Hello ladies
Feels like i havent been on in such a long time, i'm sure its less than a week!! Withdrawl symptoms! LOL
I'm gonna update the main page....so ladies...
* what cycle are you on? (using the monitor)
*and when do you think you may be testing?
And also just coz im nosey and it may help other ladies...whats your plan of action for this month??!! Lol
I've not long finished my first round of clomid took it cd2-cd6, today is cd8. The monitor has just asked for my first stick, Its jumped straight to high reading!! Missed out the lows which i expected to be honest, because of the clomid.
I have some cheapie opks which im gonna use also, it'll be nice to see a good strong positive...thats if i get one! Plus i'll be able to see my surge come and go, hopefully.And i've actually been temp charting too, ment to do it before but i'm rubbish at remembering it, i'm usually up and brushing my teeth before ive remembered
So my plan of action for this month is
*clomid cd2-cd6
*Folic Acid
*cheapie Opks
*Temp charting
And my fella has just emailed to inform me that were doing SMEP this month

Any excuse!
Fx to all x x x