Big Brother 7!!!

:oops: sorry over familier ther calling you Hayles :oops: sorry
My OH was up late doing his essay and was watching BB live. He told me at about 2am, Nikki and Pete were in bed snogging continuously for about an hour! Bless them!
i wud love to look as good as davina does pregnant i no she has people 2 do make up etc but she always seems so radient!!! well cept yest on bblb wen her hair was greasy lol made me feel gr8 till i seen her on the eviction show!!!! lucky sod tht she is!!!
maybe im being a bit sceptical and i hope im wrong but i think nikki and petes relationship is a bit false, more so from nikkis side :shock: sorry i think shes doing it to win and i feel sorry for pete, but i hope im wrong and they are very happy. :shakehead:
Rusks I said the same to my Dh this morning - I hope that she does genuinely like him, would hate for him to be hurt as he is coming across really really keen.

i think that its a bit false as well, as she initially wanted to be a footballers wife. i think pete looks a bit too soapy for nikki as well. shes too high maintenance as well
I have to agree, she has obviously taken a firendship with Pete, then seen how popular he is on the outside and thought 'kerching'! She wants to be in OK magazine every week, then have a famous footballer keep her in expensive clothes and make up! Shallow - from day one!

She is playing her tantrums up as well since she saw how much footage was dedicated to them!
Pete in the BB nightclub - funniest thing I've seen all year! Even my mum phoned me halfway through to check I was watching! :rotfl:
aww i missed it last night was watching stupid Mr and Mrs Smith.

what happened in the nightclub, intrigued.

by the way in Mr and Mrs Smith, is the other bloke Jennifer Anistons latest squeeze.
I hate Nikki would just love to go slap her face and get her to grow up.
She was wingeing for a towel!!
Watching Pete and Nikki made me feel ill! I just hope that Nikki isn't using him i think if she did win (god noo :pray: ) she'd be off with out a though for Pete.
Sad thing is she will probably make load of money from photo shoots etc.
She is a right madam.
Hypnorm said:
I hate Nikki would just love to go slap her face and get her to grow up.
She was wingeing for a towel!!
Watching Pete and Nikki made me feel ill! I just hope that Nikki isn't using him i think if she did win (god noo :pray: ) she'd be off with out a though for Pete.
Sad thing is she will probably make load of money from photo shoots etc.
She is a right madam.

oh thank goodness i am not the only one who felt sick! i was eating my breakfast watcing this morning and i had to turn off!

I hate her too, don't worry, her and Pete snogging and giggling all the time like little kids is just :puke: I've gone right off Pete because of it.
davina said:
aww i missed it last night was watching stupid Mr and Mrs Smith.

what happened in the nightclub, intrigued.

by the way in Mr and Mrs Smith, is the other bloke Jennifer Anistons latest squeeze.

LOL davina i was watching it too (wasnt as good as i thought it would be!!)

I think as Nicki has been out in the public she obviously knows that Pete has a high chance of winning, so as someone else has already said shes probley thinking.....kerching!
I used to love Pete and Nikki but have to admit watching them drooling all over each other is making me wanna turn the tv off. I voted Nikki back in to liven the house up, and to hear her moan cos I thought it was funny, NOT to watch her and Pete all over each other. I'm put off both of them. Glyn to win!!!
no kim richard to win richard to win richard to win richard to win richard to win richard to win
I agree, i used to think it was quite sweet but now it makes me :puke: o put it politely. To be honest i'm not sure if it's 100% genuine on nikki's part, from when i've been watching it, dunno if anyone else has noticed but a lot of the timw when they're hugging or whatever, nikki's focus seems to be looking straight into the cameras as if to say ha ha i've got him kinda thing? Or am i just seeing things!!

But all in all i'm kinda glad it;s ending this week, seems to have gone on forever, plus it;s almost x-factor time woohoo!!
I can't wait for the X Factor :D

Was watching it live earlier on, the housemates have to do a musical of all theb housemates times in the house, Nikki pulled one of her famous strops cos she couldn't have her own way! All in all though she has been alot quieter since coming back in!!


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