi ladies
My monitor has arrived! I bought it on ebay & it has come with instructions but I have no idea how to reset! I'm rubbish at techy stuff & this isn't something I want to bog oh down with. I turned on the button on-the number 30 flashed up. I kept finger on m button which went to 1. Does this mean it thinks I'm on day one of cycle? Af hasn't arrived for me yet-will I just repeat this when it does? And what day do I need sticks from as just ordered online. If anyone fancies sending an idiot proof guide to me I would be super super grateful. Thanks in advance ladies. Baby dust to all xxx

If it had 30 on it it must still have the previous persons cycles programmed on it. To reset it use an unused stick and put it in when the machine is off - then press and hold down the 'm' button and press the on/off button - continuing to hold down the 'm' button until all symbols flash which should happen within 15secs! It tells you on the very back page of the instruction book if my instructions aren't clear enough haha!

Just done it myself ready for AF starting next week. Really hoping it works! Xx
Hi Emma

Here's my info so you can update the first page of the thread:

Cycle 3 TTC
Cycle 1 using CBFM
Testing 12th August

Plan for this cycle:

Use monitor
Take Folic acid, calcium and vitamin C supplements
Lots and lots of :bd:

FX for us all this cycle x
Last edited:
Thanks so much ladies! Yeah, it is second hand. So I need the sticks to totally reset it? Really want to have it ul & running for this cycle; af is beginning to show so tomorrow will be day one-Have ordered sticks online but am I better off getting some in the ship tomorrow so I start on cd1? Gosh this a bit more confusing than i thought it would be! Xxx
Thanks so much ladies! Yeah, it is second hand. So I need the sticks to totally reset it? Really want to have it ul & running for this cycle; af is beginning to show so tomorrow will be day one-Have ordered sticks online but am I better off getting some in the ship tomorrow so I start on cd1? Gosh this a bit more confusing than i thought it would be! Xxx

According to the instructions you can start it any day up until cd5 I think it said. Yes you need one stick to reset it and follow what I said above, once thats done you press and hold the 'm' button to set it to cd1 but then you can press it again (not sure wether instructions mean a normal press or a press and hold again) to flick it forward a few days. As it only requires first stick on day 6 I'm sure your sticks will be here in plenty time :-) xx
Thank you! Think I know what I'm doing now. Will have sticks on Wed (hopefully) so will start then on cd2 and skip machine to day 2. Will reread instructions later :)

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