Did anyone see Big Brother last night?

stephlw25 said:
Makosi is full of crap!!! theres no way she would have said no the money, who would???!!! bet she is well gutted that she didnt go to the diary room instead!!!

I agree! I can't believe she had the cheek to say she wouldn't have taken it! Grrrr....I really don't like her!

I'm so happy Eugene took it. Bless him. I still don't think he quite realises that he's rich!
For someone who was just given £50,000 he was rather calm!!! lol i would be running around screaming my head off thinking what i am gona buy first!!!!
Still rooting for Anthony - who's with me??!!
woho well done Anthony!!!

wow what a reception Makosi got! think she was a bit gutted! she deserved it though after all her lies! it was soooo funny when they were actually booing her off the stage!!!! lol

Well its all over with now, what are we going to do?!!! lol

X-factor is suposed to be starting soon so ill guess ill have to get ingrossed in that!!!
stephlw25 said:
wow what a reception Makosi got! think she was a bit gutted! she deserved it though after all her lies! it was soooo funny when they were actually booing her off the stage!!!! lol

X-factor is suposed to be starting soon so ill guess ill have to get ingrossed in that!!!

ha ha i thought that was great, she thought she was so above everyone else and she was brought down a peg or two, classic!!

i love x facotr, cant wait for that to start again :)

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