Big Brother and *Racism*

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Not racist IMHO just complete cultural ignorance and childish behaviour!

Danielle saying she should ''f off home'' yeh a little bit below the belt, but I think she only said it to ''impress'' jade (gawd knows why) and I think were all guilty of saying or doing things we didn't mean to impress someone and speaking before thinking!

Jo taking the mick out of her accent - well I don't see a problem with that simply cause I saw that lady Journo that got kicked out (carol I think her name is) saying that a few people took the mick out of her Jordie accent and its no different to that - which I agree with.

Carol also said, its not that bad in the house, there taking say 5 comments made over a 24 hour period and showing them all together etc and making it look bad, but its really not.
Its pathetic, i'm sorry but when my child comes home from school singing baa baa white sheep cuz saying black is racist, thats when things get f**ked up. People play the race card far too easy these days :roll:
claire81 said:
People play the race card far too easy these days


Alot of the problem is the PC brigade - they stir up most of the trouble!

I live in Bradford and there are LOADS of muslims in the area and in all honesty, I see more racism on their side to white/black/Indian folk etc from them, than the other way round, yet all the racism reports in the papers/local news/that get shouted at in the street etc, are from the Muslim side.
I have had racist abuse shouted at me, honky bitch, white slag, etc, but i know my voice wouldn't be heard with the politics we've got in this country!!
claire81 said:
Its pathetic, i'm sorry but when my child comes home from school singing baa baa white sheep cuz saying black is racist, thats when things get f**ked up. People play the race card far too easy these days :roll:
I totally agree with that too! Its baa baa black sheep and always has been! Jaycee sings it like that and she will be singing it at school too! Just shows how pathetic it all is! Nothng like bringing our children into a world full of walking on egg shells!! :x
Jayceesmumma said:
claire81 said:
Its pathetic, i'm sorry but when my child comes home from school singing baa baa white sheep cuz saying black is racist, thats when things get f**ked up. People play the race card far too easy these days :roll:
I totally agree with that too! Its baa baa black sheep and always has been! Jaycee sings it like that and she will be singing it at school too! Just shows how pathetic it all is! Nothng like bringing our children into a world full of walking on egg shells!! :x

Exactly :clap:
If theres one thing I hate its the PC brigade!

How can calling a blackboard a blackboard be racist????????

Im intelligent and considerate enough to know when something could cause offence without being made to feel like a kid over it lol, as everyone else here is and most people I know haha

I got flamed on a different forum once for talking about "Red Indians" - the conversation was about childhood games you know as in cowboys and indians, Im the most un-racist person I know and I got accused of all sorts, didnt go back there :rotfl:

I believe very strongly that things only become offensive when they are shown to be offensive, ie who would have thought that the word Paki actually means clean - Pakistan means "clean-land", and calling someone that really is only like saying that im a Brit because Im from Britain. That wouldnt offend me, but because the word has been used in an offensive content again and again, it has become an insult when it really shouldnt be.

So all the PC brigade are doing is creating more and more ways to insult people by turning innocvnt words and desriptions, and behaviours, into insults.
My little cousin has to sing baa baa rainbow sheep so no races will be offended, its obsurd there is nothing racist about saying black sheep, black board etc.

And if its racist to say black board why is it ok to say white board?

I sit with my white and black friends discussing this and to be fair the black people I know think its as stupid as we do!
Heres a satorical greeting that just shows how ridiculous it has become

Politically Correct Holiday Greeting.

Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low stress,
non-addictive, gender neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or the secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious or secular persuasions and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all.

May you have a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically
uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2007, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped to make our country the uniquely wonderful place that it is (not to imply that our country is necessarily greater than any other country, including yours, should yours be different from mine, but nonetheless including and recognizing the distinctiveness of our country) and without regard to the race, creed, colour, age, physical ability, religious faith, political belief, choice of computer platform or sexual preference of the wishee.

By accepting this greeting, you are accepting these terms. This greeting is subject to clarification or withdrawal. It is freely transferable with no alteration to the original greeting. It implies no promise by the wisher to actually implement any of the wishes for herself or himself or others, is void where prohibited by law and is revocable at the sole discretion of the wisher.

This wish is warranted to perform as expected within the usual application of good tidings for a period of one year, or until the issuance of a subsequent holiday greeting, whichever comes first, and the warranty is limited to replacement of this wish or issuance of a new wish at the sole discretion of the wisher.
Im confused cause \I thought Jade said the other day that she is mixed race.I just think she generally doesnt like shilpa and at least she not being two faced about it.But I do think she is going a bit ott with it all. The one person I think is causing trouble and being a stirrer is Danielle!!Shes the one at the centre of it all!!

lisanat said:
Im confused cause \I thought Jade said the other day that she is mixed race.I just think she generally doesnt like shilpa and at least she not being two faced about it.But I do think she is going a bit ott with it all. The one person I think is causing trouble and being a stirrer is Danielle!!Shes the one at the centre of it all!!


youve reminded me of something, didnt jade ask jermaine if he is black?

Thats pretty damn stupid, and suggests to me she hasnt got the brains to even know what racism is!
lisanat said:
Im confused cause \I thought Jade said the other day that she is mixed race.


:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

If she said that, that is hilarious. I think she has mixed race family members, cousins I think it is but I bet she thinks that makes her mixed race :rotfl:

I think that jade is diliousional to the point that she thinks, the public love her, they public will/do dislike Shipla so the public will applaud or like or whatever the way she is treating her, but how wrong is she!

Jo and Danielle :shakehead: ''bend over Jade and Ill see how far I can stick my tounge up your ass and how brown I can get my nose''

I think her dad was part part black and part white.
well im going to go to east angular not sure what country its in though?

lisanat said:
well im going to go to east angular not sure what country its in though?


hahahahaha :rotfl:

How many "Jadisms" are there????

Maybe someone who doesnt like her is a Jadist.

"Are you dancin? Im dancin!" :dance: :puke:
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