I agree, minimum wage needs to be in line with the cost of living. But until it is, I think people have to tailor their aspirations to their financial capabilities.
What's wrong with waiting to be in a better financial situation before you start your family? I was 33 when I had my son and 38 when I had my daughter in Dec. I don't consider myself a geriatric

but as a result of waiting, we have a lovely family home, savings, disposable income and whatever else we get stressed about it's not about putting food on the table or paying for the kids classes or school fees.
Don't get me wrong, we have to budget like everyone else, we're dairy farmers and have overheads to meet and bank managers to keep happy!
But my point is we had to wait to start our family until we were in a financial position to do so, and I struggle with the idea that people can't do the same. I want to do the best for my family ( as i imagine we all do) so bringing children into a situation where I would be relying on benefits and vouchers to feed and clothe them would not sit well with me. Especially when it can be avoided.
Life happens, none of us knows what's round the corner and we could all end up on benefits at some stage to get us through a tough time. As an emergency measure. But I strongly believe that nobody is entitled to be on benefits long term simply by virtue of the fact that their income can not meet their expenditure once children enter into the mix. The state doesn't have any responsibility for the conception of children why should we expect the state to provide for them?