Did anyone see Big Brother last night?

He cried and it made me cry!!!!!!!!! (those pesky hormones). Did you see Creepy Craigs face when it was announced, he was shocked Eugene was staying. Makosi is also making me angry, I liked her at first but she is just getting on my nerves, crying because she got muddy.
yeah i know, silly cow, but did you notice she had no prob going back on there to push kinga up on the horse thing, shes such a drama queen!!!

Eugene is so sweet when he crys, you just want to go and give him a big hug!

Criags face was a picture lol, made me laugh, hes out next i hope!!
I was telling OH about how I cried when Eugene did, and I started again! :cry: Its official, I am an emotional wreck and a danger to society. I shall stay in until I can control myself!!!!
lol I started crying driving to work the other day for no reason whatsoever, what's all that about?!!
OMG thats another thing I have been finding, if I laugh too hard I really have to go to the loo. That's it ladies I am now going to do 1,000,000 pelvic floor exercises a day. What with the tears and the bladder I feel like I am leaking everywehere (sorry TMI) xxxx :oops:
I wanted Eugene 2 go oh well I just hope he don't win.

But he's so sweet!!! I like him a lot more now Derek's left. OK - he's a wet blanket, but Bless His Cotton Socks!!!

Still want Anthony to win. And I'm not sure how much longer I can bear Craig for - it's driving me mad just seeing him for half an hour - can't imagine what it must be like for the housemates. The way he was smirking last night when Eugene was crying, I thought was a huge case of pot calling the kettle black...! AND when he had the cheek to criticise Kinga for smothering Eugene...............???????
Anthony 45% 940 votes
Craig 3% 52 votes
Eugene 39% 807 votes
Kinga 3% 69 votes
Makosi 10% 205 votes

thats how it stands at the moment, according to the yahoo site, which has been right every week so far as to how is going.
Littlebump, you just said exactly what I said last night!!
Kayl1986 said:
Yeah don't like ne of the housemates much but if ne1 should win it should be anthony. I find Eugene funny did u see him crying last night coz he turned down his tea and scones lol so funny xxx

Totally agreed!!

And Makosi is just evil and up her own ARSE !!
Kim said:
Littlebump, you just said exactly what I said last night!!

Hee hee Kim - glad it's not just me!

And I agree Minikins - Makosi has been entertaining, but doesn't deserve to win
Makosi should be shut in a cupboard for a very very long time.
What was with her phantom pregnancy??!!
A quick fumble in the pool and she's asking for a pregnancy test!
If ONLY it were that easy!
Exactly, you can't tell the day after sex if you are pg anyway and she used to be a nurse so what is she on?!
LOL - that was the final straw for me with Makosi - she's very manipulative which has been entertaining in the house, but trying to manipulate the viewers as well is just stupid.

I'm starting to worry bout Craig, that boy needs some help.

I have to agree with you Kayl - serious therapy needed in that direction!
YAY - he's out!!!!

And well done Eugene. Don't care what Makosi says - everyone in the house would have done exactly the same thing!!
For a minute i thought Eugene was going to say no to the money!!! was scraeming at the telly!! (yes very sad! what will i do after this week is over!!!!lol)

Makosi is full of crap!!! theres no way she would have said no the money, who would???!!! bet she is well gutted that she didnt go to the diary room instead!!!

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