Big Brother 7!!!

Kina said:
Noooo! What if they vote out Pete to get rid of the competition?

I doubt whoever goes in really stands a chance of if they vote out Pete the public will hate them!
was i the only one but i couldnt pick 4 out of that group last night who should go in. i picked nikki but other than her i didnt give a toss.
roll on when it finnishes

im really upset with glyn though for voting to nominate pete :shock: im sure it was him :think: but i thought they were really good mates but i didnt hear the reason why as i was bathing colby and OH just told me that someone voted pete up for nominations :(

I think when someone started talking about nikki going back in cant rememeber who it was a while ago i think it just goes to show now that it has all been a fix and she will return :wall:

cant wait till x-factor starts again though i love it but it gets boring towards the end i just love all the people who think they are amazing singers ( sorry i shouldnt be typing this here someone please satrt and x-factor sticky soon so i can yap on about simon mmmmmmmmm *slebbers over pc* )

weestar NNNNOOOOOO not simon high pants cowell, yuck :puke:

Glyn nominated pete basically because he fancies ashlyene, then he later regreted his decision saying that Ashleyne was all about her.

but pete voted for glyn as he said that he thought that no one else would have voted for him
:shock: what i would do to spend an hour with simon :oops: :lol:

i suppose it must havebeen hard to nominate as they all must have a sort of bond since they are the only ones left but the look on all their faces when they saw the rejects in the diary room so funny :rotfl: :rotfl:
:puke: i would sing to him that would make him :puke: as well.

yep i did see their faces. the only ones that appeared to look genuinely happy were pete and glyn. how do you think they will vote.

as we dont know whos leaving on friday i think

pete - nikki
glyn - mikey
richard - lea
imogen - grace
ashleyne - (she kept saying i want nikki) but i think she will mickey
jenny - lea (i dont know)

any thoughts
davina said:
as we dont know whos leaving on friday i think

pete - nikki
glyn - mikey
richard - lea
imogen - grace
ashleyne - (she kept saying i want nikki) but i think she will mickey
jenny - lea (i dont know)

any thoughts

yeah i think that too although i do think nikki will be the one who goes in, but what happens if they cant decide will BB just put one in as i think this is where the fix will be. Noone of the housemates will agree on who they want to bring back and then it will be left to davine maybe :think: then itwill be nikki who is put in. I just hope that whoever is put back in BB make their last wee while hell :twisted: :twisted: :lol:
if nikki goes in and she has to vote out one of the remaining housemates she will def go for Ashleyne (did i already type this) :lol:
Well Glynn has apparently jumped over the wall into the house next door and is going to be severely punished on Friday for it .... will they throw him out or will he have to vote someone out I wonder?!

Nikki had only been in the HND a couple of hours and was already moaning about being cold .... go nikki!!!!!!

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

cant believe glyn has done that hahahahaha didnt think he had the bottle to do anything like that :rotfl:
looking forward to friday now :lol:
Cant believe that bloody Grace is back in :roll: She is more ugly than I first thought!! I thought Lea is looking much better and more classy

Thats funny about Glyn ! Dont rekon he'll get chucked out but they will make him do something terrible I bet.
ok just been watching it live (i was watching friends and E4 was left on thats why!!! honest!! :lol: )
And...Imogen and Richard are in the house next door with The other 4 ???
I reckon Lea has had her lips done, what do you all think??
i can't believe the public voted grace in!! can't they remember how bad she was!! :shakehead:

I think that mikey will go back into the house and imogen will be evicted on Friday. :shakehead:

Am i the only one also that isn't so keen on nikki, don't get me wrong she is good entertaiment sometimes ...but also she can be a right whinger and awful to watch when she is on one!! :talkhand:
he climbed up on the roof and knocked on the house next door, apparently hes going to be severely punished on friday for it!! :shock:
Yeah Richard and Imogen are living next door until Friday, apparently only the one who is not evicted will return to the main house.


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