Big Brother 7!!!

dawn has been thrown out of the house for breaking the rules, thats all i know on the matter though!
she has been kicked out for communicating with the outside world?????

how has she done that?????

tell me please?????????????
Hi ladies not been on much lately stioll adjusting to having a little monkey who wants to be constantly fed, I feel like a milking machine :lol:

What can I say about BB - they are a funny bunch but so addictive to watch - to be honest I am so pleased it's on as when I am up in the early hours feeding Jacob I can watch it and they all stay up quite late so there's always something to watch!!

I was pleased that Shabaz left, he was really beginning to irritate me, but I did feel sorry for him when they pinched his clothes when he was swimming. I can't believe that Dawn has been kicked out for communicating with her family - silly girl.

I quite like Pete but am not so struck on Nicki - her whiney voice gets on my nerves and what are the glasses all about she is wearing they are nearly as big as her face :lol:

I think that Bonnie will be evicted tonight - wonder when they put the newbies in to replace Shabaz and Dawn??

Right off to watch the episode from last night, we had to Sky+ it as DH was watching the football!!

Well just watched last nights episode and to be honest Nicki didn't annoy me that much, I was quite warming to her. Not sure about Richard, can't decide if he is a snake in the grass or a decent bloke :? am so looking forward to tonights eviction, whohoo!!!!! :lol:

So who do you want to go??
...I've gotta say Glynn, he's just not doing anything...Bonnie is more feisty and will cause more friction with her straight-talking :twisted:
I like Nicki shes quite funny!!
Glyns boring but so is Bonnie so i reckon it will be Bonnie for the chop tonight!
i think it will be bonnie... did u hear how much the crowd booed when davina said bonnies name at the beginning :shock: lol think she will defo go...!!

jsut watched dawn going... she jus stood there saying 'oh shut up, oh shut up' thought she was more mature than that :think:
I heard that too Kay.

was Bonnies interview with Davina good? i missed it all tonight

Grace is a proper slapper! :shock: Did you see her with george and Mikey tonight?! Lea must be gagging for a bit too cos she's like a dog on heat with all the men!

I dont like anyone in the house after the Shabaz incident. They are all horrid to let him get treat like that! I didn't like the bloke but he didn't deserve to be humiliated like that.

someones gotta win though so i hope its Glyn- he's the only genuine one i think!
God damn this self imposed boycott, seems like I have missed loads. I was reading Heat today and found myself thinking "hmm Pete is quite easy on the eye in that pic"? Now am I blinded by the snake in the pool incident or does anyone else find this? Are they still being nasty? My resolve is weakening, they need to hurry up with celebrity x-factor (did I say that out loud)
lol Beanie you have such a great way of writing things :D

I think Pete is very handsome. The thing that put me off him was when he kept saying he liked Shabaz but he was ignoring him like everybody else and he even left the room with everyone! I know Pete said that he didn't know how to stick up for him but i think that any nice person would've found a way to do it. But he has a nice snake though :D :D

Beanie everyone is still as nasty. Lea is stabbing Lisa in the back, Grace is trying to get off with Mikey AND George, Nicki doesn't want anyone to have eyes for George, Richard is still being a love himself pratt and there's prob loads that i cant remember :?

My OH has boycotted it like you cos he cant stand bitchiness!
:dance: :dance:
ps cant wait for x-factor celebs! I love Simon Cowell :dance:
hearts81 said:
Lea is stabbing Lisa in the back,

literally lol, as I would have to watch that. Why is she doing that? Thought they were mates?

I am officially starting the Pete's snake appreciation society and Hearts you are the first invited member, here is your beret :D
Wooohoooo I'm so honored to be a member :pray: :D

Lea has been pretending to talk to Pete in a caring way but us girlies will realise she's got other intentions. Here's an example of what she was saying cos i cant describe it a sentence-

Lea-"Lisa really really likes you pete"
Pete-"oh does she"
Lea-" yeah she does, oh shes so wicked i love her to bits"
Pete-"yeah shes great but she wont fancy me"
Lea-"no she really likes you! she's wicked i like her a lot"
Pete-" yeah she is wicked!"
Lea- " i think i'm gonna have to stop talking to you as much though"
Lea-" cos i've seen the way Lisa looks at me when i talk to you"
Lea-"shes kinda giving me daggers"
Pete-"no you must be imagining it"
Lea-" no i'll just stay away to make her feel better"

It really did happen that quickly too!!!
oooh, Lisa likes Pete??? No way, she swears more then him and needs to cough. Blimey. :shock: (she can't have him though)
How long have you not watched it for? they both fancy each other but they not together yet. I reckon they will be by tomorrow. They're sharing a double bed!!!
since they were really mean to Shabaz. Blimey they are all fast movers, is there a mass eviction or something as that is what usually makes people pair up.
no lol unless they thought there was. Sezer and Imogen are together properly. Grace and Mikey are snogging all the time but she's trying to get into George, Lisa and Pete fancy each other, and Nicki fancies George. AND Glyn finds Lea sexy and he got a hard on when she gave him a lap dance last night :shock:
lap dance, hard on, snogging - blimey we're only on the first week

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