Big Brother 7!!!

Kina, you have just made me choke on my sandwich. Was about to go down in my estimation missy!!!!!
:lol: Well I did say that when tipsy last night ;)

What is Imogen doing snogging Sezer! She should of held out a bit longer :doh:
They remind me of a posher version of Saskia and Maxwell. Does Imogen wear bangles (ewww)
He he, we were talking about her bangles last night. Dirty cow!
Really felt sorry for shabaz - they wouldn't listen to him, when he was going on about sage and basil and the shopping list - or something like that. i hope they watch it and are ashamed of them selves.

Damn missed the willies :( !!

Nikkis - she is so annoying " i'm dehydratin coz they whant give me any bottled whata" " i need my whata proof eye make up removah" oh for gods sake they really are a bunch of freaks this year!

Bet Davina is quite releaved she doesn't have to interview Shabaz!
Hypnorm said:
Bet Davina is quite releaved she doesn't have to interview Shabaz!

Ahhh but she might, she interviewed Sandy after he went over the wall. I bet he's there friday night, he's too much of an attention seeker not to be.
Well, thats cleared a few things up.
I've got to wait until the repeat this arvo (wasn't allowed to watch it last night apparantely Crimewatch & David Beckham are more important - I mean really! :shock: )

I've been watching E4 today & wondered where Shabaz had gone. I'm confused about the whole willy thing though :? was that on the show last night or was it seen through the live feed?
im still confused, i know shabaz has walked coz i read in teh todays paper, but i didnt see him go on the show last night (watched the repeat just now)

so will that be in todays show or did i miss it totaly?

Hypnorm said:
Really felt sorry for shabaz - they wouldn't listen to him, when he was going on about sage and basil and the shopping list - or something like that. i hope they watch it and are ashamed of them selves.

Damn missed the willies :( !!

Nikkis - she is so annoying " i'm dehydratin coz they whant give me any bottled whata" " i need my whata proof eye make up removah" oh for gods sake they really are a bunch of freaks this year!

Bet Davina is quite releaved she doesn't have to interview Shabaz!

i agree with it all... poor shabaz, im not liking the gay man that dresses in army clothes???
I think the bangle thing is because Saskia wore bangles and you could hear her bangles under the duvet with maxwell..... get it....
layla said:
im still confused, i know shabaz has walked coz i read in teh todays paper, but i didnt see him go on the show last night (watched the repeat just now)

so will that be in todays show or did i miss it totaly?


Dont think you've missed anything Layla, it will be on tonights show, they might of seen it from BBLB

I quite like big tits ... whats her name Lisa no Lea. Was funny when shabaz said she was a bet lynch/jessica rabbit lookalike !
Shes quite down to earth tho and seems generally quite nice.

Oh and Nikki is really pi**ing me off about making a drama out of the BO thing - Bitch ! Alright its not very nice when someone smells but look how embarresed dawn is going to be now.
i like big boobs too, she seems the most normal and mumsy type...

but there is no excuse for BO and then borrowing other peoples clothes, can she not smell it?
I know it it pretty gross, apprantly she never washes. But I think Nikki is being nasty about it by telling everyone and wanting to tell her. She should make subtle hints first.
You never know Dawm could have a problem.

I get smelly armpits & shower every day still - would die if anyone ever said anything to me! I always carry a mini perfume bottle for emergencies tho!
nikki is being a total cow...her voice is soooo irritating.
I'm liking lea more all the time she gives great advice and handles the whole shabaz thing really well.

Dawn seems OK but needs to have more showers, if I was in there I would stop bitching about her on national TV and just tell the long run what will hurt her feelings less?

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