Big Brother 7!!!

Yeah, there was nothing happening other then the usual Nikki moaning and Pete & Nikki draped over each other - i actually fell asleep - so i have to agree it was boring........ come on Friday...... then ready for the next addiction as x-factor starts on saturday! yay
i like the x-factor but think it gets boring the last few weeks but i cant help but watch it as you know when that finnishes its soon time for santa :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer:
I like the X Factor at first when you get all the hopeless cases on there. I know I'm mean but it's funny!! :lol:
OMG Nikki is doing my head in!!!! Argh! I think I will hv to turn telly over!

OH just made a good point - obviously we are all in agreement that she is playing up for the camera's cos she's seen previous footage when she was out..... but she's gone back in there thinking she's a celebrity, she has had a taste of the paparazzi/ popularity (?)/ everyone wanting to talk to her etc...... and she thinks she is a more important Nikki than she was when she was in there first time round.

Stamping her feet and demanding the heating on..... well the other 5 are barely wearing any clothes and aren't shiverring, she doesn't give a damn whether the temperature is ok for everyone else, she has to be at the right temperature for here.

Here's a thought Nikki - every time you ask for the heating on, your wearing hotpants and a skimpy top - with your coat on to make it look like you are trying to keep warm - why don't you put on a pair of trousers, and a jumper if you are that cold you waste of energy!

Rant out the way now - thanks! :oops: :shakehead:
OMG I am seriously going off Pete. What is this obsession with wanting to win?? It is all he is going on about, and he is really angry with Ash because he thinks her speach will lose it for him. No mate your attitude will lose it for you, trouser snake or no trouser snake!!!! It was a speech that's all, and as for Nikki :roll:
Predictions for tomorrow....

1) Pete
2) Aisleyne
3) Glynn
4) Richard
5) Nikki
6) Jenny

That's what I think the order WILL be. What do you reckon?
LittleMinx said:
Predictions for tomorrow....

1) Pete
2) Aisleyne
3) Glynn
4) Richard
5) Nikki
6) Jenny

That's what I think the order WILL be. What do you reckon?

You might be right...... I'm gonna go for:

1. Glyn
2. Pete
3. Aisleyne
4. Richard
5. Nikki
6. Jenny

I think Pete has been a bit too boring this last week since Nikki went in, it's gonna be close at the top I reckon, but no debating the bottom three - well maybe a different order, but i don't think any of them will find themselves in the top three?! Not long to go now, then its over for another series (quite grateful, was gettin a bit bored of it :sleep: !)
OH Pete is starting to see the light now, it would seem

Next Nikki - who pocketed a joint award with Aisleyne - revealed she wasn't happy. Coming to the Diary Room, she let rip at Big Bro, seething that she'd been overlooked for a gong of her own.

"It's disappointing. I've had the most amazing experience and it's gone unnoticed," she whined.

But balling her eyes out over such trifles got Pete perplexed.

"'s a tad scary innit?" he confided in Glyn in the garden.

"You love her?" asked the Welsh lad.

"Yeah, of course," he confirmed. "It's just I wish she'd stay happy for more than ten minutes. It's quite hard. When you're having a good time and then, y'know..."

"What? A little thing gets her down?" asked Glyn.

"Yeah, a nothing thing. It's a shame," Pete said thoughtfully.

A bit later, Pete was still stressing, and Glyn was pulling no punches.

"I'm sorry to say it mate but her attitude is self-obsessed," he stated.

"It's a bit weird. I try and hug her and she won't," explained Pete, who then became defiant.

"It's my final night. I'm not gonna be her puppy. If she's not gonna look at me and cuddle me and be miserable just 'cos I got some awards, it's not gonna phase me."
is that todays?

my prediction is

1 pete
2 glyn
3 ashlyene
4 richard
5 jenny
6 nikki :pray:

i cant stand that girl she is just a spoiled pre madonna. she has more tantrums than my six year old niece!!!
last night was the first time i didnt watch it :shock: just after wednesday night i thought it was so boring and refused to watch it so i bet i missed something exciting :lol:

my prediction is

1 pete
2 glyn / richard
3 ashlyene
4 jenny
6 nikki

cant decide who will win between glyn and richard but i think the final 3 will be very colse but i still :pray: would love pete to win and get shot of nikki and come live with me :D :lol: :rotfl:
1 pete
2 glyn
3 ashlyene
4 richard
5 jenny
6 nikki

I agree with Davina :)

Am glad Pete is starting to see Nikki for what she is!
Pete does seem to be fixated on winning now but looking at it from his point of view the other housemates are savvy and have been bigging him up and telling him he's a winner from day one.

Plus I bet Nikki with her outside world knowledge (making the whole thing a FARCE!!) has whispered to him he's popular. the cameras don't catch everything I'm sure.

So you can't really blame him :roll:
can't wait for the final and for it then to be over it was a tad long this year and i need to get my life back!! until x factor that is :rotfl: at least thats only once a week!!
i love the x-factor but wish it was on more than once a week :( i love watching the daft people who think they are the most amazing singers and cant sting 2 notes together and seeing their faces after simon has his say it just makes me laugh so much

roll on tomorrow :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
I reckon it will be -

1) Glyn
2) Pete
3) Nikki
4) Ash
5) Richard
6) Jenny

But then again pete might win, oh I just don't know. My estimations in Pete went down when he was saying about his premonition/dream from his mate that died & felt like he said that so people would feel sorry for himm
Arghh so fraustated, I have avidly follwed BB from the begining this series and now tonight on the final night Im bloody working from 9pm till 1:30am and will miss pretty much the whole thing! Im so gutted.

Does anyone know if its repeted on Ch4 the following day so I can at least see what happened?
It's repaeated from about 9am on T4 (channel 4) tomorrow morning :D

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