Big Brother 7!!!

No he is straight.

Can we please get rid of Nikki. Shabaz aside I have an overwhelming urge to put my foot through my telly whenever I hear that whiney voice and she is so juvenile and nasty. For the sake of my tv (we can't afford to get a new one) she must go.

I am loving Pete though, he is a little (well perhaps not so little after what he showed in the pool :shock: ) darling. Am also really liking Richard and Dawn.
I've sky plus'd it so will watch it tomorrow but have to agree, Shabaz is such a pain in the rear & Nikki is a close second. Sezer is abit of a nobblet too, I can't stand arrogant people, he thinks he's gergeous, personally I think he's just horrid.
Oh dear, I'm turning into a b*tch now :evil:

Liking Pete at the mo. tho.
Having just watched last nights live feed that I had recorded i wasn't too impressed by the editing of tonights show as it missed the build up to why Shabaz stole the food. He was being taunted by Richard and Nikki for ages to make him get his willy out and then when he did to shut them up they were absolutely disgusting with their comments resulting in him wanting to commit suicide and getting very upset. I really liked Richard but now he has gone right down in my estimation, Nikki cannot get any lower she is so spiteful. Fair enough Shabaz is hard work but for grown ups to bully like that to the point of breaking someone then I think this is entertainment going too far. I hope for his sake he is out soon. It really upset me watching it.
omg i cant believe that beanie, i was going to come on and say how much he scared me after seeing him hiding the food last night. he completley freaked me out! i really didnt no thats wot they did to him :shock: some people are so evil. i thought richard was ok too but now am not so sure. shahbaz annoys me and everything but noone deserves to be treated like that.
OMG no wonder Pete got his bits out, it's huuuuuge!! I was like :shock: :lol: when he did it!!!

Shabaz does need to leave for his own sanity. DH says he reckons that he might kill himself after the show.
LMAO rosieroo, i was exactly the same when pete got his bits out... couldnt believe it was like :shock: :shock: :lol: think maybe pete and lisa will get it on :think:

yeh shahbaz needs to leave to save himself.
I had no idea about that shabaz thing beanie...that's terrible.
That's awful about Shabaz....I wondered why he was stealing the food!

I agree about the Richard thing....I had started to like im until he went about calling Shabaz infront of everyone, when he said 'no-one speak to him, he does not exist in this house etc'......when Shabaz was right there, there was absolutely no need for it.
I agree, I thought Lea said that they were all going to get on and there wont be any arguments in the house & not like any other BB. Yeah right! :fib:
I like to watch a bit of a catfight but hate bullying & nastiness, just makes me want to switch off.

Shabaz is a complete nightmare and he would seriously do my head in but Richard was a twat when he said "no one speak to him etc". they should be aloud to speak to who they want.
If he's annoying them that much then why dont they just ignore him when he goes into a drama moment...

Imogean is annoying me a bit now as she keeps saying to everyone that she doesnt particually like Ceser & wouldnt go with him etc then is really flirting with him & giving him the come on signs. Mind you it is quite funny to watch as he's so desperate to get him leg over!

p.s I have a feeling Imogean and Grace are going to turn into the bitchy couple
oh BTW George's face was classic when Pete got his one eyed snake out ! :lol:
It was BIG lol! :lol:

It shows how BB edits the show to make you think certain things about the poeople in there doesn't it. I thought he was bieng a pratt, but I can undersatnd why he flipped now. I hate bullies, and this year they are taking it too far. Nikki and Richard are bullies and everyone is following them like sheep.

I like Pete, he's brilliant, well done to him for going in there with torrets and facing the nation! I think the nation tend to not think about people with torrets and now it's an open thing. Well done him, Pete to win for me at the mo! :D (and not just coz he has a big willy!!)
Yeah right Sami - its not because of his todger :fib: :wink:

I am loving Pete, did anyone watch the psychology show last night, they were talking about Tourettes. Really interesting. I love the way how he does not get involved with any of the bullying and tries to involve everybody. I think he's fab (and big Pete too :D )
LMAO yeh it was MASSIVE!! :wink: :dance:

i agree about imogen duds, shes constantly flirting with sezer and then says she doesnt like him & isnt in 2 him :think: reali strange actually! its funny because one minute sezer is all over imogen and mikey is all over grace, then they swap lol

am hoping pete wins too... and not just because hes a big boy :wink: :D
Yeah no wonder Pete says 'W&nker'a lot' ;)

On the other side though I have no sympathy with any of them as they can walk out at any time and put themselves up for this kind of stuff. They also have other BB's to go on so can't say they had no idea what it would be like etc.

OOOoo I am such a harsh old bat :)

I'm sorry but is anyone watching the show now?

Shabaz asked Mikey if he's got over him stealing the food, Mikey says "yeah" and shabaz says "yeah good, because I've still got decisions to make"
(referring to his big brotherhood nomination/thing)

grrrr. I don't like bullies but he's not helping his case really is he?!

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