Big Brother 7!!!

what heaven story???

Lowering the tone did anyone see how much he "filled" his boxers when he was wrestling with Glyn the other night :shock:
The bit at the end when he said his dead friend told him he was going to win BB, and Pete said if he didn't it would mess up his belief in heaven and stuff.

Didn't see that bit, have been avoiding it as I hate Nikki. If I wanted to watch a spoilt brat throwing a tantrum then I'd watch House of Tiny Tearaways.
beanie said:
what heaven story???

Lowering the tone did anyone see how much he "filled" his boxers when he was wrestling with Glyn the other night :shock:

He SO likes boys! Where's your rudey smiley gone Kina??
ARGH I was so annoyed watching them all give in to her tantrum.

AND she KNOWS the public (her fans anyway) love the tantrums so she's going even more OTT on purpose. I HATE HER I HATE HER I HATE HER!

Going right off Pete too...where was he when she was going loopy at Glyn? He should have been right in there saying "sort it out love you look like a 2 year old" Instead when he did show up he just gave her a hug. Doesn't he watch Supernanny? you don't reward bad behaviour! :lol:

Still want Pete or Dickie to win, the best of a bad bunch :evil:
The (ahem) 'bummin' one that Davina got upset about on the Superman thread. Hee hee! :)
grrr little minx brendan roth is not gay :x

ashleyne or richard to win.

did you see ashleyne crying when she saw herself on her interview. she was a stupid ghetto girl at the beginning but i quite like her now.

love richard.

brendan is straight :x
I would like Ashlene more if she didn't WAIL everytime something happens to her. Also when she's excited she SCREAMS really loud over and over again.
"AAAAAAAAHHHHHH OH MY GOD WHOOOOOOAOAOAOAOAOA" She's so high pitched she's like a baboon! Why does she do it!?
Sorry she'd give me a migraine!
davina said:
grrr little minx brendan roth is not gay :x

ashleyne or richard to win.

did you see ashleyne crying when she saw herself on her interview. she was a stupid ghetto girl at the beginning but i quite like her now.

love richard.

brendan is straight :x

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I loved the Aisleyne 'ghetto girl' clip. It's obvious they have to portray some larger than life character just to get in the house these days and I thought she was suitably embarrassed :oops: Ash to win!!!

Davina, You know I'm only jokin :wink:
little minx it is perfectly ok to fancy someone who is gay. i mean in the 80's i bet a lot of the population fancied George Michael. (even though Mr Roth is not gay).

:lol: :lol: :lol:
If any of your hubbys get the 'NUTS' Magazine earlier this year Nikki was in it as the back in readers pics or something like that.

She's just in it for the money - probably why she is like a leach on Pete.

Even Pete is irriating now!

Richard or Glyn to win!!

Can you imagine Nikkis face if either of those two won!!! :rotfl:
LittleMinx said:
The (ahem) 'bummin' one that Davina got upset about on the Superman thread. Hee hee! :)

Was it this one?
who said it is a gay thing, it could be a girl emoticon at the front who just likes it from behind :lol:
Grrrr to Aisleyne - I'm glad she was shocked and upset by her attitude on her audition tape, it STANK!

I still like Nikki, she is genuinely funny, yes childlike, but the house needs livening up! How many times do people sell crap stories to make a bit of cash like the Pete Docherty one (not that I ever saw this)? How do we know it's anymore real than the other crap the Sun or other tabloids comes up with?

I think Nikki geuinely likes Pete, and I think she has changed, just like Aisleyne has.

I like Glyn, will be happy if Glyn, Pete or Nikki won. Jennie is nice too, but not a likely candidate to win.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: well said Sami :) I too genuinely like Nikki, she liked Pete when she was in the house first time but he kept knocking her back. I would be upset if she was playing him though, he doesn't deserve that, but I don't think that she is!! Was hilarious when Pete said that Ash looked like Pete Burns in her audition tape :rotfl: :rotfl: I would like Pete to win then Nikki and Glynn but don't mind in which order!!!


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