Big Brother 7!!!

whilst i was looking for that pic i saw one of Jim Carrey as the riddler and facial expressions were just like petes!!!!!
No amount of make-up can cover that gopping face! She's lucky to have the good legs to compensate! Ooo, I'm a nasty bee-atch!

PETE to win :clap:
Did anyone else get nauseaus seeing mikey and grace at it for publicity (blatently) again :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:
did you see Grace in the dairy room just then?

AAGGHHH I cant stand her!!!

Sorry I'm gonna rant!

Mikey..what a w****r.

He brought up with Imogen how Ashlene has said something about him after he was evicted. THEN he sneaks in, "oh, she said it to you and YOU were saying things about me too" GRRRR I mean, he's said things about everyone else when they've been eveicted.
And Grace smirking in the corner letting Mikey have a go at imogen about it. It made me mad as hell!
mikey is a total t***er.

what was grace doing in the diary room missed it last night :(
Niki and Pete pineing for each other last night was so cute!

i hope she goes in today!

what happened with grace in the diary room, please tell me i am aching with anticipation
Grace got to go into the main house for 21 mins to celebrate her 21st birthday!

She spent the whole time with Glynn, Pete ignored her in the bathroom, and Aisleyne tried to confront her but she shrugged it off.

Very excited about tonight! Do we think Nikki is a forgone conclusion or could it be Lea?Think BB has been up to old tricks moving Richard and Imogen......

Imogen will go, Richard won't get to help choose (one Lea vote gone) so it's bound to be Nikki. So orchestrated!! :roll:
i wonder what glynns punishment will be tonight?!

haha see grace saying she would confront ashliene if she went back in but she didnt say anything to her??
any1 watch bblb?? wi glynn sayin how he never wanted 2 b ejaculated 4m the house LMAO :rotfl:
god Grace is all mouth, saying she was going to have her beef with Aisleyne. and when she got her chance she bottled it! and then went back in the dairy room and acted all hard, ugh! i hate it when people do that, why doesnt she just sound off like shes says shes going to do...wimp!


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