Big Brother 7!!!

Haven't watched it for the last week so am reading this to keep up. Glynn is being punished? I presume for jumping the wall? What is his punishment??

What a surprise Nikki is back in, couldn't see that one happening. She has a forehead like a scrotum :rotfl:
Hmmm, Glyn will vote Lea so lets BAN him from the decision to ensure it's Nikki.

FARCE!!! :roll:
I dont like Grace at all but when they were out and Lea said 'dont boo her its her bday' and the crowd erupted into a massive boo, I couldnt help feel that was a bit harsh. What a way to remember your 21st bday - the nation booing you!

LMAO at Nikki screeching in the diary room and then shed a tear at the reunion - Pete to win, Glyn second, Nikki third and Richard fourth please!
i wanted imogin to win, i hate the rest of them.

glyn was funny but now just iratating hes so dumb i cant stand how slow he is

pete is the worst hes creepy i sit there for 3mins waiting him to get one word out he only has torets in the diary room :fib:

Ashlene i used to love her she was a getto girl spoke her mind said it how it was now she wants to be nikki and crys and moans like her lifes so hard
(i read she is a rich girl aswell her daddys minted)

Richard is to puffy he makes me cringe after a while

Jenny, im sure she has a willy shes so manly and such a follower she sucks ashlenes bum and copies pete all day

finished dont no where all that came from. lol im a jackle and hide some times :oops:
I want Rich to win and I liked Imogen at the end.

Littleminx it was always going to happen :roll:
When Nikki got voted back in, when she realised it was her, did anyone else hear her say...

'It feels like im having my first orgasm!!!'

Hmmmmmmm, didnt quite know what to make of that :shock:

But I still love Nikki and Pete, they are cute.

Wasnt their reunion sweet??
just mortified i have to watch nicki for another week :(
glyn to win pete 2nd ash 3rd
wish richard had gone i hate him imogen should have stayed :( xxx
I am so pleased that NIkki went back in :D the reunion with pete was ace :D I want Glynn to win too, but i think it will be pete. I say Pete to win, Glynn second anfd Nikki third!

i want davina to win :lol: :lol:

couldnt care who won, they all get on my nerves. what was that awful noise that nikki was making as she was putting on her lippy.

be mortified if any of my boys brought home a girl like her.
Davina made me laugh sooooo much last night

"stop making me laugh i'll go into labour"

Did any body else notice Davina semed to wince at one point and hold her belly????

that scared me a little, i had visions of her going of stage and having it and being back on Friday 'cos there is no way she would miss the final :shock:
I saw that!!
I had this image in my head of when the cameras went off she'd be like "this baby is coming"

She'd have the baby on live tv if it meant not missing the final i thing!!!
Glad you saw it Hayles, i thought i had imagined it!!!!

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