Big Brother 7!!!

Duds i said the same to dh - can anyone really be that dum :shock: ? stupid way to pretend to be as it will get her thrown out pretty quick :lol:
hayley_17 said:
yeh i thought it was imogen aswell keely... could be wrong though :think:

glad everyone hates nikki :evil: she was making me sooo mad!!

shahbaz is strange... he loves to touch!! he would give me the creeps if i was in there!! theres already been arguments between shahbaz and sezer... think that will run on and on...!! just got E4 on and shahbaz has been in the bathroom grooming himself 4 coming up to an hour :shock: lol


I know!!!!!

I have had this on since 8am and he's still in there. And stop talking to the freaking camera you freaking freak! I hate the guy! Such a wannabe. Can't believe he's 37 - acting like a 4 year should have seen the live footage last night around 11-11.30pm. It was all kicking off. EVERYONE was arguing with the prick and he was being a bloody child. As much as first impressions of Richard went on the first night, he seems quite nice and normal now....he had a few words with the personal space freak. Arggghhhh! He's annoying me.....talking to that camera. If anyone has read the Ben Elton book based on being in a big brother house....don't you think Shabaz may have read it and wants to mimic it. If that's the case though, looks like we're in for real trouble.

Nikki - yep. Embarrassed that she's from Herts (??)!!! Last night she thought a boudoir was a perfume - stupid cow. She looks like a tweenie with boobs....your not sexy at all!!!

Lea - joke. Can you sort your eyebrows out as well....spends over £35K on her body but she doesn't put the money and effort into some lovely eyebrows. Yep and I agree.....35. My husband is older than her and if I picture him with her, she's look like she was his grandmother.

God I could go on and on but I'll save it for later when someone else does my head in.

One week of work left and then I'm spending my maternity leave watching BB 24/7 (in between giving birth and looking after my little man of course - god, poor child).

its clear nicki is putting the thick act on to be another jade goody...cause in all honesty jade is annoying but has done alright for herself..only nicki is failing terribly and i hope her and shabaz f'in go cause i just wanna go in that house and kill them lol!!!

cas xx
Shabaz is just dreadful. Always touching everyone. Bet he fancies Richard!
Well what can i say about the contestants this year :think: god what a bunch of freaks will sure make goood reality tv watching if anything else!!!
keely&bump said:
I am confused to everyones attitudes towards petes tourettes. Nicki thinks he is funny when he does it???? so really is she not laughing at him, not with him because he is not doing it to be funny!

Am I awful to find it funny. I know its a illness but I cant help but laugh when he says w****r.
Layla I think it was Imogen that got into bed with the one that loves himself I think cos I could hear a welsh accent when she was whispering to him about the water. xx

Havent got time to read all your posts so sorry if this has already been discussed but I am so mad!!!

AGAIN cable have no interactive big brother!!!!! Rang telewest today and first they said there would be no interactive atall this year then they said they were in talks with channel 4.

I tell you what I'm getting sky!

Lou :evil:
yep I agree, Nikki is an actress I think or a plant as she cannot be for real, ok the others are nutters and unusual etc, but there is something that is not quite right there!!
I just had a thought...when Davina says "you are live on channel 4 please do not swear" What will they do about Pete??
Urchin...I said exactly the same thing to OH last night when we were watching it!! :lol:

That's going to be funny!!......I bet she changes what she says!
BTW I totally agree with everyone about Nikki.....what is she??!!

What was all that rubbish last night about not being able to drink tap water? Even if you don't like it, if you're 'dehydrated' you'll drink it!
What a muppet!
I really hope she's the last to get her suitcase!
Get her out....well her or Sezar, I can't stand him either!
Why did he have do start all that up in front of everyone about Shabaz....surely if he had a problem about him he should have pulled him to one side a had a word? Why did he have to be so nasty....and in front of everyone else!
I really don't like him.
ok after last night i want to slap nikki what a drama queen spoilt brat is a phrase that springs to mind. She was sooo over reacting and wasnt even crying properly its like when kids do it to get something they want! And shabaz(sp) what the hell is he on going on about acting he's like a mother hen in there and another drama queen i cant stand people like that its like the world has to revolve around them!

I love pete though i always think tourettes is odd though why is it always swearing and how come its always the same word?!
i was laughing at her so much last night, i cant belive the other house mates havnt done the same yet!

oh am loving it already!!

i didn't think anyone could be a s thick as jade goody but yep they found her!! :lol:

Shobaz is annoying but sezar is a bully and i don't like bullies he has to go hes so full of it! :talkhand:
BB comes round quicker every year, I LOVE it..It will help the summer fly. We always have a BB party on final night, we have food and drink begining with the letter "B"!! Ha ha. Sad arent I??!!

I am loving Pete, he is such a sweetie and the tourettes is fascinating!! And Leah is so genuine, I really like her (her boobies are MAD though!!!)
Nikki is the most annoying squirt ever. And Shabaz...aaarrrggghhhh. He would drive me mad with all the touchy feely stuff. Richard makes me laugh, he looks disgusted eveytime he looks at Shabaz, like he has fallen off his shoe!!!

Lovin it :dance: :lol: :dance: :lol:

Am awaiting my approval to post on the channel 4 big brother forum. It looks like a right laugh and theres a link for ntl and telewest customers to watch the live feed. hooray!

Lou :)
davina said:
can anyone tell me is seezer gay as well.

Apparently not.

OMG forget nicky for annoying! Shabaz went way over her on the annoyance scale today. I hate him!

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