Big Brother 7!!!

farewell shabaz

i think that if you are unstable then going on BB is not a good idea.

i agree i think nikki is a bully. i mean i hate the smell of bo but why didnt she just wash the jumper instead of going on and on. cant wait to see if she has the balls to say something to dawn. did you notice that she started bitching about grace, saying that grace didnt like lending her clothes to nikki. and as for that fake crying about pete in the diary room PLEASE
huh? has he really gone???

when did that happen??!

has he defo gone??? or is he back??????????????

i like pete lol hes cute
and i like the blonde big boobed woman she seems the most normal (well not to look at)

i hate nikki!!!

and worse of all lisa :twisted:
i watched the live stream of it last night and im sure he was on that,

or was it the night before :think:
OMG how patronising was Nikki, crying because of Pete's affliction!!!!!????? I hate people like that who patronise others, am sure Pete would prefer Nikki to keep her pity to herself. I watched it in disbelief, stupid cow.
OMG i couldnt believe her she drives me up the wall and her facial expressions when she talks :evil: i have to turn over
I hope Nikki stays in becasue she's so stupid/horrible/strange I think it makes great viewing!!
does any one think its all fake with nikki?or can some one be soooo anoying and spoilt?
I hope it is but there are people that shallow, I have been mates with one.
beanie said:
I hope it is but there are people that shallow, I have been mates with one.

:shock: who who?

Who have you been mates with Beanie?
ohhh lol silly me! :lol:

I got all excited then!
Missed yesterdays so has the paki poof gone then? (he's words!)
she means she has had a shallow friend?? i think because i said

does any one think its all fake with nikki?or can some one be soooo anoying and spoilt?

she replied people can be that shallow she has had a friend like it

im getting confussed :? :doh:
dont no.............

has paki poof defo gone??? any one???? :think:
Yes he's gone!

Oh yeah it was the shallow thing. The new page thing confused us all LOL.
hahaha what are you lot like. Yep i have been mates with a very shallow girl, used to feel sorry for homeless people as they were unable to have nice things but thought they should be off the street as they looked untidy :roll:

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